America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Moderateman's Articles » Page 4
August 26, 2008 by Moderateman
This is how the acceptance speech of Hussein Obama will be, it has already been written in big words so he can read them from the teleprompter. " As I stand here today the newly elected Messiah oops President of the World oops again I meant the United States I make the following promises, to work with the other party, right after I ban them from existence. I will personally stop the warming of the planet by banning all cars, trucks, trains and airplanes including jets from American soil, I...
August 21, 2008 by Moderateman
Are lawyers running our country? you be the judge in this case I lay out. Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton are lawyers. Bill Clinton and John Edwards are lawyers. Al Gore went to law school but failed to graduate {something that somehow never gets mentioned by the main stream media}. Gerald Ford, was a Lawyer who left office 31 years years ago was also a lawyer and the only Republican among the bunch. The natural consequences of viewing everything through the eyes of lawyers, is that phar...
August 19, 2008 by Moderateman
While the attention of some of the country will be focused on the Democratic Convention, they have already laid out what their main platform will be. Since we already know Hussein has NOTHING of any substance to offer the country besides a winning smile and the ability to read a teleprompter, the platform will be all about McCain, trying their best to say that Bush is running for a third term through McCain. Hussein has already shown when he does not have the answers printed out in fr...
August 7, 2008 by Moderateman
I received a letter {yes snail mail does exist} from a friend that live in Bristol England; A short while ago those "peaceful" had a Muslim and I quote " A Religious Peaceful Demonstration" {GAG} IN LONDON. THE DEMONSTRATORS STATED UNEQUVATVLY that their aim was to take over England. A  few of the "peaceful signs carried by them were as follows: "be prepared for the real Holocaust" Lets remember that British schools do not teach about the Holocaust in WW2 because it might offend the...
August 6, 2008 by Moderateman
Tyson chicken has decided to deep six labor day in favor of making the day into a Muslim holiday!   How much more insulting can An American company get?
July 31, 2008 by Moderateman
Rant number one is for the powers that be in Joeuser. I have not been featured in over six months!, To say that none of my article have not been worthy of  a feature for six months is just so much bullshit! My Blog rating is five for how many articles I write, My overall blog rating is 10th in popularity, yet I am stuck on on the second level of status, while folks with less popular blogs are rated higher that I am. yes I like to be acknowledged for my works.   Rant two: Since...
July 30, 2008 by Moderateman
Senators Obama and McCain really need to change their position on drilling for oil in ANWR. Most politicians have a long history of FAILURE on the nations need for energy. Senators Obama and McCain are NOT advocating doing anything that will bring down the prices of gas and food. Like most politicians they blame "big oil" or "big speculators" for these as of yet unsolved problems, and they do not see that it is the members of our Congress, {with their 9% approval rating} who are the blam...
July 24, 2008 by Moderateman
I bet most of you that clicked on this thought this was going to be another G-d article or another in a long line of Jesus freak articles. WRONG on both counts. My question is really a simple one. Can a man kill another man in a fight and be considered a good man and citizen if this man has never broken any laws for 40 years since then? This man has raised a family, instilled in them a respect for G-ds law and mans law but is not sorry in the least for the killing.
July 20, 2008 by Moderateman
Affirmative Action A.K.A. give minorities a much better chance at getting the job; getting into the school; getting the much needed scholarship; getting the loan; getting the raise; getting the elevation in job status and on and on all because they are what? Black, Latino or some other than white minority EXCEPT A JEW OF COURSE, SOMEHOW JEWS DO NOT COUNT AS A MINORITY when it comes to affirmative action! But I digress. This of course is racism pure and simple, much like the racism of the firs...
July 17, 2008 by Moderateman
 A federal judge has ruled to allow the first Guantanamo Bay war crimes trial to move forward, blocking an appeal by lawyers for Salim Hamdan, a former driver for Usama bin Laden. His trial is scheduled to begin on trial Monday. He is the first defendant in a special military commission system set up to prosecute detainees at the Navy base in Cuba. Other detainees, including Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, are awaiting trials of their own. This Evil Man I personall...
July 15, 2008 by Moderateman
While I find the man himself an interesting character be he for real or just made up stories for the masses. The message left from the stories about him are indeed good ones, love thy neighbor, be of good character, be humble, Etc! While the deeds done in his name have not followed any of his teachings, The inquisition, the crusades, the discrimination of the Jews; the huge split among the Christians themselves into many, many fractions, all of them believing theirs is the only way to G-ds do...
July 14, 2008 by Moderateman
For those of us with pets I highly recommend the Dyson Dg-15 Animal If you are smart and have a credit card you can buy it for around 458.00 online, {I will not post the site as I am not a commercial for any online site} If you try to purchase it in a store get ready to part with 650.00 or more for the same unit. I had a bag less hoover wind tunnel {stolen from Dyson after they turned his design down} {they were sued by Dyson in 1999 and he won BTW, for Patent infringement} Anyways afte...
July 11, 2008 by Moderateman
Not that I like Jesse Jackson, after all he is one of the biggest racist on the planet! His comment about the Senator was one that was supposed to not be caught on microphone, but it was! My opinion about it is that is was simply a comment made from a man that sees his little empire slipping away, no longer will Jesse and his main man Al Sharpton will be the head Negroes in town and Jesse hates that! Another Black-man getting more news and face time than he is! Oh the pain! Oh the agony! ...
July 3, 2008 by Moderateman
On May 21st, 2008, Senator Dianne Feinstein {D.CA.}, A Multi Millionaire, who was recently accused of benefiting from her position in the Senate, Reprimanded the top executives of the five largest oil companies : "you rack up record profits... quarter after quarter":also Senator Pat Leahy {D. VT} also a multi Millionaire upbraided the same executives by saying: "The people we {the Senate} represent are hurting and the companies you represent are profiting" Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schul...
June 30, 2008 by Moderateman
Due to the many injuries I have suffered in my life, broken bones, gunshot wounds, {one of them 1 and 1/2 inch from my spine} one shattered my right elbow, one shattered my right shin bone and one broke my right thigh bone; as I have aged I have been in considerable pain and my Dr. decided to put me on morphine therapy six years ago. Due to my drug use years ago I had built up quite a tolerance to opium of all kinds {that would include morphine} so the dose he built me up to is very high...