America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Moderateman's Articles In Ethics
November 7, 2008 by Moderateman
I have already begun to see some Republicans start to denounce President-Elect Obama, before he takes office. This is what the Liberal loons did to Bush! I personally will not behave that way and think that right minded Conservatives should take a wait and see approach stance to the next four years or else they will be behaving just like the Liberal lunatics did with Bush, Hated him for no reason; poison filled hatred at that! I personally do not ever want to emulate a LIBERAL even on this sc...
July 20, 2008 by Moderateman
Affirmative Action A.K.A. give minorities a much better chance at getting the job; getting into the school; getting the much needed scholarship; getting the loan; getting the raise; getting the elevation in job status and on and on all because they are what? Black, Latino or some other than white minority EXCEPT A JEW OF COURSE, SOMEHOW JEWS DO NOT COUNT AS A MINORITY when it comes to affirmative action! But I digress. This of course is racism pure and simple, much like the racism of the firs...
March 12, 2008 by Moderateman
What would you do if your husband or wife spent 80,000 yes that's EIGHTY THOUSAND dollars on a hooker over the last ten years and you finally found out? This is what the ex-governor of New York Mr. Clean himself Eliot Spritzers wife is looking at right now, and there she is "ahem" standing by her man instead of cutting his unmentionables off!
July 12, 2007 by Moderateman
While reading and responding to another article...  ..The discussion about trust came up and I decided MORE needs to be said about the issue, so here I am asking the question. Is trust to you a 100% kind of thing? It is to me, Either I trust someone or I don't. period. I hear people saying "oh yes I trust so and so except for...[ add anything you want to this sentence] To ME this shows one thing and one thing only, that the per...
June 21, 2007 by Moderateman
 While I was leaving a comment in another article I was struck by a few similarities between welfare bums and politician bums. Let me know if you can think of any more. Both welfare bums and politician bums live off the public taxpayer, they receive their check courtesy of you and I, yet we have no say so how either one can spend it. Both welfare bums and politician bums have free health care, again who pays for it? you and I do. In many cases Politicians have a life long job. Many...
November 2, 2006 by Moderateman
 Are the arguments for eugenics gaining momentum in America? Eugenics is the platform for improving the human race by applying the same principal we use with plants, vegetables and animals. Supposedly the application of eugenics will develop better, healthier, smarter and stronger human beings. Adolph Hitler and his regime experimented with eugenics in trying to build a "master race".   I am wondering if any of you folks see the benefits of eugenics or do you think it is an...
October 15, 2006 by Moderateman
 Just a random question. Who is the most ill? A person with no illness at all yet fakes it for sympathy? Such as I have Cancer and am dieing, but does not have it at all? A person with a mental disease, or a person that fakes a mental disorder to be "special"  
April 16, 2006 by Moderateman
This is a real simple question. Would you cut Usama Bin Laden's Throat deep enough to kill him? There would be NO legal consequences for doing this. You would be just an anonymous person hidden behind a mask so no one would ever know it was you that did it. Now remember taking his life would save the lives of thousands!! This is an ethical question and a moral value judgement only you can decide.
November 28, 2005 by Moderateman
With all the kill tookie williams debate going on and state sanctioned MURDER IS OK WITH SOME HERE. All I have to add is In my heart I KNOW at least one innocent person sat in there cell awaiting death by state murder and DID not do it! How any of you pro state murder people can live with yourself is wayyyyyyy beyond me! I hope you all sleep well at night knowing you have sanctioned the murder of an innocent and this and this alone makes you no different than home grown terrorist...
May 6, 2005 by Moderateman
bias, one definition,{a partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation } Racist: based on racial intolerance; "racist remarks" a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others discriminatory especially on the basis of race or religion I have heard the term "racist thrown around alot in my life, but what if a person IS NOT A RACIST,. but bias about race or religion? I grew up in a ghetto, a place that I experenced religious persac...