America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
From My Secret Agent Inside the DNC
Published on August 26, 2008 By Moderateman In Humor

This is how the acceptance speech of Hussein Obama will be, it has already been written in big words so he can read them from the teleprompter.

" As I stand here today the newly elected Messiah oops President of the World oops again I meant the United States I make the following promises, to work with the other party, right after I ban them from existence.

I will personally stop the warming of the planet by banning all cars, trucks, trains and airplanes including jets from American soil, I will turn around the deficit simply by refusing to honor any debts incurred by any other administration before ME!

I will end the war on terrorism by inviting all terrorists to America, giving them a new house and car, {they will be the only ones allowed to drive} oh yeh and me too! I will show my trust in Osama bin Obama by making his the Secretary of Defense.

I have decided to annex Canada and Mexico as our 58Th and 59Th states. Bill and Hillary Clinton's citizenship has been revoked and after sundown tonight anyone that sees them has a Presidential Pardon if they decide to kill them both.

The new tax law will be simple anyone making more than 100,000 to 1,000,000 will be taxed at 59% anyone making more will be taxed at 89%. All Black people will now be called Sir or Mistress. All Ceos will be black! White people will not be allowed to have more than one child, Black people will receive a 100,000 check from the government for every child they have. Latinos cannot under any circumstances be allowed to breed.

The Supreme Court will no longer go by that title as I am the only supreme being here! they will be known now as Hussein's court.

I would like to thank my opponents, but I can't because I simply don't like them!.

The military is now disbanded because I declare peace world wide instead we will have a peace corps spreading love everywhere.

Ok you may now all rise and worship me, oops again I mean applaud, and I do mean applaud loudly because this is being recorded and anyone caught dissing me will be dealt with!"

on Aug 26, 2008

LOL, watch the movie Fortress and you will know what I think about Obama and his beliefs above.

on Aug 27, 2008

LOL, watch the movie Fortress and you will know what I think about Obama and his beliefs above.

I have seen "fortress" liked it too, would have though more folks would have commented on this obvious frankyanker of an blog.

on Aug 27, 2008

CharlesCS: Show some intestinator fortitude!