America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Moderateman's Articles In US Domestic
August 6, 2008 by Moderateman
Tyson chicken has decided to deep six labor day in favor of making the day into a Muslim holiday!   How much more insulting can An American company get?
July 30, 2008 by Moderateman
Senators Obama and McCain really need to change their position on drilling for oil in ANWR. Most politicians have a long history of FAILURE on the nations need for energy. Senators Obama and McCain are NOT advocating doing anything that will bring down the prices of gas and food. Like most politicians they blame "big oil" or "big speculators" for these as of yet unsolved problems, and they do not see that it is the members of our Congress, {with their 9% approval rating} who are the blam...
June 25, 2008 by Moderateman
It was 2006 that the entire Congress fell into the hands of the Democrats. They said they were going to do something to lower gas prices. I am still waiting. Since then it doesn't seem that the Congress has National Defense Strategy Either. They have nearly convinced most Americans that what we need to do is "bring home the troops" and to withdraw "no matter what the cost". To such politicians, including a few Republicans {the finger in the wind ones} National Security seems to have become...
May 5, 2008 by Moderateman
I feel we are the most generous, giving nation on the planet, yet the most hated at the same time. I am old enough to remember when just being an American was a status symbol, now it is reached the point of something to be ashamed of. When did this happen? How did this happen? We are always the first nation to respond with help when another nation has some kind of disaster, we give free medications, free health care to those that have none, feed and house those to lazy to work for their own s...
April 29, 2008 by Moderateman
Our litle darling Hillary Clinton, the savior of us all, is behind Hussein by 125 Delegates, but when it come to pork, you know those little items Senators add to bill for their own state, so their popularity will soar she leads all contenders, even Robert Byrd the grand master of pork is no match for Hillary, her total so far 2.3 BILLION, Hussein IS SECOND WITH A MERE 780 MILLION what a piker compared to Hillary. and John McCain this year? O, that's right zero . Now who do we want leading ou...
April 9, 2008 by Moderateman
Career politicians use the word, "BILLIONS" In a casual manner. A billion is a difficult number to wrap my brain around and I assume a difficult number for you to wrap your brain around too!. However let me put a BILLION INTO A LITTLE PERSPECTIVE FOR YOU ALL. A BILLION seconds ago it was 1959. A BILLION minutes ago Jesus Christ was still alive! A BILLION hours ago our ancestors were still living in the stone age! A BILLION years ago Evolutionist tell us no form of humanity walked ...
March 6, 2008 by Moderateman
One of the questions the so called fair and balanced pollsters love to ask is " are we as a nation going in the right direction?" I think this is a loaded question, because it is so broad. The pollster should clarify whether the question has to do with, socially, economics, or world conditions? I have chosen to write about world conditions. Who's winning? Al Queda or The "good guys" who believe they should decide their own fate? I believe there is a new definition of the word "RADICAL" it ...
February 8, 2008 by Moderateman
Makes no difference if there is an R or a D after the name of the candidate, your choice is boiled down to two liberals.   I believe John McAmnesty is going to be the Republican candidate. It is still to early to call the Democratic side of it, be it Hillary Healthcare or Barak quick run away and hide Obama , we are going to get to choose between one of these three pieces of liberal garbage.   For the first time since 1968 when I first became of age to vote, way...
September 6, 2007 by Moderateman
It has been five years since the Congress passed the so called Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 20902 [BCRA]. It was co-authored by Senators Russel Feingold {D-Wis}, who at the time was running unopposed in a primary election, and John McCain {R-AZ}. President Bush signed the BCRA into law. Some believe the president signed it because he felt sure it would be overturned as being unconstitutional by SCOTUS, Since it did damage our first Amendment rights. This federal law made it a FELONY to u...
August 27, 2007 by Moderateman
When asked about the resignation of Attorney General Gonzales this is what Drunken Ted Kennedy had the nerve to spout: “I strongly urge President Bush to nominate a new attorney general who will respect our laws and restore the integrity of the office.” — Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass .” This from a man that has no integrity, no respect for any laws, a man that got away with covering up the murder of Mary Jo Kopechne, a man that has lived on the names of his brothers John and Robert, a man ...
August 23, 2007 by Moderateman
On July 4th 2007 about 500 anti-war and peace activists gathered at La Cienega park in Southern California to launch the National Center for Impeachment of George Bush and Dick Cheney { A good way to finally get a real kook in the white house} as if this were to come true, NAMBLA Nancy Pelsoi would become President. My god Imagine that? A San Fran Freako Liberal Proponent of man boy love, President of the United states? The National Impeachment center, now located in Los Angeles, is the brain...
August 16, 2007 by Moderateman
On July 4th 1776 The 56 signers of the Declaration Of Independence, stated in closing..." we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor" {this being a time when HONOR MEANT SOMETHING}. By doing so the began the first truly 'grassroots' fight for freedom. These signers had to worry about how King George would react to this, what steps he might take, for in the signing of the Declaration, the signers also declared themselves 'traitors' and would be tried for trea...
August 13, 2007 by Moderateman
Karl rove the man that has defeated the Democrats time and time again, finally lost in 2007, when the Republicans lost both house to the democrats, who really knows how this will turn out as the Congress has a 9% approval rating in some polls and as high as 21% in some others. Maybe Karl threw the 2007 race to give the America public a taste of what life will be like under the Democrats, who knows? surely I don't, neither do you. the following is from Michele Malkin: \ The President ...
August 6, 2007 by Moderateman
I have grown exhausted with third and fourth generation welfare recipients, doing nothing to get the money and medical services provided on the backs of Taxpayers, below are a few constructive ideas on how the Welfare folks can get their money while providing valuable service to the American communities everywhere. The highways are in constant need of roadside cleaning, it is a never ending job. Same with smaller roads, here between where I live and Vacaville is a long stretch on road that cu...
August 4, 2007 by Moderateman
Inspired by another article. The President's Commission On Care for America's Returning Wounded Warriors — led by Sen. Bob Dole and former Secretary of Health and Human Services, Donna Shalala — has just reported back on their findings on how this nation cares for its wounded heroes. The short answer is, we don’t. WE SUCK, WE IGNORE, WE JUST HAVE NOT BEEN TREATING THESE men and women coming home with missing limbs, brain damage, eyes gone, we NEVER HAVE. WHEN THEIR time is done and they co...