Liberals? I am your father!!
There just is no escaping this my sweet liberal children, i AM YOUR FATHER!
Soon as age grows upon you and wisdom comes into your lives, you will see the power fo the neo-con side.
As you aquire more wealth and are tired of seeing it squandered on the hapless and hopeless and mal-contents of our home world you too shall see the wisdom of comming over to the "dark-side" as you love calling it, but as you are dragged kicking and screaming into the real world you too shall see this side is not the dark-side but the side of light and grace.
The lord siths of the Democratic party will no longer hold sway over your feeble minds, but you shall grow in power until you can overcome the evil intentions of the true darkness.
The longer High Lord ho erd de'an tries to keep you lashed to the powers of losers and discontent, the more he speaks the more of you my children see clearly what true evil is.
Remember once I was one of you, no longer am I held in thrall to the powers of the dem'crat p'ar'ty.
Free yourselves now! come to me my children.