America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Is she is or is she ain't?
Published on May 25, 2005 By Moderateman In US Domestic
The vote in the senate is happening right now as I type and I for one am waiting to see how much along partisan lines the vote goes.

40 Minutes later still waiting, what a bunch of useless posturing pigs, all of them, for crying out loud how long does it take to tally 100 fracking votes?

total votes cast: 99, 56 yes, 43 no

Looks like biz as usual in the senate.. partisan politics as usual////////////

on May 25, 2005
MM takes a huge dump, on all the senate...
on May 25, 2005
What's the big whoop again on this lady?
on May 25, 2005
#2 by sushiK
Wednesday, May 25, 2005

What's the big whoop again on this lady?

the dems say she was not fit for the bench because of a so called perception the she is just to conservative.
on May 25, 2005
4 Years, 4 frickin years.  That was no compromise.  It was a sellout!
on May 25, 2005
4 by Dr. Guy
Wednesday, May 25, 2005

4 Years, 4 frickin years. That was no compromise. It was a sellout!

yes it was, a sell out by BOTH sides.