America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Moderateman's Articles » Page 5
June 25, 2008 by Moderateman
It was 2006 that the entire Congress fell into the hands of the Democrats. They said they were going to do something to lower gas prices. I am still waiting. Since then it doesn't seem that the Congress has National Defense Strategy Either. They have nearly convinced most Americans that what we need to do is "bring home the troops" and to withdraw "no matter what the cost". To such politicians, including a few Republicans {the finger in the wind ones} National Security seems to have become...
June 23, 2008 by Moderateman
The rules of English are mush like the rules of a bar fight, there are no hard and fast rules as far as I can tell. I before E except after C, but this has exceptions. How am I to know? As for Know the word itself, why is the K silent? and if it is silent why is Know not pronounced like NOW? Who made up these rules? I want to know, now! When does someone use a semi colon? or a colon? and who named a colon after a body part? When do you capitalize a word in the middle of a sentence? and ...
June 23, 2008 by Moderateman
The rules of English are mush like the rules of a bar fight, there are no hard and fast rules as far as I can tell. I before E except after C, but this has exceptions. How am I to know? As for Know the word itself, why is the K silent? and if it is silent why is Know not pronounced like NOW? Who made up these rules? I want to know, now! When does someone use a semi colon? or a colon? and who named a colon after a body part? When do you capitalize a word in the middle of a sentence? and ...
June 2, 2008 by Moderateman
After watching several "sermons" delivered at the Holy Trinity Church A couple delivered by Reverend Jeremiah Wright and the most recent by a Catholic priest named Michael Pfleger, all of them with a definite racist slant with an outpouring of hatred for the white race. I could not help but notice the amount of enthusiasm the predominate black audience showed, leaping about, screaming amen as more hatred was spewed on the white race. I cannot help but wonder, is this how the black race really...
May 5, 2008 by Moderateman
I feel we are the most generous, giving nation on the planet, yet the most hated at the same time. I am old enough to remember when just being an American was a status symbol, now it is reached the point of something to be ashamed of. When did this happen? How did this happen? We are always the first nation to respond with help when another nation has some kind of disaster, we give free medications, free health care to those that have none, feed and house those to lazy to work for their own s...
May 2, 2008 by Moderateman
It is short,. to the point. but truly means nothing. All I have see is Yes we can: lose the war, Yes we can raise taxes on the most of productive of Americans while awarding beer swilling trailer trash. I  she with 5 kids, who will one day grow up to be just like moms and pops. You see they understand one thing and one thing only, with the Republican controlling both the house of Congress and a President that agrees with them, no more gravy train for them! Yes we can ! spend a tota...
April 29, 2008 by Moderateman
Our litle darling Hillary Clinton, the savior of us all, is behind Hussein by 125 Delegates, but when it come to pork, you know those little items Senators add to bill for their own state, so their popularity will soar she leads all contenders, even Robert Byrd the grand master of pork is no match for Hillary, her total so far 2.3 BILLION, Hussein IS SECOND WITH A MERE 780 MILLION what a piker compared to Hillary. and John McCain this year? O, that's right zero . Now who do we want leading ou...
April 22, 2008 by Moderateman
After long and careful thought I have come to a mind altering conclusion!, Liberals for the most part do not believe in G-D and want his name stricken from all public mention. I kept wondering why, what is it about G-d that seems to upset Liberals so much? Why would they go as far as wanting even our money changed? What is it about the pledge of allegiance that strikes suck hatred in their hearts? The words "under G-d" seems to offend so many liberals. They have attacked cities that have a cr...
April 21, 2008 by Moderateman
There will just be a few simple rules to follow. 1.  Commitment to a White  God. 2.  Commitment to the White Community. 3.  Commitment to the White Family. 4.  Dedication to the Pursuit of white Education any reference to black education will be left out. 5.  Dedication to the Pursuit of white Excellence 6.  Adherence to the White Work Ethic. 7.  Commitment to Self-Discipline and Self-Respect according to the white experience. ...
April 21, 2008 by Moderateman
There will just be a few simple rules to follow. 1.  Commitment to a White  God. 2.  Commitment to the White Community. 3.  Commitment to the White Family. 4.  Dedication to the Pursuit of white Education any reference to black education will be left out. 5.  Dedication to the Pursuit of white Excellence 6.  Adherence to the White Work Ethic. 7.  Commitment to Self-Discipline and Self-Respect according to the white experience. ...
April 17, 2008 by Moderateman
I am still waiting for one of the stations that the Democrats are not afraid of to ask any kind of serious question of the two remaining candidates. No wonder they are afraid of Fox news! where they might actually have to answer a question of substance like how are they going to provide Health-care for everyone? Where will the trillions come from? Or how will they withdraw from Iraq without letting Iran takeover the country? You know actual Presidential questions, with real answers! How about ma...
April 11, 2008 by Moderateman
This is why An Empty Suit Like Barak Hussein Obama appears to be such a powerful speaker! He has done his home work, or has more than likely had his lackeys do it for him and has copied the speaking patterns of four of the most powerful speakers of the last 65 years. The only Powerful speaker he left out was Adolph Hitler, but I am sure if he thought he could get away with it he would have used Adolf as a role model too!. Basically he is much like the dummy a ventriloquist holds on his l...
April 9, 2008 by Moderateman
Career politicians use the word, "BILLIONS" In a casual manner. A billion is a difficult number to wrap my brain around and I assume a difficult number for you to wrap your brain around too!. However let me put a BILLION INTO A LITTLE PERSPECTIVE FOR YOU ALL. A BILLION seconds ago it was 1959. A BILLION minutes ago Jesus Christ was still alive! A BILLION hours ago our ancestors were still living in the stone age! A BILLION years ago Evolutionist tell us no form of humanity walked ...
April 8, 2008 by Moderateman
I just got off the phone with Sabrina and she is fresh out of surgery for her hand cyst, Needless to say they removed it, as of now she is feeling nothing! Literally! She is still under a nerve block and her hand is useless for now, the Dr. said she will regain feeling around midnight East-coast time. Then the pain will start for real! Her spirits were in good shape, but some prayer or sacrifice of small animals will help her heal faster! Some kind remarks from those that care would be nic...
April 3, 2008 by Moderateman
Just something to think about when you plan on voting this November, Vote for someone that wants to "chat"with these folk or Someone that will continue to try and protect us from the Madmen and women. Vote Mccain!   1970 Switzerland February 21: A bomb explodes in the rear of Swissair Flight 330, causing it to crash near Zürich, Switzerland, killing 38 passengers and all nine crew members. The attack was carried out by Palestinian terrorist group PFLP. Israel May 8: Aviv...