America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Moderateman's Articles » Page 7
February 8, 2008 by Moderateman
Makes no difference if there is an R or a D after the name of the candidate, your choice is boiled down to two liberals.   I believe John McAmnesty is going to be the Republican candidate. It is still to early to call the Democratic side of it, be it Hillary Healthcare or Barak quick run away and hide Obama , we are going to get to choose between one of these three pieces of liberal garbage.   For the first time since 1968 when I first became of age to vote, way...
November 30, 2007 by Moderateman
 Tomorrow The lovely Colleen and I are going to see "Lord of the Dance" in all places Sanfranfreako, we even got a room there so we will not have to travel at night the 65 miles to home from the Golden Gate theater to Rio Vista. We have been wanting to see this show for a number of years and now that it is so close we finally did it!! We also bought tickets to "River-dance" in Sacramento for January eeeeee haw!! We were blessed to be able to get 2nd row tickets for both shows, center stage,...
November 30, 2007 by Moderateman
There is a debate going on in America whether or not the War on Terror is a real war and whether it's worth spending our blood and treasure winning it. Let's take a little review. In 1979 Muslim Terrorists stormed the U.S. embassy in Iran and took its staff as hostages, tortured some of them and held them for 444 days. When President Jimmy Carter finally got off his dead ass and sent a very small contingent of military to "rescue" the staff it was met with dismal failure, much like most of Ji...
November 29, 2007 by Moderateman
 While we are fighting what are in essence "faceless enemies" in the war on terror, right here at home we can put a face on the most dangerous enemies America has ever faced, they are called Democrats, or Liberals or left-wingers no matter what the name used they indeed are the true enemies of America. They have a face, Hillary Clinton, Barack Oboma, Harry Reid, Nambla Nancy Pelosi, Dick Durbin, John Murtha, Ted Kennedy, Charles Rangel, Diane Feinstein, Barbra Boxer and Robert Byrd, these p...
November 27, 2007 by Moderateman
George W. Bush who may go down as the worse President in history for his act of war against the poor Muslim freedom fighters is one of the biggest mistakes ever made. After the Destruction of the Twin towers which was a blight on the view of many of us upper echelon folk from having a clear view of the river, talks should have taken place instead of war. We should have simply asked Osama Bin Laden and the leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah to sit down with us and work out our problems. We should hav...
November 24, 2007 by Moderateman
While some of us were celebrating Veterans Day and talking about the surge, which SEEMS to be working in Iraq, gang members all over the nation are using your and my money to fund their gun control {sic} programs. For example In Los Angeles the so called "no Guns" program began in 1996. By 2001 "No Guns" had its first city contract with the city of Los Angeles. No Guns is supposed to be an anti-gang group headed by Hector "big Weasel" Marroquin, Hector is also the leader DE-facto of the 18th str...
November 19, 2007 by Moderateman
I was in the ninth grade when I learned a vital lesson about love. My girlfriend at the time, Ivy Apothaca, was stunningly cute, frighteningly smart and armed with a seemingly endless supply of form-fitting angora sweaters. And me? Let's just say I was an adolescent James Dean to her budding Natalie Wood-- and well aware of my good fortune. Then one day, as we stood in line for a movie at the mall, Simone Shaw, junior high prom queen, sauntered by. Suddenly Amy turned to me. "Were you looking...
November 19, 2007 by Moderateman
I was in the ninth grade when I learned a vital lesson about love. My girlfriend at the time, Ivy Apothaca, was stunningly cute, frighteningly smart and armed with a seemingly endless supply of form-fitting angora sweaters. And me? Let's just say I was an adolescent James Dean to her budding Natalie Wood-- and well aware of my good fortune. Then one day, as we stood in line for a movie at the mall, Simone Shaw, junior high prom queen, sauntered by. Suddenly Amy turned to me. "Were you looking...
November 15, 2007 by Moderateman
Where have all the headlines about Iraq gone to? Now that the surge is working and deaths are down, car bombings down, Civilian deaths down, our troop deaths down to pre-war levels suddenly Iraq has become a tenth page story. Just another show of how badly the MSM and the Liberal far left want defeat in Iraq and any show of winning there drives them to the point of insanity. Not even the most crazed far left loons can spin this winning streak we are on {except colgangrene}. While Bush...
November 15, 2007 by Moderateman
Differences between Jewish denominations , which are more commonly known as " movements ," reflect varying responses to changing times and cultures. The historical Jewish movements (Pharisses, Sadduccees, and Essenes) were responses to the Roman rule of Israel, while the major modern movements (Reform, Orthodox, and Conservative) are responses to the modern, secular culture of Europe and America. Thus, while Christian Denominations  differ chiefly in matters of doctrine, Jewish den...
November 12, 2007 by Moderateman
I have been kind of rough on Christians recently and have probably upset or alienated more than a few of you, to those I apologize. Sometimes I tend to go off the deep end of the pool and don't look to see if there is water in it, recently I have done this on more than one occasion, While I take pride in being a Jew I understand YOU take pride in being a Christian, this I deeply respect. I would never intentionally demean any of you good people and recently I have been on my worse behavior...
November 8, 2007 by Moderateman
On March 7th, 2000 the VOTERS of California decided by initiative "that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or will be recognized in California". This initiative passed by an overwhelming majority. The summary of Legislative Analyst's Estimate states that there would be "no Fiscal effect on state or local governments" Proposition 22 does not take away any one's right to inheritance or hospital visitations. However, California formally recognized marriages from other states, which...
November 7, 2007 by Moderateman
The idea G-D who is all powerful, all knowing and all seeing , needing prayers to go through someone else to reach his ears is beyond silly if you take a moment to think about it, and then to think that only one specific group of people are worthy of communing with him to the exclusion of all others is beyond rational thought! The idea that all the childrens prayers in written form start off with "dear G-d"" will not reach him if it somehow does not make a stop at Jesus desk first is cruel an...
October 29, 2007 by Moderateman
Well kids today is Moanday, todays moan for me is I got into this huge fight with my pain Dr. he thinks I am detoxifying to quickly off Morphine and is concerned about my life, I have been pretty miserable the past month while doing this. So after several back and forth shouting matches, in which I made a huge ass out of myself "I am the Boss here Dr A." not you! he retorted "I have the power of the pen" so we compromised and I am slowing down my withdrawal from Morphine. I just hate being addic...
October 27, 2007 by Moderateman
The French have came up with their own unique terror warning system! They keep it simple there are just four warning stages. Stage one. Run Stage two. Hide Stage three. Surrender Stage four. Collaborate I hope this brings a smile or giggle to your saturday. Love to all, Elie