America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Moderateman's Articles » Page 8
October 27, 2007 by Moderateman
The French have came up with their own unique terror warning system! They keep it simple there are just four warning stages. Stage one. Run Stage two. Hide Stage three. Surrender Stage four. Collaborate I hope this brings a smile or giggle to your saturday. Love to all, Elie
October 26, 2007 by Moderateman
So Satan sitting in his home listening to the screams of the tormented with a smile on his face, decided the Jews were to close to G-d, and this really angered him, he had to find a way to divide the damned Jews, after all G-d decided they were his chosen people and what better target for his evil deeds than watering down the religion, Now Satan had great power, let us not forget that after all he was arch Angel, most high, one of the three named Angels that sat at G-ds side at one time. ...
October 24, 2007 by Moderateman
The hypocrisy of the religious right knows no boundaries. They insinuate themselves in the Republican party like a cancer invades the body of a healthy man, slowly they rot the body from within. They are the equal of the lunatic far left in every way, just as nuts, just as damaging to the American process. Hey Religious right, not everyone is a Christian, not everyone wants to be a Christian, you do more to push away conservative thinkers than any other part of the republican party with your rid...
October 22, 2007 by Moderateman
It seems like most people hate Mondays, for working people it means the end of a two day off period, for others it just means the beginning of another week. I am posting this to let folks "get it off their chest" what happened this weekend that pissed you off!, What did you do that you really did not want to do. What did you read, hear, or watch that touched a nerve inside of you. Did you mate leave that dirty piece of clothing on the floor for the "last time"? Did you really want to do somet...
October 17, 2007 by Moderateman
Turkey which is our main route to resupply the troops in Iraq is one of out main allies in the Muslim world, they have been for decades now. The Democrats, afraid that we might be winning in Iraq have come up with a new and improved way of undermining the war effort. The Ottoman empire which went defunct in 1917, committed a horrible atrocity against the Armenian people, genocide if you must use the word, needless to say the Turks are real touchy about this word "GENOCIDE" there has been t...
October 17, 2007 by Moderateman
The Stranger needed money and needed it badly what for is no ones business. His partner had just taken out two cops last week, not killed them just relieved them of their firearms and badges, needless to say the New York City Police had their panties in a bunch, but they had no leads and would not get any either the strangers partner was good, he did not make mistakes, neither did the stranger which is why neither of the two of them had served any time... yet. The strangers partner had an ide...
October 15, 2007 by Moderateman
We need another Joe McCarthy to shine the light on the Communist that have disguised themselves as Democrats and are bent on destroying America from within. While Joe was a little crazed in his hunt for Communists, right now he would have a field day, there are so many Liberals out there with Communist ideals, Karl Marx would be proud of them. We need to impanel the house of UNAmerican activities again to stop the Mainstream media from their continued distortion of what is really happening in Ir...
October 12, 2007 by Moderateman
 The so called President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad--in reality a vicious leader, ordering the killing of out troops in Iraq with roadside bombs that can pierce the armor of our hummers and tanks--was invited to speak at Columbia university, before the  U.N. and before he left he had lunch with some leading media 'reporters'. UNBELIEVABLE! For all these wonderful happenings "the U.S. Pays annually 1.8 billion in dues to the U.N. and gives billions more in "voluntary" payments" ...
October 8, 2007 by Moderateman
    Definition of torture: 2 entries found for torture. To select an entry, click on it. torture[1,noun]torture[2,transitive verb] Main Entry: 1tor·ture Pronunciation: 'tor-ch&r Function: noun Etymology: French, from Late Latin tortura, from Latin tortus, past participle of torquEre to twist; probably akin to Old High German drAhsil turner, Greek atraktos spindle 1 a : anguish of body or mind : AGONY b : something that causes agony ...
October 5, 2007 by Moderateman
 Recently professor John McTighe of The University of Saint Louis told his class that All Bush supporters are "religious zealots"... "I think we should all buy AK-47s and shoot them all" While just after the horrendous attack on September 11th a radical professor at the University of Mexico told his freshman history class "anyone that blows up the pentagon gets my vote". At Western Michigan State University, a teacher of woman's studies allegedly assaulted Matt Hall a student there becau...
October 2, 2007 by Moderateman
The Democratic candidates for the office of President of the United States simply cannot be trusted to protect America. How can I make such a blanket statement like this one might ask? Simply because of a few simple facts they have shown so far. 1. The are afraid to go on Fox news where they will not be tossed soft balls all night long, they might have to actually answer questions like, How are you going to finance all this universal health care you are pounding on? 2. You are all terrifie...
October 1, 2007 by Moderateman
 I have come to the conclusion I RESPECT the Democratic Underground much more than the Smirking Chimp site for one simple reason. The Democratic Underground makes no pretense that anyone from the right side of the aisle is welcome, they spell it out in their terms of use, they might as well have a huge sign on the site saying, this is a leftwing loon site, for farleft nut-jobs, no right wingers allowed!! This at least I can respect, they make it plain that right wingers are NOT WELCOME U...
October 1, 2007 by Moderateman
When my friends Shelly son Mark started hanging out with exclusively with a 'death metal' crowd, wearing only black clothing, dying his hair black, my friend fretted. Was this run of the mill teen angst or something more troubling? Then the son stopped all school activities, soon a call came from the school principal saying the the son had vandalized some school computers in the school library. Now my friend became really worried. Erratic teen behavior is an age old concern for all ...
September 28, 2007 by Moderateman
 I have been over at the Smirking Chimp site for the past two days and have encountered for the MOST part open hostility. Why? Because I have a different view than they do. The tactic I have so far encountered have been typical for the far left, name calling, denigrating terms, lumping together of the entire Republican party into a single entity. "All republicans are greedy pigs" when I asked how many republicans do you know? My question went unanswered.  This site has some well educat...
September 26, 2007 by Moderateman
I am sure most of us remember the President of Iran declaring that Israel must be wiped off the map,{this was a translation from his native language to English} Now I have heard several lefties declaring that Ahmadinejad did not mean that all the Jews of Israel should be killed, that we have misunderstood him, that the translation was wrong, what Ahmadinejad said was Israel as a country should be deleted from world maps that the country has no right to the name and it should be called Palestine...