There is a saying in New York City, from the streets. Having a reputation as a stand-up guy, someone that "had your back" was the highest compliment you could give. Knock around guy was one of these guys, someone you could always count on in a street war, A guy that wore the scars of battle proudly, the busted nose, the scar tissue build up around his eyebrows, these markers shouted to the world "do not fuck with this guy" tread at your own peril. The knuckles of his huge hands scared an...
Up from the darkness he swam, feeling only pain on his awakening; shit, he thought, I am supposed to be dead! He tried moving, his body wracked with pain. He noticed at this point moving was impossible; he was body casted, upper torso encased in immovable hardness. He heard a voice, surely from an angel. Nope, not an angel at all but the second ugliest nurse God ever created. Man what a dog! "You are awake huh?" she said. No shit, knockaround answered. He heard her laugh and that ...
The Stranger entered the room, he was one of those guys that the room grew quiet when he came through the door. The first thing you noticed about him was his over sized hands, knuckles the size of grapes, scar tissue covering them, the fingers long, slender but powerful looking, his fingers looked like he could span the entire keyboard of a piano, but in your heart you just knew he was no piano player. He moves like a jungle cat stalking prey, his long hair, clean, wavy and shiny had a...
He stalked into the bar, not walked, stalked, you took one look and knew "trouble" had arrived. He smiled, it was the kind of smile that NEVER reached his eyes, his eyes looked dead, no sparkle, no twinkle, flat, much like a great white shark. He picked a spot at the bar and drilled a hole for him to sit at, his look said "move or die". The bartender looked pensive as he decided to serve him instead of asking him to leave, as every fiber of the barkeeps soul screamed. You could smell...
The sweat poured over his eyes, the band on his head soaked from waiting days in intolerable heat and humidity. He glanced at his spotter and the O.I.C. of this op. Once more he glanced through the scope, there he was, all pressed and clean, He figured 700 yards, not out of his best shot by far. He took a deep breath, let it out slowly and caressed the trigger, he rolled with the shot, bringing the scope down to see where his target was hit, then the world exploded! They must have been spo...
When released from the hospital after a long stay his broken body needed more time to heal before he got back into the game. He had some serious money saved so he bought himself a bluebird ½ bus , loaded up some supplies and headed south for some much needed healing. Before he left the city he stopped and looked up a couple he knew, that had promised him a dog, the litter was about eight months old now and he thought he needed a traveling companion. As he looked at the litter he was ama...
The Stranger needed money and needed it badly what for is no ones business. His partner had just taken out two cops last week, not killed them just relieved them of their firearms and badges, needless to say the New York City Police had their panties in a bunch, but they had no leads and would not get any either the strangers partner was good, he did not make mistakes, neither did the stranger which is why neither of the two of them had served any time... yet. The strangers partner had an ide...
Angelwasquiteamanshethought,hehadalltheattributesthatmadeherbodytinglefromheadtotoe.Hisintellectwasbeyondcompare, theamountofinformationhecouldprocesssoveryquicklyleftherinawe. Shestillhadaproblemwithwhatheusetodoforaliving,buthtatwasbehindthemnowashewasretiredandplaneedtonevertakeuphisoldprofessionagain. Thoughtsofmarriagewereonhermindnowsinceheproposedandsheacceptedhisproposal. Whatcolortowearwasabothersomeitemnowasshewastraditionalinthinkingandbelievedthatwhitewasreservedforvirgins,