First lets start with the spate of highjacking of airliners in the 70s and 80s, who did this?> Fundamentel muslims terrorist, henceforth shall be called FMT. The attack on the olympics in 1978, who did this? FMT. The attack on the united states embassy in kenya 1998. Who did this? fmt The attack on the united states embassy in tanzinia 1998. Who did this? fmt Pan-am flight 103 bombed over lockerbie. Who did this? fmt The bombing of the u.s.s. cole in yemen 2000. Who did this? f...
Why the far left is good for something,,,,,,,,,, NOT!
After constant reflection I have come to the following conclusion: If you want to loose weight the far lefts behavior can be usefull in making a rational person, A. Puke B. have a large bowel movement. Never have I seen a more Irrational group of semi-people, Mean spirited to a FAULT Control freaks. Never happy with anything . The most negative group of sad freaks on the face of the planet. After reading some comments at whips last post I just had to draw this c...
Why oh why does the U.S. even bother giving of our money and heart and compassion to a World that then turns and SPITS in our face? Today the french news agency called the united states cheap and miserly. The people of the world are so eager to think the worse of us that they listen to outright lies and BELIEVE them as truth. The french gives an average of one dollor per person there the states gives an average of 7 per person. The amazing japanesse is giving the most of any co...
Home | Forum | Log In | Register -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keyword: evilgop Articles indexed to evilgop (in order of time indexed.) The unteachable ignorance of the red states. Posted by The Loan Arranger On News/Activism 11/04/2004 8:09:34 PM PST · 171 replies · 3,074+ views Slate ^ | November 4, 2004 | Jane Smiley I say forget introspection. It's time to be honest about our antagonists. My predeces...
As I got ready for bed I fugured that I would read a couple postings, as I read draginols posting about misconseptions of conservitives I was struck that left left while trying as usual to disregaurd ANYTHING a conservative might say either thru there usual twisting and mis reading and out right lies could not disput one fact put forth. there was this PLEA that we {the republicans} SHOULD stop the bashing of the left..... that tugged at my heart strings As if the left thinks we have ...
I have finally figured out what the left reminds me of..... A puppy..... always wanting attention.... pissing on the floor {country} Crapping where it chooses and not having a clue of what its done bad. Maybe if we of the right get a huge newspaper and swat the left across there behind.. they will learn to listen. All it will take is some patience and a stern voice repeating over and over and over till the left finally associates that its in the wrong.
Last night I got to see some excerpts of Ted {leave em dead and walkaway} Kennedy, Altho the sight of this blowsy faced boozy nosed so called elder statesman usually makes me laugh, No really ,I laugh when I see him. He was in Rare form last night, doing what he does best these days, pule, and bash, he kind of reminds me of a punchdrunk fighter rambleing on. Well anyways his speech was about how the Democratic party is the REAL party of traditional american values, {i know NOW THATS FU...
Ah yes the left is now Jumping with joy... There is happiness in mudville today. Many "I told you so's" are flying. The cia reports the search of wmd in Iraq is over. Well my question is WHERE ARE THEY THEN.? Instead of rejoicing, the search should be intensified, to dismiss the idea saddam had wmds is folly. I for one want to know what happened to all those chemical weapons. Anyone that had been through basic training {boot camp} has experenced what it is like to brea...
Last nite while watching hannity and colmbs I witnessed another leftwing crazy,this time a teacher from the university of texas.... Again I had to be put tho the TORTURE of listening to this nut job whine and cry about "how this adminasration lied" have ya noticed when a lefty says "this adminastration" is sounds like someone cussing?. When are they going to get over NOT finding wmd? how much longer will they pound this already crushed dead horse, till there is just a red stain left i...
To those dickheads who think that it's OK for people to treat other people like this, you're disgusting piles of trash. I would hope that you be on the receiving end of this "non-torture"., but I couldn't even wish it on anybody. You're all a disgrace to the American flag, the American way of life, to any global humanity. These things are not "torture-lite", although I understand the idea that Cactoblasta was trying to make. Moderateman (in particular), may you rot in hell, you sick bastard.....
2 entries found for torture. To select an entry, click on it. torture[1,noun]torture[2,transitive verb] Main Entry: 1tor·ture Pronunciation: 'tor-ch&r Function: noun Etymology: French, from Late Latin tortura, from Latin tortus, past participle of torquEre to twist; probably akin to Old High German drAhsil turner, Greek atraktos spindle 1 a : anguish of body or mind : AGONY b : something that causes agony or pain 2 : the infliction of intense pain (as from burning, crushing, ...
While watching the news I am once again shocked to see how out of touch the left is with REALITY. They demand we play fair with a group of people bent on the total destruction of America. This is total bull dookey!!!! Keeping a room hot is not torture..... remember these nut jobs live and fight in the freaking DESERT. Keeping a room cold is not torture,.. these same nutjobs live in caves.. to hide so they can keep killing innocent people.. Playing music loud while very ann...
Oh my....... what unmitagated GAUL of the shi lankan gov. to decline help from a world source... This goes to show you the deep seated HATRED people have for the Jews.... This is like a street bum throwing YOUR money back in your face because he does not like how you look, or the money is not enough, or too dirty. How many more humilities must the jews suffer at the hands of lunitic religious fanatics? This is a case of Israel reaching out {kinda like the right reaching out to ...
Here we go again, In the most trajic and horrific disaster of modern times, here comes the elite media and the far left lunies with more bush bashing. Katey couric leading off with 15 million Oh my God bush is so cheap he has embarressed our nation, Then when the ante was raised to 350 million she cries with this record deficit how can we afford it? This morning watching 2 radio host one from left one from right. The one on the left cries Bushes miserly ways is showing the world ...
Well during the rebuttal part of tonight’s program, we were treated to the sight of not one but two democrats with religion. Senator Harry Reid while pontificating about President Bush being wrong again on Social Security, But as usual offering no solutions to the problem, made sure he mentioned God and moral values as many times as possible. HA what a hypocrite. Of course Harry mentioned the Democrats being willing to work with bush on any thing they agree on. What a jerk…of course ...