We have a new President-Elect in Barak Hussein Obama. He will make hundreds of federal court appointments, and we will pray for him that he will take this responsibility very seriously. The audacity of the U.S. Supreme Court, and the State Courts, in many of their decisions, has shocked most of us. For Instance.
In 1962, Prayer was restricted in the public schools.
In 1973, the Court found that the "right to personal privacy" which erroneously included to unrestricted abortion {the case was called Roe V Wade and now 45 Million babies have been sacrificed on the "alter of choice"}
In 1985, the court overturned a state law setting aside a moment of " silence for voluntary prayer in public schools." {the favorite weapon of these Judges, and those that support them, is the well known "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion". The courts have so twisted these words that those that call themselves "liberals" and so-called "moderates" are convinced that the Establishment Clause means that there should be a "separation of church and state" of course the term itself CANNOT BE FOUND ANYWHERE IN THE CONSTITUTION. But today it is quoted as IF it is part of the Constitution!
In 2002, the court overruled a Texas law allowing high school students to pray at athletic events.
In 2000, The SCOTUS struck down Nebraska's law banning Partial-birth Abortion{ it was not until 2007 after a long protracted court battle, that the court finally upheld the federal ban on this ruling}
In 2003, SCOTUS ruled that Homosexuals have a CONSTITUTIONAL right to commit SODOMY, writing for the Majority Justice Anthony Kennedy said "we have to look at Foreign law" {so now our rights are no longer dependent on a long revered moral tradition, but on legal trends in other nations!
The list of Judges running amok and legislating from the bench is just to long to list, when will Americans stand up and say ENOUGH!!!!