America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
More dangerous than any terrorist organization
Published on November 29, 2007 By Moderateman In Politics

 While we are fighting what are in essence "faceless enemies" in the war on terror, right here at home we can put a face on the most dangerous enemies America has ever faced, they are called Democrats, or Liberals or left-wingers no matter what the name used they indeed are the true enemies of America. They have a face, Hillary Clinton, Barack Oboma, Harry Reid, Nambla Nancy Pelosi, Dick Durbin, John Murtha, Ted Kennedy, Charles Rangel, Diane Feinstein, Barbra Boxer and Robert Byrd, these people want to change America, some think it is ok for them to carry loaded firearms, but not me and you, all of them want to banish religion from public view, One of them was a member of the Ku Klux Klan.

They all believe in higher taxes and more social programs for the lazy, they all believe that marriage is between any two people, going against traditional definitions of Man and woman, Most of them want to turn tail and run in the war on terror. No matter what the consequences are!

They support groups like code pink which has demeaned our wounded fighting men and women. They have done everything in their power to disgrace the President instead of support him, even when he is right. They support groups like who called a great General "GENERAL BETRAY-US before he spoke one word. They did not condemn out of fear of reprisal. They support groups like the Daily Kos one of the biggest hate groups in America out of fear of reprisal.

WE know the faces of these enemies of America and it is up to us to stop them from ultimate victory which is capturing the White House, notice I did Not say winning the White House, but Capture it, for that is what they will do capture it and hold America at political gunpoint!


on Nov 29, 2007

Sorry Modman.  Democrats, Liberals or left-wingers are NOT the enemy.  They love our country just as much as the Republicans, Conservatives or right-wingers.  

on Nov 29, 2007

Nice to see Moderateman back and Liberalman given a long vacation again.


Democrats, Liberals or left-wingers are NOT the enemy.  They love our country just as much as the Republicans, Conservatives or right-wingers.

They are the enemy of economic prosperity almost certainly, and I'm not so sure that they wouldn't be the party of aiding and abetting when it comes to letting the worst kind of people control the situation when it comes to Iraq, Iran and the middle-East in general.

I'm not saying they don't love the U.S.A., but they don't seem too interested in securing it's borders properly, nor in tossing out the people that are here illegally and sucking up government money and resources while they are here.  They aren't too interested in making sure that we don't leave the situation in Iraq in a bigger mess than when we went in, as they are far more interested in getting a date certain as to when we'll leave there.  I could go on and on, but I don't want to steal Moderateman's thunder now that he's back from vacation

on Nov 29, 2007
They love our country just as much as the Republicans, Conservatives or right-wingers.

No, they love THE LEFT of our country. They can't stand the right, and they'd as soon see every Republican in jail as look at them, for the most part.

With only a small handful of exceptions, the vast majority of liberals I have met have seen every conservative as a crook, ever wealthy person a thief, and every white person a bigot. And some have even taught this filth in our institutions of higher learning.
on Nov 29, 2007
No, they love THE LEFT of our country. They can't stand the right, and they'd as soon see every Republican in jail as look at them, for the most part.

I've never seen a blog about how "Conservative are the ennemy". I think the side who has the most strechted position about the other is the right (opposed of left) one.
on Nov 29, 2007

Tee hee! Moderateman forgot to list my favourite contender for president as an enemy. I hope Kucinich gets in personally, and you didn't name him, so I'm glad to see that he's okay in your books.

In all seriousness, you have nothing to worry about if either Hillary OR Obama get into power. They'll still pursue the same overall goals as the Bush administration with just a little bit of window dressing to make it look like they're different. They might readjust a few billions here or there (which really is nothing considering the size of the budget and the tax cuts the present admin enacted) but you should be able to sleep soundly at night that the big decisions they make will be in the best interests of the special interests which keep the purse strings. And those are the same special interests this administration is beholden too right now, so don't worry, be happy! 

As long as the powers that be can keep the rabble obsessed about "left vs right" (which to my grave I will say is utter crap) the people will be blinded by party loyalty and ideological dogma, too busy focusing on "the enemy within" when politicians from both sides of the aisle rob them blind, lie to them, and trample their freedoms.

on Nov 30, 2007

Reply By: LocamamaPosted: Thursday, November 29, 2007
Sorry Modman. Democrats, Liberals or left-wingers are NOT the enemy. They love our country just as much as the Republicans, Conservatives or right-wingers.

They hate everything that is traditional in the country, they are the champions of gay marriage, they hate the right wing with a passion, the believe that freedom of speech only exists if you agree with them. The insist on something no sane leader will do tell the enemy when you will leave.

Need I go on>?

on Nov 30, 2007

Reply By: terpfan1980Posted: Thursday, November 29, 2007
Nice to see Moderateman back and Liberalman given a long vacation again.
Democrats, Liberals or left-wingers are NOT the enemy. They love our country just as much as the Republicans, Conservatives or right-wingers.

They are the enemy of economic prosperity almost certainly, and I'm not so sure that they wouldn't be the party of aiding and abetting when it comes to letting the worst kind of people control the situation when it comes to Iraq, Iran and the middle-East in general.
I'm not saying they don't love the U.S.A., but they don't seem too interested in securing it's borders properly, nor in tossing out the people that are here illegally and sucking up government money and resources while they are here. They aren't too interested in making sure that we don't leave the situation in Iraq in a bigger mess than when we went in, as they are far more interested in getting a date certain as to when we'll leave there. I could go on and on, but I don't want to steal Moderateman's thunder now that he's back from vacation

You pointed out things I did' not want to, but point way terp and thank you it,s good to be back.

on Nov 30, 2007

Reply By: Gideon MacLeishPosted: Thursday, November 29, 2007
They love our country just as much as the Republicans, Conservatives or right-wingers.

No, they love THE LEFT of our country. They can't stand the right, and they'd as soon see every Republican in jail as look at them, for the most part.

sweet! to the point and right on the money!

on Nov 30, 2007

Reply By: Gideon MacLeishPosted: Thursday, November 29, 2007
They love our country just as much as the Republicans, Conservatives or right-wingers.

No, they love THE LEFT of our country. They can't stand the right, and they'd as soon see every Republican in jail as look at them, for the most part.

sweet! to the point and right on the money!

on Nov 30, 2007

Reply By: ArtysimPosted: Thursday, November 29, 2007
Tee hee! Moderateman forgot to list my favourite contender for president as an enemy. I hope Kucinich gets in personally, and you didn't name him, so I'm glad to see that he's okay in your books.

NO) offense I left him off because he is a joke,

on Nov 30, 2007

I've never seen a blog about how "Conservative are the ennemy". I think the side who has the most strechted position about the other is the right (opposed of left) one.

Good thing you dont visit the Puffington Host, Daily Kos,, or

on Nov 30, 2007

Reply By: Dr GuyPosted: Friday, November 30, 2007
I've never seen a blog about how "Conservative are the ennemy". I think the side who has the most strechted position about the other is the right (opposed of left) one.

Good thing you dont visit the Puffington Host, Daily Kos,, or

Instead of an article or two like there is here, there are whole sites dedicated and hate filled bent on the destruction of the "right" as you listed, but somehow, one article seems to inflame more than 4 websites. HA!

on Dec 01, 2007
Why do the bed-wetters try to squash any advantage we gain of terrorists then?