America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Circumventing the will of the people.
Published on November 8, 2007 By Moderateman In Politics

On March 7th, 2000 the VOTERS of California decided by initiative "that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or will be recognized in California". This initiative passed by an overwhelming majority. The summary of Legislative Analyst's Estimate states that there would be "no Fiscal effect on state or local governments"

Proposition 22 does not take away any one's right to inheritance or hospital visitations. However, California formally recognized marriages from other states, which in effect made Prop 22 NECESSARY. That is, if we are to continue to be governed by the will of the people.

Massachusetts courts have decreed same-sex "marriage" to be legal. In September of this year {2007} San Franfreako Assemblyman Mark Leno sponsored AB43, which will  legalize same-sex "marriages" Totally ignoring the fact that a huge majority of the people of the state of California voted to outlaw same-sex "marriages". The vote in the State Senate was close. It passed with just one vote to spare. The California Legislature and State Senate are run by Democrats to the tune of two Democrats for every Republican. Once again, the slim Majority of California's politicians have flipped off the will of the people who continue to hold the view that marriage is between a male and a female, period!

The bill was sent to Governor Schwarzenegger who signed the bill into law, While Arnold is a Republican in name only he has slowly slipped further and further into liberal politics, but what else can you expect from a man that married into the Kennedy clan? Those that oppose the bill believe it violates the state constitution and the rights and will of the people of California and have taken the bill to court.

San Franfreako Lawyers are asking the court to ignore the will of the people and the vote on prop 22 and decide in favor of same-sex "marriage" Jerry Brown a life time politician and extremely Liberal happens to be the State Attorney General, has offered NO DEFENSE on Behalf of the State {the voters} of California who passed prop 22 into law, it is quite obvious that Jerry wants to lose this case, as he is a long time proponent of same-sex "marriage"

Once again Liberals use the courts to try and overturn the will of the people, with the 9th Circuit Court having a reputation for its extremely liberal slant, the politicians have a good chance of doing it once again.

Why do we bother to vote at all in California? the courts overturn anything they feel like, when 9 Judges carry more weight than 17 million people do, something is wrong, very, very wrong!


on Nov 09, 2007

The eternal Moon Beam Brown.  I remember him.  During my tenure as a resident, unfortuntely he was the governor.  And the reason Pete Wilson had a good ride.  He is better at being a lawyer for liberal causes, because he lacks the intelligence to make rational decisions, and can only "feel your pain" as he creates it.

We was John Edwards before John Edwards was!

on Nov 09, 2007

Reply By: Dr GuyPosted: Friday, November 09, 2007
The eternal Moon Beam Brown. I remember him. During my tenure as a resident, unfortunately he was the governor. And the reason Pete Wilson had a good ride. He is better at being a lawyer for liberal causes, because he lacks the intelligence to make rational decisions, and can only "feel your pain" as he creates it.
We was John Edwards before John Edwards was!

This is becoming a regular thing in California, the left loses a vote on a bill they want so they circumvent it either in the state legislature or the courts, this is NOT DEMOCRACY when a few can overturn the will of the many.

on Nov 09, 2007
Nope! It's a Republic!
on Nov 09, 2007
When I went to look up more info about this I found this article that said that the Governor vetoed the same sex marriage legislation.

Here's another link
on Nov 09, 2007

Reply By: LocamamaPosted: Friday, November 09, 2007
When I went to look up more info about this I found this article that said that the Governor vetoed the same sex marriage legislation.

Here's another link[/quote]

Old articles, last year he vetoed it, this year is another story.