America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Moderateman's Articles In Blogging
December 29, 2004 by Moderateman
Whats up with anonomous bloggers? How does one stop them from commenting on a blog site? Is not hiding behind your keyboard enuff anononimity? I have noticed more than a few mean comments from names made up just for that particular blog. after I said whats next ya gonna call me a bignose jew or a fag the reply came from bignosejewfag coincidence? I think not. How do "banished" bloggers get back on site to spread more hatred and malice? I would appreciate any help I can g...
January 5, 2005 by Moderateman
Thats it just a simple question, I have blacklisted 2 people and want to unblacklist one {cactoblast} from down under. Altho I disagree with him alla time I feel i owe him the choice of tearing into me or at least commenting/ If he chooses. Now the other one issa loon and I aint never gonna let her have another shot at me.. she is just plain mean......
January 25, 2005 by Moderateman
I am so sorry for the poison I spread in an earlier post; it was mean spirited and cold-blooded of me to say the things I said. There is no excuse for such behavior. My anger got the better of me, then body took over and mind went out the window. For anyone that read that piece of trash I typed I am sorry for spreading such hatred for others to read.
January 19, 2005 by Moderateman
How come when someone asks you a question they are sure they know the answere too, like which issues are you moderate on moderateman, and you bother to answere, but its not the answere they wanted, ya get no reply back? How come the left while so willing to condemn MY President, is so unwilling to even comment on hanoijohn and his trecherous , war crime commiting ass? How come there are so many mean spirited people here, usually unregistered ones? How come Bashing bush is viewed a...
January 14, 2005 by Moderateman
Ok heres the story I see other blog site with there favorite blogs listed there I cannot seem to do this. there are more than a few people I would like to set up the same thing for in my site. Could someone help me..... go slow and it must be step by step for me to get it. use words with 4 sylibals or less if possible as we do not to over tax my 2 brain cells.
January 7, 2005 by Moderateman
How does one add a specific name to there "watch list"? or put them on a favorite blogs list?
April 4, 2005 by Moderateman
Free speech, real meaning… I get to call you names, lie, and in general be a total ass; you are not allowed to respond. Fair and balanced, real meaning… I get to tell my side of the story; you just shut up and take your lumps you nazi pig! Open-minded, real meaning…my opinion is right and if you do not stfu, I will use an ax to open your mind. Attack politics, real meaning…. Anything you say that disagrees with me is an attack. Understand the common man, real meaning…. I say hello...
March 17, 2005 by Moderateman
Ok here we go, exactly how many of you think I am a total ass? Closed minded? Mean? Sweet? nasty? etc.etc. I really want to know so I can ;look at it and maybe change some things about me. You can fire away with impunity, kindly state your reasons though for thinking what you think. Dabe need not reply, I already know how you feel... You love me, you really do.
March 2, 2005 by Moderateman
I tried to post a comment on someones site and noticed I was blacklisted from there. WELL imagine that. I have only one blacklisted from my site and would love to know why you/he/she/it/them have me blacklisted from yours/? My site is open to any brave enuff to step up to the plate and say why, I will NOT argue this with anyone that does, I just want to know why? OK?
March 1, 2005 by Moderateman
Meanest blogger goes to little whip although I think Dabe was robbed of first place Smartest blogger, Gideon in a land slide Most fun blogger.texas wahine in another landslide. Most prolific blogger, Gideon runs away from the pack Most teckie logger, brad in his many names runs away with this honor Most irreverent blogger.. I tear the envelope open and the winner is my friend and enemy…. Myrrander Nicest BLOGGER, we have a tie, with Danny basset and dharma. Most angry blo...
February 17, 2005 by Moderateman
Thank you brad for your sense of justice and fair play. Deleting my mean post was and is fair. Calling for my being tossed out of this site IS NOT. I will never post something that personal again against anyone here I have learned my lesson. thank you again MODERATEMAN. moderate republican extraordinaire
February 7, 2005 by Moderateman
This is my "need a break" post. Rereading some of the angry comment I made here has given me a reality check. I do not like what I am feeling and doing. I can see where my hatred of one person here and my anger with liberals are affecting my thinking.. still hot headed after all these years. Many heart felt apoligizes to the moderate democrats... I have lumped you in with the crazies.... what is it you young folks say? MY BAD!... I will be back shortly after I clear my heart of th...
February 2, 2005 by Moderateman
Rant of the day.... When will the left leaning liberal losers finally answer just one question put forth instead of sidestepping with some high falutin abstract crap.. that is not even close to the question. example.. GOD says do not kill... I reply oh yeh how about this.. someone kills your whole family and you come home with a gun would you kill then?? answer: YOU must be some kind of Godless man that believes murder and torture is ok...your a disgrace to mankind.. blah blah blah. ...
February 1, 2005 by Moderateman
How do you insert a link in your blog? How can I insert a picture of me into my blog? thanx ahead of time.. remember to use small words and draw me a mental picture of what your saying submitted, modman .. the dumbist computer user on the planet. lol
June 22, 2005 by Moderateman