Free speech, real meaning… I get to call you names, lie, and in general be a total ass; you are not allowed to respond. Fair and balanced, real meaning… I get to tell my side of the story; you just shut up and take your lumps you nazi pig! Open-minded, real meaning…my opinion is right and if you do not stfu, I will use an ax to open your mind. Attack politics, real meaning…. Anything you say that disagrees with me is an attack. Understand the common man, real meaning…. I say hello...
Ok here we go, exactly how many of you think I am a total ass? Closed minded? Mean? Sweet? nasty? etc.etc. I really want to know so I can ;look at it and maybe change some things about me. You can fire away with impunity, kindly state your reasons though for thinking what you think. Dabe need not reply, I already know how you feel... You love me, you really do.
I tried to post a comment on someones site and noticed I was blacklisted from there. WELL imagine that. I have only one blacklisted from my site and would love to know why you/he/she/it/them have me blacklisted from yours/? My site is open to any brave enuff to step up to the plate and say why, I will NOT argue this with anyone that does, I just want to know why? OK?
Meanest blogger goes to little whip although I think Dabe was robbed of first place Smartest blogger, Gideon in a land slide Most fun blogger.texas wahine in another landslide. Most prolific blogger, Gideon runs away from the pack Most teckie logger, brad in his many names runs away with this honor Most irreverent blogger.. I tear the envelope open and the winner is my friend and enemy…. Myrrander Nicest BLOGGER, we have a tie, with Danny basset and dharma. Most angry blo...
Thank you brad for your sense of justice and fair play. Deleting my mean post was and is fair. Calling for my being tossed out of this site IS NOT. I will never post something that personal again against anyone here I have learned my lesson. thank you again MODERATEMAN. moderate republican extraordinaire
This is my "need a break" post. Rereading some of the angry comment I made here has given me a reality check. I do not like what I am feeling and doing. I can see where my hatred of one person here and my anger with liberals are affecting my thinking.. still hot headed after all these years. Many heart felt apoligizes to the moderate democrats... I have lumped you in with the crazies.... what is it you young folks say? MY BAD!... I will be back shortly after I clear my heart of th...
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Time marches on and I am still here, much to the dismay of my detractors that predicted I would not live past my 18th birthday. So many friends and family have passed and left me behind. My Father who died much to early, My mother who died much to late, My sainted sister who left me{she was only 47} rosie? I love and miss you. My comrades in arms, you all died much to young, I miss you all. Semper fidelis. I ask myself alot "why am I still here" one day maybe if God sees fit I wil...
I am tired today, beaten down, so I thought maybe some entertainment is in order for me. If you were a villian what kind of villian would you be? here I will start, I would be a professional killer for hire, MY name would be sureshot, MY weapon of choice would be a .50 cal. barrett rifle will hollowpoints packed with fuminate of mecury. My speciality would be a political assassin. My fee is one million dollars plus expenses. I work alone.
As I sit and wait for a response to my last 2 articles, I reread them, no wonder no one has responded, they quiet frankly stink to high heaven. I guess that the meds I am on, zithromax and codine cough medicine has totally friend my already fragile mind. Guess this is Gods way of telling me get off the damn computer and rest. So as always I shall listen to God and rest my tired brain cell, poor lonely thing wandering around all alone in there. So for a day or two I might just resp...
Sounds like someone I know needs a nap, all cranky little baby? Could it be that you have nothing better to do? cheers
It is with great hope when I return to home the 2nd of june that all this "infighting" among the diverse people I call "friend" and allies, STOP. It pains me to my heart to see this knife fighting going on, lets face it we are all diverse people with ideas that are diametrically oppossed, and although I understand "we ALL just ain't gonna get along" we can at least TRY to ignore the "evil" doers. I treasure whip, and have made no bones about it. I also appreciate mano, even though we di...
Just a fast question, why is it when anyone disagrees with the so called liberals here, most noteably dabe, myrrander, colgene and a few others, they immediatly resort to name calling.. oh yeh add bigrickstallion to this list, and reikihouse. I can disagree with people on principle without name calling, why can't they? Is it because they take stands on the unstandable? or take issue with anything someone from the right says? Or can it just be they are mean spirited asses, small minded ...
HOW CAN i have 0 points in last 30 days? zero, nil, none? how? and if so WHY?