America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Published on April 9, 2008 By Moderateman In US Domestic

Career politicians use the word, "BILLIONS" In a casual manner. A billion is a difficult number to wrap my brain around and I assume a difficult number for you to wrap your brain around too!.


A BILLION seconds ago it was 1959.

A BILLION minutes ago Jesus Christ was still alive!

A BILLION hours ago our ancestors were still living in the stone age!

A BILLION years ago Evolutionist tell us no form of humanity walked the planet.

A BILLION DOLLARS ago the federal government spent that amount in Eight hours and twenty minutes, at the present rate of spending.

While these thoughts are still fresh in our minds, lets take a look at hurricane Katrina, just in New Orleans, which is considered our governments greatest failure. Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu asked the Congress for 250 BILLION dollars to rebuild New Orleans. If you were one of the 484,674 residents of New Orleans it would mean that you would receive 516,258 each! over 1/2 million dollars. or, if you had one of the 188,251 homes in New Orleans, each household would get1,329,787 Dollars, or if you were a family of four you would receive 2,066,012 dollars.

But what went wrong? Did the residents get the monies? Who spent the BILLIONS? The Answer is the career politicians and their cronies did, you know the tax and spend crowd.

Here is a poem: author unknown

Tax his land, tax his wage, tax the bed on which he lays! Tax his tractor, tax his mule, Teach him taxes are the rule. Tax his pants, tax his coat, tax his ties, tax his shirt, tax him even if he tries to shirk.

Tax his bills, tax his gas, tax his notes tax his cash, if he cries tax his tears! Tax him good and let him know, after taxes he'll have no dough. If he hollers, tax him more, tax him till he's good and sore. Tax his coffin, tax his grave. Tax the sod in which he lays. Put these words upon his tomb, Taxes drove him to his doom and when he's gone we won't relax, we will go after his inheritance TAX!

The following list of taxable items did not exist 100 years ago.

Cigarette tax. Corporate Tax, Dog License Tax. Federal Unemployment Tax. Fishing License Tax. Food license tax. Fuel permit tax. Gasoline Tax. Hunting license tax. Inheritance tax. Inventory tax. IRS Interest and penalties tax {taxes on top of taxes}. Liquor tax. Luxury tax. Marriage License Tax. Medicare tax. Property Tax. Real estate tax. Recreational Vehicle tax. Road usage tax {truckers}.  Sales tax. Services charge tax. Social security tax. State income tax. State unemployment tax. Telephone taxes {federal excise tax, universal tax, federal, state and local Surcharge tax, Minimum usage tax, recurring and non-recurring tax}. Utility tax. Vehicle sales tax. Watercraft registration tax. and last but not least well permit tax!

Now we have two candidates from the Democrats that promise to raise our taxes some more.

Much as I hate to say this, Vote McCain 2008!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 09, 2008
I dont know that McCain will not raise them. But so far he has not promised to like the other ones have.
on Apr 09, 2008
Who was it that said a billion here and a billion there pretty soon it runs into real money? I can't remember but I'm sure it musta been a politician.
on Apr 09, 2008

Who was it that said a billion here and a billion there pretty soon it runs into real money? I can't remember but I'm sure it musta been a politician.

When I first heard it from my dad who was commenting on politics it was a million here and a million here and pretty soon your talking about real money.

Man did times change for the bad.

on Apr 09, 2008
...okay it was a Senator Everett Dirkson (R) from Illinois sez a Google search on the quote. I knew it was a politician! (and he used the value billions)
on Apr 09, 2008
The US debt is going to cause the demise of our country. The war in Iraq has already cost us over 500 BILLION DOLLARS, much of which is borrowed money. We're paying over 200 BILLION DOLLARS a year just on the interest on the US debt. People who don't care about the debt don't care about the country and should leave.

Now, the two democratic candidates have said that they're going to raise taxes on the wealthy, but I doubt very seriously that will affect anyone posting on JU (including me).
on Apr 09, 2008

I want McCain anyways, because I'm Republican.

on Apr 09, 2008

Dr Guy
I dont know that McCain will not raise them. But so far he has not promised to like the other ones have.

I believe McCain will push to keep the Bush taxcuts.

on Apr 09, 2008

Who was it that said a billion here and a billion there pretty soon it runs into real money? I can't remember but I'm sure it musta been a politician.

Looks like someone answered your question Joe, glad they did cause I did not have a clue.

on Apr 09, 2008

The US debt is going to cause the demise of our country. The war in Iraq has already cost us over 500 BILLION DOLLARS, much of which is borrowed money. We're paying over 200 BILLION DOLLARS a year just on the interest on the US debt. People who don't care about the debt don't care about the country and should leave.Now, the two democratic candidates have said that they're going to raise taxes on the wealthy, but I doubt very seriously that will affect anyone posting on JU (including me).

Glad your a proponet for class warfare, what will you do when the rich start to close down all the jobs? Blame them again? And it would affect My wife and I raising taxes on the so called rich.

on Apr 09, 2008

I want McCain anyways, because I'm Republican.

I too am a Republican, BUT I vote for the person running regardless of party. If the Democrats had someone to offer other than the drek they are offering I might have voted for them. As it is McCain is so close to being a Democrat it's a joke.

on Apr 09, 2008
Glad your a proponet for class warfare, what will you do when the rich start to close down all the jobs? Blame them again? And it would affect My wife and I raising taxes on the so called rich.

The Clintons made over 100 million dollars since 2000. How many jobs did they create because of Bush's tax cuts and how many jobs do you think will be lost if their taxes are raised? The answer is 0. Corporations making record profits are not going to lay anyone off if their taxes are raised.

The wealthiest 10% of the population control 71% of the wealth yet only pay 66% of the taxes.
on Apr 09, 2008

Glad your a proponet for class warfare, what will you do when the rich start to close down all the jobs? Blame them again? And it would affect My wife and I raising taxes on the so called rich.The Clintons made over 100 million dollars since 2000. How many jobs did they create because of Bush's tax cuts and how many jobs do you think will be lost if their taxes are raised? The answer is 0. Corporations making record profits are not going to lay anyone off if their taxes are raised.The wealthiest 10% of the population control 71% of the wealth yet only pay 66% of the taxes.

Where do you get your figures from? some democratic website? the top 10% pay over 90% of taxes. But Democrats want more, because they are after all the party of Tax and spend.

on Apr 10, 2008

A billion dollars is a stack of $100 bills 7.4 miles high

on Apr 10, 2008
I believe McCain will push to keep the Bush taxcuts.

I only hope, not believe. I remember Daddy Bush and his lips.
on Apr 10, 2008
The wealthiest 10% of the population control 71% of the wealth yet only pay 66% of the taxes.

1. Wealth is not taxed (until death). It has already been taxed as income. Learn the difference.

2. Your figures may be reversed as the top 10% pay 71% of the total tax bill.

3. When did the clintons do anything for anyone not named clinton? For that matter, why do they skate with their shady dealings while others do hard time? (Martha Stewart anyone?)
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