America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Moderateman's Articles In Blog Communities
August 8, 2005 by Moderateman
Lets see, the world has disease running rampant. War. Terrorism. Famine. Murders abound. Molesting, rape. Parents afraid to let their children out of their sight. Yet somehow who posted what, under what name, how, where when has become much more important than everything else. Please get some perspective everyone { I just did}. Love to all, the right, the left and center.
June 18, 2006 by Moderateman
I keep seeing people mention that there are cliques here on Joeuser. I wonder how does that look? What are the cliques? Is it like the Cripes and Bloods? Or more like school yard stuff, you know, the jocks in one corner, the geeks in another, the rich folk here, the poor folk there.? Who are these cliques? Who is in them? Are you a member of a clique here? Do you want to be? Inquiring mind wants to know. Are there some that are leaders of said cliques? If there are leaders there must be...
August 9, 2006 by Moderateman
 I would like to apoligize to those that I have blasted.  I have been kind of crazy and unreasonable about letting other people have their own opinions about Israel and this war.  Without making any excuses, between my ill health and extra touchy feelings about being a Proud JEW, I just lost my mind. Kingbee... sorry man you did not deserve what I said about you. Cactoblasta.... Same thing. colgene.. I meant every word I said to you. Anyone else I trashed.. sorry...
July 24, 2006 by Moderateman
 For the few that actually bothered to write me an e-mail I say hello, for those of you that posed with "oh gee is he ok?" and did not bother to write and inquire yourselves, fuck you! For those of you that would have written if you had my email, I also say hello. For those of you that claimed to be my friend and promptly forgot I was alive.. a large hippo crypt fuck off. I am feeling slightly better today and have an appointment to talk about another round of peg-interon treatment...
July 6, 2006 by Moderateman
                                                    This is the end Beautiful friend This is the end My only friend, the end Of our elaborate plans, the end Of everything that stands, the end No safety or surprise, the end I'll ne...
July 3, 2006 by Moderateman
 Well, let me start with the truth, I had not slept for 3 full days and was more than a little confused, for some strange reason I blamed my lack of sleep on blogging. I hid all my articles and decided I was not going to blog anymore. Sleep deprivation does screwy things to my mind. All I can say is I am sorry if I caused anyone any grief or confusion. I have opened my site back up and now that I have slept, 25 out of the last 48 hours and my mind is much clearer here I am. Much like ...
November 6, 2008 by Moderateman
I will not mention any names because it just is not the right thing to do at this point. Those that sent Card know who they are; suffice it to say tears of joy and I was humbled at the show of love and affection. The Paint kit will help me center myself when I start to feel scattered, and who ever thought to send it was very wise. The bookmark will be put to very good use too!!!   Thank you all for helping me feel loved, as I forgot while I was sitting on the pity pot that this is...
October 28, 2008 by Moderateman
I thought I would just drop by to say hello to the very few people that care about me. Since I have been gone for one month only three people have made the attempt to contact me to see how I have been doing, Little whip, Tex and Adventure dude. To those three I thank them for caring enough to drop a line and to Little whip a special thank you for the uplifting phone calls she has made in an effort not to just see how I have been doing, but to actually give me support while I have been going t...
April 8, 2008 by Moderateman
I just got off the phone with Sabrina and she is fresh out of surgery for her hand cyst, Needless to say they removed it, as of now she is feeling nothing! Literally! She is still under a nerve block and her hand is useless for now, the Dr. said she will regain feeling around midnight East-coast time. Then the pain will start for real! Her spirits were in good shape, but some prayer or sacrifice of small animals will help her heal faster! Some kind remarks from those that care would be nic...
July 11, 2007 by Moderateman
 I am wondering how you picked your Blogging name for one and for two how did you come to name your site? I picked my name Moderateman because of my politics, No matter how they have changed, when I first came here 2 years and eight months ago, My politics were middle of the road. The name Moderateman I should have trade marked, because now there are so many Moderateman user names even I get confused. I picked my site name because I understand it's my brain and my brain is a very scar...
April 8, 2007 by Moderateman
I guess going through what I just went through last January has put things into a sharper perspective for me. I see people writing article about differing things and lo and behold someone or many someones just have to take what is written PERSONAL, and treat the writer like a blood enemy, attack the writer, try to demean the writer and in many cases do their best to try to run the writer off Joeuser and sometimes they succeed. Many times it just becomes to damn painful for me to write an arti...
December 9, 2006 by Moderateman
September 29, 2006 by Moderateman
~wrinkles forehead... thinks what to type.. Why is it~ scratches ass~that if you do not like someone here on Joeuser~~~picks nose wipes it on jeans.. that it becomes so important to tear them down? How come your mission in life is to,~scratches balls~ destroy them, point out every error they make? It is almost like cyberstalking~ thinking of my own private stalker DAVAD70, ~ sniffs armpits~ whew! I need a shower! To shout out to the world your dislike or in some cases hatred~~ wiggles fing...
September 7, 2006 by Moderateman
 My title pretty much says it all. I feel like some of the life has gone from joeuser. Is it the new format? or has everything that can be written, has been. Where is the spark? What has happened? Could it be that Joeuser has outlived its usefulness? Even with the liberals writing more, I just cannot seem to find any articles of real interest. Must I break out the bugle and start playing taps?