For the few that actually bothered to write me an e-mail I say hello, for those of you that posed with "oh gee is he ok?" and did not bother to write and inquire yourselves, fuck you!
For those of you that would have written if you had my email, I also say hello.
For those of you that claimed to be my friend and promptly forgot I was alive.. a large hippo crypt fuck off.
I am feeling slightly better today and have an appointment to talk about another round of peg-interon treatments even though I failed the first round. My first treatment knock my 18,000,000 count viral load to zero and even though it only took two years to get that high again {bad} I would like seeing it down to zero for a year while in treatment, even if it reoccurs it will extent my life.
It feels as though I have not been here in months although in reality is has been around two weeks since I have posted.
If you have nothing kind to say to me stay the fuck out of my blog, read if you must but please no hypocritical salutations.