America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Two Simple questions
Published on July 11, 2007 By Moderateman In Blog Communities

 I am wondering how you picked your Blogging name for one and for two how did you come to name your site?

I picked my name Moderateman because of my politics, No matter how they have changed, when I first came here 2 years and eight months ago, My politics were middle of the road. The name Moderateman I should have trade marked, because now there are so many Moderateman user names even I get confused.

I picked my site name because I understand it's my brain and my brain is a very scary place to visit sometimes, hence the 'ramblings of a Twisted mind"

When I first picked my site name there were no other sites with that name anywhere, NOW there are many "ramblings of a twisted mind" sites, I guess that copying is high praise.

So my dear sweet friends how did you choose writing name and site name?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 11, 2007

Just on a whim. I really didn't really even have a desire to blog but I got talked into it by my son who was a Juser. I was responding to only his blogs for a while (about 2 years ago). He actually twisted my arm one night sitting at the computer and insisting I come up with a name. He's the one that actually signed me up sort of without my permission. I reluctantly and half jokingly came up with my name. I guess it's just a name that kind of reflects my personality.

I'm a Jesus freak....what can I say?
on Jul 11, 2007
I wrote an article about the origins of my name here. Basically, the gist of it is, my name means the Saint of Women's Underwear. Yeah, it doesn't make sense unless you read the article.

My site name, "Digital Hypersleep in Overdrive", just sounded cool. It used to be "Digital Ramblings", but it seems like there's so many blog names with "Ramblings" or "Mind" in it (no offense, MM, it's just common) that I changed it. It's a paradox, see?

That's it, then.
on Jul 11, 2007
I picked Deference, as in deference to truth or a higher power, or deference as in : respectful submission or yielding to the judgment, opinion, will, etc., of another.

Long time JU members will appreciate the irony found in the latter definition.

The site name Agenda and Malice was picked as I often focus comments centered around the idea that current events and people can be better understood when discussing what plans and emotional motivation people harbour .

Great topic MM!
on Jul 11, 2007
(Citizen)KFC Kickin For ChristJuly 11, 2007 19:31:12

He's the one that actually signed me up sort of without my permission. I reluctantly and half jokingly came up with my name. I guess it's just a name that kind of reflects my personality.

I am happy your son disobeyed his Mother this ONE time, as it has been a pleasure getting to read you and peek into your brain some.


on Jul 11, 2007
(Citizen)SanChoninoJuly 11, 2007 19:32:31

I wrote an article about the origins of my name here. Basically, the gist of it is, my name means the Saint of Women's Underwear. Yeah, it doesn't make sense unless you read the article.

wondeful way to grab a name from outer space. Bravo!!

My site name, "Digital Hypersleep in Overdrive", just sounded cool. It used to be "Digital Ramblings", but it seems like there's so many blog names with "Ramblings" or "Mind" in it (no offense, MM, it's just common) that I changed it. It's a paradox, see?

That's it, then.

I love the site name, never could figure out what it stood for.
No offense taken BTW. shows you what I have known all along I am common as dirt.
on Jul 11, 2007
(Citizen)DeferenceJuly 11, 2007 19:37:13

I picked Deference, as in deference to truth or a higher power, or deference as in : respectful submission or yielding to the judgment, opinion, will, etc., of another.

Long time JU members will appreciate the irony found in the latter definition.

I appreciate the Irony def, I been here a while as you know.

The site name Agenda and Malice was picked as I often focus comments centered around the idea that current events and people can be better understood when discussing what plans and emotional motivation people harbour .

Great topic MM!

I do notice you do make folks work to explain their opinions and back them up.

thank you for the 'good topic' comment I thought it might be interesting too.
on Jul 11, 2007
Jythier is a name I came up with when I used to roleplay in the Red Dragon Inn on AOL. Everyone seemed to have the letter y in their name, and after letters it did NOT belong after. Therefore, I went ahead and put a y after a j. It is actually supposed to be pronounced hi-thee-er, the j being a spanish j, and the rest being normal pronunciation, which is what makes it such a great name. Absolutely no sense to it. Fit right in.

The name of my site, which I cannot type right now because my appostrophe key keeps bringing up the "find" window, Trust me, Im an accountant, is because my brother in law bought me a keychain with that phrase on it because I am, in fact, an accountant. I really liked that keychain, still use it for the keys to the firm, and kept it for the name of my blog as I was planning on mostly blogging about forensic accounting.
on Jul 11, 2007
I appreciate the Irony def, I been here a while as you know. - MM

I think you've actually been here a few more months then I have. I started out at Political Machine in Spring of 2005 after three or four months I moved to JU. I don't think any of my articles or user points ever transferred over from the PM forums.
on Jul 11, 2007
{breaks into song} "Getting to know you, getting to know all about you....getting to like you, hoping you like me..."} I love music and musicals, can you tell!!

My name, ForeverSerenity (although the 's' is small, can't remember if that's my typo or the site not allowing me to use a captal 's' at the time, but that's how I like to write it) was chosen because I was looking for something that would depict how I wanted to be at that time in my life, my dad had died two or three years prior to me starting my blogsite, which I did actually began because my mom who was visiting with me at the time was very ill. She actually died a couple of months later. I got the name as a nudge from Seinfeld when George Constanza (spell?) (the character) used to yell out "Serenity Now, Serenity Now" when he was highly frustrated! I loved that show!lol!

"Life as I Know It" - was chosen for my site because it was my life, my experiences, my likes, dislikes, etc , as I know it to be. I ranted, wrote poetry and shared a lot of information due to my varied interests in everything! I thought about changing my Site name the other day but decided to keep it because my blog is about MY LIFE as I know it to be after all, tumultuous, peaceful, quirky, sometimes depressed, sometimes elated, off the wall and involved my three kids and hubby (and my friends...sometimes).

I can't really remember how I came upon Joe User, I did find it by accident searching probably Google or one of those other search engines!

Yeah, Elie, I did notice that about your screen name and even got confused by the other site sometimes thinking I'm clicking on you and it's not.
on Jul 12, 2007
Hey MM,

I chose Adventure-Dude because at the time I was BIG into adventure racing. I have the same for the site because I couldn't come up with a nice catch phrase or just that I'm a loser. Oh well makes no difference to me I am who I am.

But you are the only MM I listen too

on Jul 12, 2007
blast double post! See I'm a loser.
on Jul 12, 2007
Locamama because I am a crazy mom. There was a time when I wanted to change it just because I thought I had lost Amy in all my mommyness but now I've been locamama for so long that I can't imagine changing it. Mi Vida Loca because this blog was to share my crazy life with the blogsphere.

on Jul 12, 2007
Easy enough. My first name and the initial of my last name.

As for the name of my blog, I really enjoy humor above just about everything else, Who's Line Is It Anyway is one of my favorite imrpov shows, so it's a take off of the title of that show.
on Jul 12, 2007
My Blog name is a tribute to an Uncle (Grandmother's Brother).  My site name came from paraphrasing a quote by Gunnery Sgt Tom Highway (Clint Eastwood) in Heartbreak Ridge.
on Jul 12, 2007

Reply By: JythierPosted: Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Jythier is a name I came up with when I used to roleplay in the Red Dragon Inn on AOL. Everyone seemed to have the letter y in their name, and after letters it did NOT belong after. Therefore, I went ahead and put a y after a j. It is actually supposed to be pronounced hi-thee-er, the j being a spanish j, and the rest being normal pronunciation, which is what makes it such a great name. Absolutely no sense to it. Fit right in.

The name of my site, which I cannot type right now because my appostrophe key keeps bringing up the "find" window, Trust me, Im an accountant, is because my brother in law bought me a keychain with that phrase on it because I am, in fact, an accountant. I really liked that keychain, still use it for the keys to the firm, and kept it for the name of my blog as I was planning on mostly blogging about forensic accounting.

Most of the time I never pronounce names out loud while here, but today I pronounced your name out loud and cane see it, hithere. very cool and tricky too.

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