Sitting alone in the dark, blinds drawn to keep the joy of day locked outside. I hear sobbing, feel wet tears scalding hot run down my ruined face. Chest heaving, the sobs turn to wailing, railing against this disease I have no control over. Thoughts of Colleen, the pain she must feel watching her knight in shining armour rot away into nothing. Sitting on the pity pot so long now I have a ring around my ass from the weight of my body pressing so tightly downwards. Watching my worl...
Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin ( 1805 - 1871 ), The British performer J N Maskelyne and his partner Cooke. Harry Houdini (real name Erich Weiss, 1874 - 1926), took his stage name from Robert-Houdin . magicians such as James Randi , P. C. Sorcar , Doug Henning , David Copperfield , Lance Burton , Penn and Teller , Derren Brown and Chris Angel. All these men perform the most mind alt...
Dear GOD, today I am Pissed off more than usual. I am having a hard time understanding why I have not been sleeping, why am I ill? Why is there so much hatred in the world? I really did not get clean and sober so I could die a slow pain filled death. There is something inherently wrong with a man so full of life to be laid low by a virus so small I can't see the damned thing. I say this many times, " the king of the jungle, the male lion should never go toothless". "He should die ...
be·tray ( P ) Pronunciation Key (b -tr ) tr.v. be·trayed, be·tray·ing, be·trays To give aid or information to an enemy of; commit treason against: betray one's country. To deliver into the hands of an enemy in violation of a trust or allegiance: betrayed Christ to the Romans. To be false or disloyal to: betrayed their cause; betray one's better nature. To divulge in a breach of confidence: betray a secr...
I once fought a chimpanzee in a side show carny event, the chimp was muzzled, I was warned to not hit him in the face. HA. First off I had no idea how strong they are, so I blasted him in the face going for the fast knockout... When they finally peeled the chimp off of me { I heard screaming rather girly like} { was that me} ? I was bruised and hurt in places I did not know existed. During boot camp I was the idiot that volunteered to try and hit the DI, well I did manage to hit him a good...
Well under normal circumstances I would not do this, but since the tag came from 2 people I like a lot, {whip and dharma} Here we go: 1. I was 16 at a party, smoking a cigar, I forget the name , but it is a cheap one with a wooden tip and looked very cool, Since cool was VERY important to me I hated not looking cool. On one wall there was an old stereo system a console, and it was providing the music for the party, I was standing by it when Ivy Apotheca approached me and engaged me in some ch...
Most of my readers know I support President Bush and have defended him on many occasions BUT now President Bush has been outed by Scott Mcclellan for President Bushes role concerning the leak. Mcclellan who is leaving the white house made a decision to make things right . . President Bush could be counted on one thing for sure in my eyes, he had always been a man of his word. No longer will I ever trust this man again, this very act is a betrayal of his supporters and in direct conflict of his...
I have seen several articles and replies about what a person would or would not do in order to 'SURVIVE" I see many wonderful replies about how you are above all that {you is the generic you}. Let me be perfectly clear about this, if it came to My and colleens survival, I would "dust" anyone!, Steal food? yep, steal medications? yep. Set booby traps to kill your tresspasing ass? you betcha! When it comes to sheer survival I have no illusions about how low I would stoop in order to continue li... The above link is about what is that one peice of clothing you should not wear. My contribution is a ratty torn green robe falling apart, but oh so soft and comfortable. Today I purchased a new robe, it will be here in about 10 days, till then I will sit in my green robe and start the grieving process. Good-by old friend, I hope my new friend will serve me and comfort me as well as you did.
I Have several opening in the MM D.O.M. club and am taking applications at this time. You must be male to be A D.O.M. You must have a snickering laugh along the lines of the dishonest john cartoon, You must be able to lust after a female without ever doing anything about it if married or attached. You can never ever, be seen actually drooling when gazing at a pretty young thing. You must be able to "read" things into any statement a female makes and twist it to somehow soun...
This is an easy choice for me, Women use to start conversations with me with: "WHAT'S YOUR SIGN?" meaning your astrological sign of course. This oldie but moldy was used to death in the 60's and 70's . For some strange reason people use to put a lot of value on what a persons sign is. Now for more fun what is the lamest line YOU USED? I think mine was," your eyes should be 007ed," she would always ask what? I would say" those eyes should be licensed to kill, cause they are...
Long ago in another time MM use to "move" a little pot, just to keep my expenses down {so I could smoke for free}. Anyway My cat angel was always a little strange, in a house filled with pit bulls, angel ruled with an iron claw. The dogs knew better than to even sneer at her because the alpha dog {me} would get them and not get them nicely, But I digress. I had this beautiful hand made pot box, where I stored all my paraphernalia and several varieties of pot, usually some red-bud o...
Give me meat, rare, real rare, blood rare, juicy, a nice cut of prime rib, ribeye, porterhouse, t bone, filet minion. Carnivorians take back our meat from the hands of the unbelievers. the vegheads are dangerous, they think we are cows. Maybe someone should show them all our teeth, the front teeth made for biting chunks out of MEAT, the back to chew it with. get the chant going.MEAT! MEAT! MEAT! MEATMEATMEATMEATMEAT!!! STOMP YOUR FEET for meat.
It was Christmas night, bitter cold. He had nowhere to go, he gave his last 4 dollars for a fix, and he was freezing ,snot running down his nose. The cold was bone chilling, but he could not leave, he needed that shot. Hours passed and still he stood on the corner unwilling to believe he had been ripped off for the last of his money. Finally he left, seeking the warmth of a boiler room infested by cockroaches and rats, he did not care. Hunger struck, and he threw up, the sickness...
Live grubs dug from under a rotten tree.{vietnam} Monkey meat in the philipines. Balut {buried duck egg} also the philipines. Rock ape, vietnam. Oxen hump { was pissed at a farmer} vietnam OK lets be honest now and no disgusting stuff. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA