America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Moderateman's Articles In Misc » Page 4
April 8, 2006 by Moderateman The above link is about what is that one peice of clothing you should not wear. My contribution is a ratty torn green robe falling apart, but oh so soft and comfortable. Today I purchased a new robe, it will be here in about 10 days, till then I will sit in my green robe and start the grieving process. Good-by old friend, I hope my new friend will serve me and comfort me as well as you did.
November 23, 2005 by Moderateman
I Have several opening in the MM D.O.M. club and am taking applications at this time. You must be male to be A D.O.M. You must have a snickering laugh along the lines of the dishonest john cartoon, You must be able to lust after a female without ever doing anything about it if married or attached. You can never ever, be seen actually drooling when gazing at a pretty young thing. You must be able to "read" things into any statement a female makes and twist it to somehow soun...
October 10, 2005 by Moderateman
This is an easy choice for me, Women use to start conversations with me with: "WHAT'S YOUR SIGN?" meaning your astrological sign of course. This oldie but moldy was used to death in the 60's and 70's . For some strange reason people use to put a lot of value on what a persons sign is. Now for more fun what is the lamest line YOU USED? I think mine was," your eyes should be 007ed," she would always ask what? I would say" those eyes should be licensed to kill, cause they are...
September 28, 2005 by Moderateman
Long ago in another time MM use to "move" a little pot, just to keep my expenses down {so I could smoke for free}. Anyway My cat angel was always a little strange, in a house filled with pit bulls, angel ruled with an iron claw. The dogs knew better than to even sneer at her because the alpha dog {me} would get them and not get them nicely, But I digress. I had this beautiful hand made pot box, where I stored all my paraphernalia and several varieties of pot, usually some red-bud o...
August 9, 2005 by Moderateman
Give me meat, rare, real rare, blood rare, juicy, a nice cut of prime rib, ribeye, porterhouse, t bone, filet minion. Carnivorians take back our meat from the hands of the unbelievers. the vegheads are dangerous, they think we are cows. Maybe someone should show them all our teeth, the front teeth made for biting chunks out of MEAT, the back to chew it with. get the chant going.MEAT! MEAT! MEAT! MEATMEATMEATMEATMEAT!!! STOMP YOUR FEET for meat.
July 29, 2005 by Moderateman
It was Christmas night, bitter cold. He had nowhere to go, he gave his last 4 dollars for a fix, and he was freezing ,snot running down his nose. The cold was bone chilling, but he could not leave, he needed that shot. Hours passed and still he stood on the corner unwilling to believe he had been ripped off for the last of his money. Finally he left, seeking the warmth of a boiler room infested by cockroaches and rats, he did not care. Hunger struck, and he threw up, the sickness...
July 13, 2005 by Moderateman
Live grubs dug from under a rotten tree.{vietnam} Monkey meat in the philipines. Balut {buried duck egg} also the philipines. Rock ape, vietnam. Oxen hump { was pissed at a farmer} vietnam OK lets be honest now and no disgusting stuff. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
July 5, 2005 by Moderateman
David Neuman, jumps in a river, saves a drowning man and gets arrested for his effort. Truth stranger than fiction, While Mr. nueman was in the water trying to rescue this man, the police finally arrive and order everyone out of the water, Mr. nueman who already knew where the man was ignored the command and continued to rescue the man. He saved this mans life, the cops were now shouting at Nueman to recross the river and come to them, nueman was exhausted and took a minute to recover, ...
June 22, 2005 by Moderateman
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
June 14, 2005 by Moderateman
Men are dogs plain and simple, while driving today to the docs I was staring at a shaply ass and guess what? She looked about 14, after I slapped myself a dozen times for lusting after a child { I swear she looked 21 from behind} Men are dogs.
June 7, 2005 by Moderateman
Inside of me...lives a beast... rotting and destroying me.. from within. weakening the power I once had.. cling to life I must.. Not ready yet to let go. tired... pain filled days.. endlessly taking its toll. strength wans... mind takes over for body.. how much longer must I endure? till the end...
June 5, 2005 by Moderateman
Oh where to start? We own our own home, not the bank, us. But I can't spell. We own a cma and stock and bonds through Merril Lynch. But my grammar sucks. Our credit report is 830. But I dropped out of high school. I created not one but two sucessfull buisnesses and retired at 55. But I make simple errors in english. We own stock in two different energy companies alot of stock. But I just cannot spell properly. We have a pma account with wells fargo. But they never correct my ...
May 20, 2005 by Moderateman
For all you morons that think guns are the great evil of our times and have blamed guns for crime, murder, rape and other acts take the following test. Get a weapon, any weapon will do... gun, knife, baseball bat. Put said weapon on a table top. Sit back watching weapon intently. Wait for weapon to do harm all of its own accord. when weapon does not attack you or anyones else, maybe, just maybe YOU WILL SEE WHAT AN IDIOT YOU ARE.
May 20, 2005 by Moderateman
Can anybody even tell what my avatar is????
May 18, 2005 by Moderateman
When I grow up I want to be a manipulator, A liar, A cheat, have a billion dollars, be shallow, uncaring, betray my country. Pretend to be a hunter, employ thousands that work and live overseas Have a mean bitch falling down drunk for my wife. A nice smile, a great vocabulary, Be "sunday" religious. Constantly tell people what a "hero" I am. Own five houses in america and one in France. Campain for energy conservation, but not in my back yard, because the windmills ruin my...