Mightily these two warriors fought, long into the day, which turned to night. Many wounds inflicted, blood flowed freely, each striving to defeat the other. Each man fighting for their own purpose and cause. Tired they grew, these heroic men of courage and valor. In the course of battle they saw the eyes of each other looking back at them. They saw many things, each respected the courage of the other, neither would give any quarter. Soon they realized that the other was a ma...
Ok conservation freaks and fellow tree huggers We gotta do something about these idiots that keep sending heavy catalogs to your home long after you said enuff. Order one thing online from a catalog and BOOM your name get sold to 1986564398997645 different places and soon comes a flood of paper catalogs. How much time , energy and precious trees are wasted doing this ? The mrs and I get about 25 catalogs a week and it's such a huge waste of our resources. There must be a way to s...
After not being able to whack off the growth in my yard due to being to ill to do so, I spent most of today whacking off the excess growth and evening out the shrubery. Sure does'nt take long for me to run out of energy these days. Maybe I will have to hire someone to do landscaping, and keep all the growth cut back so my yard is once again beautifull.
Such strength in such a small body….. Such wisdom. Kindness.. Female lion she is…hunting to feed.. Old lion She will not leave. She fills my heart… Makes me a better man. Her courage is boundless.. She silences the storm with a glance.. She lends her strength to me in… Times of need. She is what epitomizes WOMAN. How blessed I am to be … With her at my side in all things I love you my sweet colleen Always and after, If after death, you need me.. I will arise...
As I sit quietly this morning, letting my treasured wife sleep, I find that in order to be awake quietly I have to occupy my mind. So while waiting I decided to play some pinball, that comes installed with microsoft with the sound off. I hit a couple big games for me , 30 million plus. When I got bored with pinball I played some hearts. { I am real good at getting zero games} The new games are beyond my skill to play, why heck I do not even understand most of them. So when you...
Do you wish you were Immortal? I have always had a desire to be immortal, like the highlander, without having to play the game. Frell that “there can be only one crap” Imagine all you could see and experience? To be 5000 years old today, what a dream or nightmare. To have seen the birth of Christ, the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, to talked with Socrates and other great thinkers. Anyone else ever had this thought? This could be a fun non-partisan discussion…. Maybe...
For all you morons that think guns are the great evil of our times and have blamed guns for crime, murder, rape and other acts take the following test. Get a weapon, any weapon will do... gun, knife, baseball bat. Put said weapon on a table top. Sit back watching weapon intently. Wait for weapon to do harm all of its own accord. when weapon does not attack you or anyones else, maybe, just maybe YOU WILL SEE WHAT AN IDIOT YOU ARE.
Can anybody even tell what my avatar is????
When I grow up I want to be a manipulator, A liar, A cheat, have a billion dollars, be shallow, uncaring, betray my country. Pretend to be a hunter, employ thousands that work and live overseas Have a mean bitch falling down drunk for my wife. A nice smile, a great vocabulary, Be "sunday" religious. Constantly tell people what a "hero" I am. Own five houses in america and one in France. Campain for energy conservation, but not in my back yard, because the windmills ruin my...
I have hit a wall, my brain has taken a slight vacation, so for a while I will just be lurking around posting comments to worth and unworthy articles.. lol as a point slut in good standing I do understand the need to feed my fellow point-ho's.
How come water in a toilet in america spins clockwise, yet the water in a toilet down under spins counter clock wise?
No member of any race may marry a member of the same race. No member of any religion may marry a member of the same religion. Any children of any marriage Must be brought up in a religion NOT represented by either of the parents. Let a century pass and we will all be the same color, and have diverse religious backgrounds. This will end racisim, and religious fanatics. What do you guys think of my solution.?
There was a day when I reveled in playing ball, At 15 I was already 6ft plus and 175 pounds, {this was huge in my day} I ran the hundred yard dash in 9.9 seconds. Fast, very fast. All lean muscle and a smell for blood on the field. Believe this or not I was real shy around girls; I had no self-confidence around girls at all. On the field I was a lion out for blood, around girls I was a dimwit, I could not tell when a girl was interested in me or read any signals at all from them. ...
In the late 1960’s there was an explosion of legs.. long female legs,,smoooooooth female legs. I used to go down to broad and wall street almost daily in the spring, summer and fall at lunch time, just to hang with some crazed friends and look at legs, white legs, black legs, tan legs, brown legs, yellow legs legs legs legs.. It seems like any female that could, would wear a mini or my fav a micro-mini, sigh Afterwards we would go twist a couple up and I would ravage my eye candy of th...
In my brain there is noise. Lots of noise.. Never ending chatter. Anger at the thought of leaving her……… alone Tired of being ill.. fear at a slow painful demise.\ Sleepy.. need more rest.. but rest is the little death.. Love..everytime I awake and see…. Her Peace I seek constantly. Joy in small things.. the chirping of birds.. the feel of my cats.. the smell of flowers. Pain as my body breaks down further… once powerful, now weak. Listless. Memories of war.. I cannot ...