All these plans to stop smoking. All the multitudes of ways to lose weight, HA! none of them really WORK. The moderateman plan to loss weight is GUARANTEED TO PEEL weight off and whats best about it you won't even notice the weight melting away!! What is best about this most excellent weight loss you get to quit smoking cigarettes at the same time with absolutely no craving for nicotine. Here is how my programs works, yes I am giving away the secret of the program because success such as this...
All these plans to stop smoking. All the multitudes of ways to lose weight, HA! none of them really WORK. The moderateman plan to loss weight is GUARANTEED TO PEEL weight off and whats best about it you won't even notice the weight melting away!! What is best about this most excellent weight loss you get to quit smoking cigarettes at the same time with absolutely no craving for nicotine. Here is how my programs works, yes I am giving away the secret of the program because success such as this...
This is the official list of the top twenty five real warning labels for real products that you and I purchase daily. How dumb do the manufacturers think we are anyways? Unknown Air Conditioner Caution: Avoid dropping air conditioners out of windows. Rate Me! Unknown Blow Dryer Warning: Do not use while sleeping. Rate Me! ...
This is the official list of the top twenty five real warning labels for real products that you and I purchase daily. How dumb do the manufacturers think we are anyways? Unknown Air Conditioner Caution: Avoid dropping air conditioners out of windows. Rate Me! Unknown Blow Dryer Warning: Do not use while sleeping. Rate Me! ...
MODERATEMAN IS ON VACATION, LIBERALMAN IS SITTING IN FOR TODAYS ARTICLE. Saddam Hussein hero of the revolution, champion of justice, man adored by millions, poet, author, wrongly accused of crimes against humanity was hanged in the most awful manner, tortured verbally by American plants in a room devised for his hanging, unflinchingly Saddam stood there chin held high, eyes straight ahead meeting his death with honor and grace, offering his neck to the noose that would end this old mans...
MODERATEMAN IS ON VACATION, LIBERALMAN IS SITTING IN FOR TODAYS ARTICLE. Saddam Hussein hero of the revolution, champion of justice, man adored by millions, poet, author, wrongly accused of crimes against humanity was hanged in the most awful manner, tortured verbally by American plants in a room devised for his hanging, unflinchingly Saddam stood there chin held high, eyes straight ahead meeting his death with honor and grace, offering his neck to the noose that would end this old mans...
It seems that hiding in those caves have made the members of Al Qaeda very lonely for women and they are now calling for some nice Jewish women to have cybersex with. While the leader Usama Bin Laden tried to deny this call for cybering with American Jewish women he did mention a nice steamy black woman would do in a pinch. She need not be Muslim. His second in command has said that and this is a quote " no no no we meant cyber attacks, not cyber sex" Sureeeeeeee said the reporter ju...
It seems that hiding in those caves have made the members of Al Qaeda very lonely for women and they are now calling for some nice Jewish women to have cybersex with. While the leader Usama Bin Laden tried to deny this call for cybering with American Jewish women he did mention a nice steamy black woman would do in a pinch. She need not be Muslim. His second in command has said that and this is a quote " no no no we meant cyber attacks, not cyber sex" Sureeeeeeee said the reporter ju...
This is a forward E-mail from a friend of mine that is a true bleeding heart Liberal, she is also a wonderful friend and knows of my service to country. This is funny and sad, yet so true. Not just republicans think the MSM is demented. >Dan Rather, Peter Jennings, Cokie Roberts, and a tough old U. S. Marine >Sargent were all captured by terrorists in Iraq. The leader of the >terrorists told them that he would grant them each one last request >before they w...
This is a forward E-mail from a friend of mine that is a true bleeding heart Liberal, she is also a wonderful friend and knows of my service to country. This is funny and sad, yet so true. Not just republicans think the MSM is demented. >Dan Rather, Peter Jennings, Cokie Roberts, and a tough old U. S. Marine >Sargent were all captured by terrorists in Iraq. The leader of the >terrorists told them that he would grant them each one last request >before they w...
While trying to beat a drug test, God displays his sense of the absurd.... This makes you wonder exactly how stupid are some people? Leslye Creighton, 41, of Wilkinsburg, plead guilty to microwaving a plastic penis, to pass a drug test for a job., and authorities dropped the same charge against Vincent Bostic, 31, of Pittsburgh, who has agreed to help pay $425 to replace the store's microwave, police and the couple's defense attorney said. Police in McKeesport, about 1...
While trying to beat a drug test, God displays his sense of the absurd.... This makes you wonder exactly how stupid are some people? Leslye Creighton, 41, of Wilkinsburg, plead guilty to microwaving a plastic penis, to pass a drug test for a job., and authorities dropped the same charge against Vincent Bostic, 31, of Pittsburgh, who has agreed to help pay $425 to replace the store's microwave, police and the couple's defense attorney said. Police in McKeesport, about 1...
So with things going so bad in Iraq, Bush is now Lieing about the lies he told while lieing about how Saddam lied to the lieing terrorists that lied about sept 11th. His lies about lieing is a refreshing change from the other lies he lied about during his campaign for President in 2004, where he lied about all the lies being told about Hanoijohn kerry who himself is quite an accomplished liar. Bushes next lie will be about the lies told to the liars club, also known as congress.
So with things going so bad in Iraq, Bush is now Lieing about the lies he told while lieing about how Saddam lied to the lieing terrorists that lied about sept 11th. His lies about lieing is a refreshing change from the other lies he lied about during his campaign for President in 2004, where he lied about all the lies being told about Hanoijohn kerry who himself is quite an accomplished liar. Bushes next lie will be about the lies told to the liars club, also known as congress.
The survey group called "we hate everything about George Bush" has released the latest figures on the massive expenditure of bullets in IRAQ. It seem that due to Bushes foreign policy has caused our military to miss their targets about 14 percent of the time!! Because of the bad training Bush has given the combat soldiers it is costing an extra 14 cents per bullet. Now if a marine misses 14% of the time and shoots 100 rounds a day, this 14 rounds at 14 cents a round being wasted!!!! ...