Governors Corzine's solution for the four billion dollar deficit of New Jersey, inherited from another Democratic governor forced to resign for fraud, what else? raise taxes on the people of New Jersey. His proposal was denied by A Democratic Majority {what's up with that? democrats not wanting to raise taxes?} His solution for being denied? Close state beaches, state parks, send home state workers, close the dmv, close all government functions not deemed necessary. His ...
As countries that are enemies of America watch and read the dissent and confusion the LIBERAL LEFT CONTINUES to cause, it gives them hope that as long as their number one allies the DEMOCRATIC party continues on their UN AMERICAN ways that these enemies of America can continue to Disobey their betters { AMERICA} with impunity. Since news is now transmitted at speeds that boggle the mind, Countries like Iran and North Korea will keep their dangerous ways as long as their best friends the...
Just to make sure we do not forget how "PATRIOTIC" the Hollywood crowd is, in protest of the war in Iraq and in support of Cindy {you do not speak for me! } Shehan A number of so called "STARS" are going to forgo their lifestyle of flying their own jets to shop in Paris and eating nothing but the best foods America has to offer and Fast one whole day! WOW! Gee a whole 24 hours with no food, but I am sure lots of EVIAN WATER to make sure these pampered morons do not get dehydrated. Hollywoo...
Well, let me start with the truth, I had not slept for 3 full days and was more than a little confused, for some strange reason I blamed my lack of sleep on blogging. I hid all my articles and decided I was not going to blog anymore. Sleep deprivation does screwy things to my mind. All I can say is I am sorry if I caused anyone any grief or confusion. I have opened my site back up and now that I have slept, 25 out of the last 48 hours and my mind is much clearer here I am. Much like ...
I am dumping my articles and can only go back around 15 screens, How can I access the rest of my articles so I may close them all?
Sabrina, she of the kind heart, soft and gentle words. There when you need a friendly voice. There when you need the truth, not brutal, but honest as the day is long. There when you feel like crying, there to share the joy of living. Perfect? not by a long shot. Real? as real as it gets. Sabrina, knocked down, kicked around, yet none of that stays with her. Kindness oozes from her every pore. Teacher, Muse, friend. I love you sabrina, thank you for helping erase all the bad stu...
Can something be done about the rambling moron that is resurrecting old article and flooding the forums with nonsense?
Pennsylvania Congressman, John quick run away and hide Murtha who has demanded an immediate redeployment of U.S. troops {read cut and run away, give up}in Iraq to Okinawa, Japan, why not Georgia or Florida, they are closer to Iraq than his suggestion? Now says the American presence in Iraq is more dangerous to world peace than nuclear threats from North Korea or Iran. Again a Congressman INTIMATES Bush is a terrorist. Again A Congressman Trashes his own country, Damn it John what happe...
Free elections in not one but two countries that have lived under tyranny for decades, that would be Afghanistan and Iraq. The master terrorist Osama Bin Laden has not been seen leading anything, come to think of it, he might not be able to see at all living in a cave for so many years. The leader of the terrorist movement in Iraq is dead. The government of Iraq is governing and making their own decisions, whether we like them or not, they are showing the world they are not a pupp...
Once again the Senate and the House show their true color... GREEN for money. President Bush has been asking for Line Item veto power and once again he was turned away. The reasons given were "it gives the President to much power!" What a huge whopper. A presidential veto can be over come by a 2/3rds vote in the Senate. What is at stake here is the Senates and the Houses precious PORK~! as LONG AS ANYONE MIGHT THREATEN THEIR PET PROJECTS ...Read swine fe...
Battle Summary: Mcclellan's forces advanced to within 15 miles of Richmond. On June 26th, Lee's forces attacked Union forces at Mechanicsville. The Union forces were victorious, but McClellan ordered a withdrawal to Gaines' Mill. There, Confederate forces broke Union lines the next day. McClellan then ordered a general withdrawal. Three more battles were fought, including one at Malvern Hill, in which Confederate troops were slaughtered, in an ill advised attempt to scale it. In the end howeve... Is America being sold down the river due to the liberal lefts blind hatred for all things conservative and all things implemented by President Bush? This story is brought to you by the same reporter that sold out America earlier this year by exposing how the NSA was tracking Phone calls made by suspected Terrorist. This administration asked the Times to hold this most recent story due to national security. Their request was ...
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This is what we are fighting, monsters that deserve no quarter. All you liberals do not forget to celebrate that these two brave Americans were tortured, mutilated, eyes gouged out and other unspeakable horrors, While you are busy crying about things like Haditha and abu ghraib do not forget to shed a few crocodile tears for the families of American soldiers. This might seem harsh to some members of the community, But this constant cut and run away policy, the words of condemn...
No I did not get to fly an airplane, nor did I get to parachute jump. I did not receive a gift of material worth. No Cake, No special dinner. What i did receive from my wife, the woman that still rocks my world was. Appearance: her eyes are puffy from sleep, her hair a rosters comb, wearing a ratty pink robe. Now you have this picture? Now picture this, on awakening she comes to me, sits on my lap and sings Happy Birthday, in th...