America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Moderateman's Articles In Home & Family
January 5, 2005 by Moderateman
OK OK OK here is the story........ I amma confirmed coffee snob... I have a melita coffee maker that grinds the beans as well as makes coffee... it has a gold filter.... I drink only what I consider the best coffee mostly from ethiopia, arabia and kenya......... when I am feeling RICH I drink jamican blue mountain from mavis banks estates.......... that stuff is for the rich between 35 and 40 bucks us money.. The others are in the 10 to 13 dollor range. ethiopian yergachev, and sid...
January 11, 2005 by Moderateman
Ok Ok here is the sad long tale. My wife and I love watching inapproite television series. I am 57 and she is 50 We take great pleasure in watching Buffy the vampire slayer and Angel.. Even tho there both in reruns we still watch like crazy people.. We keep this a secret from the Adults in our lives as we are sure they would'nt understand. Adults!!!! harumpphhhhhh Any other people have "dirty little secrets"? Tv series, books , movies? no porn people please...
June 15, 2005 by Moderateman
Damn its hard, long and smooth. The tip is perfect, just the right amount. Long smooth strokes is how it's done. Perfect timing, or you will shoot before you want to. Draw back, and shoot. Another ball falls in the hole, 15 left to run the table.
April 22, 2005 by Moderateman
Ok imagine this, a 65 years old man that is just enthralled with picking his nose. Then he rolls up the booger in his hands and shoots it into the air, In my home. I have asked him to not do this but he just cannot help himself, Pick, roll, flick, pick,roll, flick. This drives me crazy as my wife and I just put brand new 90 ounce carpeting down and its a fairly light color eucaliptus {spelling?} My wife really gets annoyed and my brother now hides doing his flicking when colleen i...
April 14, 2005 by Moderateman
After spending the day cleaning house, in between blogging and such, I realized that a clean home smells clean. Murphy’s oil soap for the wood furniture, orange citrus for the tile floors, vacuumed couch and easy chairs, the scent of laundry done folded and put away. The outside air blowing through the house {74 degrees here today} The odor of a grilled steak, with purple potatoes and asparagus. My body clean from a bath in mineral salts from the Dead Sea. Life is filled with s...
January 14, 2005 by Moderateman
Well this old fart gotta go play nice with a heavy slanted way left crowd tommorow night. My wife must attend this instalation function and guess who must attend with her.. yeppers dats right da ol street thug himself. These evening are tortureous for me.... couple having to play nice with people that make me crazy I have to break in my new "pronto uumos" ouch. So as I put on my "donna karen" spelling? suit, my fancy schmantzy dress socks my new shoes, think of the ol moderateman...
June 20, 2006 by Moderateman
 No I did not get to fly an airplane, nor did I get to parachute jump. I did not receive a gift of material worth. No Cake, No special dinner.   What i did receive from my wife, the woman that still rocks my world was. Appearance: her eyes are puffy from sleep, her hair a rosters comb, wearing a ratty pink robe.   Now you have this picture?   Now picture this, on awakening she comes to me, sits on my lap and sings Happy Birthday, in th...
June 29, 2005 by Moderateman
1-2 Pound butternut squash. Cut in half, clean, wrap in tin foil and bake. When done scoop out and put squash in blender. 1 can of chicken or veggie broth 1cup {8oz.of milk-} Pinch of grated nutmeg Pinch of cinnamon Use real butter 1/8th pound {1/2 of a quarter} Put everything in blender until well blended. Put on stove, add 1 tablespoon butter, bring to full boil stirring always Lower heat to simmer, keep stirring. salt and pepper to taste. Ready to eat.... M...