Although I am not strong enough yet to really write an article, I felt moved to give my thanks for the tremendous outpouring of love and concern during my illness. I will not name individual names as you know who you are, those that have sent cards, sent prayers, phone calls, kind thoughts and all the loving gestures have moved me in ways that I have not been moved for a long time. I will be back, more than likely a kinder and gentler Elie. HAH!! Love, hugs and kisses to all....
Hi Folks - this is Colleen, Elie's other half. I wanted to let those of you that know Elie, know that he is in the hospital in serious condition. He has some sort of viral infection that has impacted all of his systems, including his brain. I took him in Friday morning and he has been in the ICU since then. For those of you that know and care for Elie, I ask for your prayers or other kind thoughts into the universe for his recovery. I will try to post something again soon...
OK lets start off with men are wired differently than women are, this is neither bad nor good, it just is the truth. Now, A woman complains about something, be it the floor that has a stain that will not come out, or the dishes are to high for them to reach them, whatever the complaint is men HEAR, HELP ME, even if the woman does not want help, that is what men hear.. help me, fix this!, make this better!. Now women for the most part, as least the women that are aware know this...
Sabrina, she of the kind heart, soft and gentle words. There when you need a friendly voice. There when you need the truth, not brutal, but honest as the day is long. There when you feel like crying, there to share the joy of living. Perfect? not by a long shot. Real? as real as it gets. Sabrina, knocked down, kicked around, yet none of that stays with her. Kindness oozes from her every pore. Teacher, Muse, friend. I love you sabrina, thank you for helping erase all the bad stu...
You are having a heated argument with an acquaintance, a disagreement of sorts, suddenly party A says "hey you hurt my feelings" Party B' Says no I did not! I always thought it was up to the party that had his feelings hurt to decide if they were hurt or not. How can anyone say "I did not hurt your feelings" when Party A made it very clear indeed they were hurt. Who's decision is it to decide about hurt feelings? The one that claims there feelings were hurt or insulted or the other part...
After spending the last 5 days with Michele here, I grew to realize how much this friend means to me and colleen. We did nothing special, although the girls went on a train ride and an back-road adventure by car. If it is possible for a man to love two women then this is it! It will be at least a year till I get to See Michele again face to face, and even though she just left this morning, I miss her already. Colleen managed to take off from work so the three of us could be together....
In My last article Deference brought up friendship means something different to him than it does to me. I am real curious about this, {learning still} May I have your age, sex and what does friendship mean to you at this point in your life? To me it means that I am always there for my friends, no matter what, their friendship carries a lot of weight and importance to me, I am not ever to busy to listen to a friend, offer an ear or some advice if asked. To me friends are my family, ...
Always make sure that the person or people you love the most hear these words at parting or the end of a conversation. "I LOVE YOU!" it just might be the last thing they ever hear on this plane of existence. I always think today that a fight is inevatble with loved ones, it just happens when two or more people live together. But.. never ever let things stay that way. Every Monday through Friday I See colleen off to work and always make sure I say I love you to her loud and clear, becaus...
This is just a simple getting to know more about you post. Since it is my questions I feel it's only fair I answer first. I have a robe, hunter green terry cloth that is in tatters, ratty looking would be a kind description, I just cannot let go of it. It's soft, cuddly, and warm. Colleen hates it with a passion but I will not get rid of it, nor will I buy a new one, hey it's my robe I will wear it if I wanna. Two things about my body I hate, ok make it three, I hate my bent and...
My big brother jack {he is older 65 to my 59} has always been the one person I have looked up to. When I was young he was my protect, my tormentor and the bane of my existence. As I aged we grew apart, I am afraid I was much to wild for my brother, I was so angry that my father died and no one even noticed this 15 year old was not crying, something inside of me died that day may 2nd 1962. My brother left town to escape the sick situation at home, my mom God rest her soul was not kind...
Getting on a 40 foot ladder to clean the gutters is a scarey thing, I kept thinking I would fall down and hurt myself.
As the sweetest woman on the planet leaves to conduct buisness in Chicago, I am once again stuck by how much this woman means to me. She truly is the air I breathe, and she calms the savage beast that lives inside of me. So I must take out my hostility on someone. any volenteers? I will be alone for 4 whole days, waaaaaaaa. I used to go on trips with her, but my stupid body is not co-operating. sigh love sometimes SUCKS, but when she gets back home, all will be well in MOD...
My sweet baby colleen drives me insane sometimes, it's the little stuff that gets me. She is an incredible dresser, neat as can be, good taste, impeccabley coifted, lite on the make-up. Now here is what drives me insane, she hits the house and her clothes start flying, a bra here, panty hose there, blouse here, And me being the anal man that I am, I follow her around picking them up. Every so often I collect them and gently fling them across the room, sometimes hang them from the cha...
For anyone that is intrested, I am blowing this freakshow off fer awhile. All the bad feelings and flaming and name calling, sounds like a childs romper room, here is my email for anyone that wants to stay in touch. If I start getting spammed I will just delete this name , creat a new email name and only give it to those few here that already have it. MM
While I respect whip and her views, I cannot say that kicking puppies is something to "enjoy". I do understand that whip is talking about humans, but I think and feel, we are all judged by how we treat the weakest of us, in life and on joeuser. Now remember I was a huge bully at one time and really enjoyed picking on the least of us { as I perceived them to be} I grew out of this {no I am not saying people that kick puppies are immature} SHIT HOW many disclaimers am I going to have t...