I am writing again about the U.N. because it has such a dismal record of failure to accomplish its stated goals. I believe that the U.N. is a potentially dangerous organization and most Americans are totally unaware of the dangers posed by the U.N. The U.N. was created in 1945 to preserve the peace world wide and at first there were 51 nations that signed on. Now there are 191 nations with a good part of them being under dictatorships or socialist in leadership. Unfortunately mo...
I see things like Bush does not know what he is doing. Bush is totally divorced from reality. Bush refuses to see the war is lost. Bush must set a time line for withdrawal from Iraq. I also see members of congress trying to usurp Presidential powers by telling the Commander in Chief on what he must do, how he is to behave, how he is to act. What kind of President allows his executive powers to be taken away from him by congress? Never in my 60 years of life have I seen such disrespect for ...
There was a religious angle to the ‘divine wind’ Kamikaze pilots of WW2 Japan. The Emperor was descended from the Gods. Shinto religion as practiced within the military of the time, was a motive to the warrior culture. That is why unconditional surrender was demanded of the Japanese. You have to undeify any man who is supposed to be a God. If not, the people following him, will believe in their right to perform any deed, that serves the holy cause. As we know the Japanese believed that ...
Remember this name.. Congresswoman Tubbs Jones. Since the year 2000 she has accepted 72 gifts from people like lobbyists, this included free airfare, top notch hotels that were paid for, free food and gifts. This comes to A free trip a month roughly. Ms. Jones sits on the house and means commitee. When questioned about her activities she replied. It's ok because I am the only Black female on this commitee Well now, I wonder why the MSM has not been reporting on this unde...
Gloria Allred is a Victims rights lawyer, HA!! the only victim in a Gloria Alred case is the person she is out to suck blood from. Point in case Amber Fry from Scott Peterson history. Amber looked like what she is a cheap 2 dollar whore, Gloria smelled money and decided to represent her in the Scott Peterson trial, Amber did not have a pot to piss in or the window to throw it out and was not in any jeopardy from Peterson or the courts, but the vampire queen Gloria Alred smelled blood in...
While I could on an intellectual level understand the anger from the Democrats over the last 6 years, no power, no vision {still they have no vision}, I cannot for the life of me understand why are they still pissy? From incoming congressman webs RUDE snub of the President to infighting over Jack {quick runaway and hide Murtha}, to the infighting over Alcee{gimme money for my decisions} Hastings, The Democrats having no one on the right except the President to fight about now are turning on e...
The Democrats are not officially in power yet, but here are a few things the Democrats are ready to obstruct John Bolton while doing a fine job at the United nations, will not be confirmed, matter of future fact he will not even get an up or down vote. The democrats are already to implement their world famous run away and hide foreign policy including Iraq, the have stated they hold the purse strings for more money concerning then war and they fully plan to cut funding. While the democr...
With the Democratic takeover of the Senate, Mr. Lieberman is in line to become chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. Did not take long to the Democrats to show their true colors, offer Joe a committee seat before Republicans could woo Joe. To see the people that turned their backs on SENATOR Lieberman, slap his back with congratulations after Joe's win in Connecticut over their hand picked candidate Ned { I spent a lot of money, had the support of the entire...
Yesterday I made the mistake of watching a Fox news special called obsession the militant Islamic threat. To watch that much hatred was upsetting to say the least, it was an one hour hate-fest towards not just America, but the west and Israel. It seems that the Islamic Fascist are using the Nazi game plan. Hitler understood that Germany needed a unifying force after there defeat in WW1, So he started blaming all of Germany's ills on the JEWS. It worked and he did unify Germany. Th...
"I sincerely regret that my words were misinterpreted to wrongly imply anything negative about those in uniform and I personally apologize to any service member, family member or American who was offended," Kerry said in a statement. For the real stupid, this means " I am sorry YOU ARE TO STUPID to get my joke>. This is a non apoligy from an elitist democrat that thinks he is BETTER THAN US common folk. This is also a slap in the face of every American that has served, is s...
First off this is not some kind of fact, it is strictly my OPINION. So there will not be links to anything to back up what I am about to set forth. Minorities are being set up and all human pride is being sucked out of them, some examples are, The left does not feel as though minorities can take care of themselves, while the right feels they can and will if opportunity is provided. The left keeps saying over the years, minorities NEED an advantage over whites, such as the equal opportun...
The ever contaversial Sherrif of Maricopa county has made news again, this time he is offering english lessons to the large Hispanic population in his custody. Joe Arpaio you rock! He feels that his guards should not be forced to take a second language to communicate with prisoners. Just now on Fox news I saw a leading member of the Hispanic community compare this with concentration camps. Yup making someone learn english is just the same as gassing them to d...
As one ages and is a political animal, which is MORE likely? Changing from Liberal to Conservative OR changing from Conservative to Liberal?
WHO here believes Ted Kennedy DID NOT MURDER MARY JO KOPEKNE?
Series of four international agreements (1864, 1906, 1929, 1949) signed in Geneva, Switz., that established the humanitarian principles by which the signatory countries are to treat an enemy's military and civilian nationals in wartime. While I see many from both the right and the left whining about getting a clear definition of the Geneva convention concerning interrogation of prisoners, I must ask the following question, exactly what enemy has America fought that has followed the part of t...