Remember this name.. Congresswoman Tubbs Jones.
Since the year 2000 she has accepted 72 gifts from people like lobbyists, this included free airfare, top notch hotels that were paid for, free food and gifts. This comes to A free trip a month roughly.
Ms. Jones sits on the house and means commitee.
When questioned about her activities she replied.
It's ok because I am the only Black female on this commitee
Well now, I wonder why the MSM has not been reporting on this underhanded behavior.
Be sure if it was a Republican trying to excuse this scandalous chicanery with such a transparent excuse the MSM would lose their collective narrow minded brains.
Yet Ms Jones reply, starting with the playing of the race card, {an all time favorite of Blacks} Try pinning them down and they say "you are only after me because I am black" Not because She is a crook!!