America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~

I see things like Bush does not know what he is doing. Bush is totally divorced from reality. Bush refuses to see the war is lost. Bush must set a time line for withdrawal from Iraq.

I also see members of congress trying to usurp Presidential powers by telling the Commander in Chief on what he must do, how he is to behave, how he is to act. What kind of President allows his executive powers to be taken away from him by congress?

Never in my 60 years of life have I seen such disrespect for the office of the President as I am seeing now, NEVER!

I see American Leaders demanding that the President declare We have lost to a bunch of rag tag terrorist and run away, not because we have lost, but simply for some perceived political gain.

Where has the American spirit gone? Why do we allow these so called leaders to lead? We have become a joke, not because of the mistakes the President made, and he has made plenty of them, but his total lack of support from the other leaders of our great country, disrespecting the office of the Presidency every time they get a chance to. Bringing personal attacks on the President, calling him a buffoon and other names not fit to print here. I am so thoroughly disgusted by our leaders that for the first time in my life I am ashamed to be called American.

on Apr 25, 2007

The opposition wants a president like Carter - with his fingers in every pie, paralized into inaction by information overload.  They hate Reagan because he was the exact opposite - and made it work.  They hate Bush because they could not lead in a time of crises, and so they propose nothing, and complain about everything.

I am not ashamed of being an American.  But I cannot have respect for those with no responsibility, and only lies, distortions, and a spaghetti noodle for a backbone.  Sure they are saying what some want to hear - because that is the only thing they know how to say.  Even when they dont realize how stupid and weak they appear.

on Apr 25, 2007

But I cannot have respect for those with no responsibility, and only lies, distortions, and a spaghetti noodle for a backbone. Sure they are saying what some want to hear - because that is the only thing they know how to say. Even when they don't realize how stupid and weak they appear.
Reply By: Dr GuyPosted: Wednesday, April 25, 2007

it is because of exactly this that I am so ashamed, when it becomes so apparent that our leaders are concerned with their jobs and power much more than they are concerned with what good we do on a daily basis around the world.

Most countries believe that America is the biggest threat to world peace, why? because of all the negative press and disrespect. If we cannot respect our own country, how can we expect other countries to respect us?

on Apr 26, 2007

The opposition wants a president like Carter

I'd argue that the opposition really wants a president like {Bill} Clinton.  They loved him so much that any sin he had commited was just wiped away, ignored as if it didn't happened, or trivialized into non-existence.  Just see Kathleen Willy, Paula Jones, etc., for some examples.  Or see his henchmen, I mean cabinet members and advisors, such as Mr. "I stuffed classified documents down my pants, socks, etc." as further examples.

Regardless of any of those flaws, or others, Bubba was beloved by the opposition, and they'd love to put him right back in office even now.  Given the opportunity to wipe out the restriction of 2 full terms in office as a cap, they'd do it in a second if they could put him back in.  (Not if they thought it might lead to more years of a Reagan or a Bush, but most definitely if they thought that they'd be able to keep their guy in office.)

I gave up being overly concerned with what these pathetic losers want.  I'll try to hold my ground, try to point out the irony of their demands, goals, and ideals, and especially point out hypocrisy of same when possible,  but I'm not going to go nuts thinking about what these idiots actions will lead to.  If I did, I'd just worry myself to death.

If you do want a prime example of what these people are doing to this nation, then check out the movie: Idiocracy.  (Movie name: Idiocracy). Well worth the rental for some laughs.

on Apr 26, 2007
(Citizen)terpfan1980April 26, 2007 17:29:35

I'd argue that the opposition really wants a president like {Bill} Clinton

the only problem with that is from Bills past performance on the foreign stage is that we would now be a Muslim country run by Iran. This whole mess with terrorists started with Carter,and escalated with Clinton to its present mess with Bush.
on Apr 26, 2007
This whole mess with terrorists started with Carter,and escalated with Clinton to its present mess with Bush.

I don't know about that. The modern jihadist movement began back in the early 1920s (which makes the loon's claims that they formed in response to our foreign policies or those of Israel sheer nonsense). But I think our troubles with them probably did begin around Carter's time.
on Apr 26, 2007
MasonMApril 26, 2007 19:30:29

I don't know about that. The modern jihadist movement began back in the early 1920s (which makes the loon's claims that they formed in response to our foreign policies or those of Israel sheer nonsense). But I think our troubles with them probably did begin around Carter's time.

Carters cowardice when Iran held American Hostages in 1979 for over 440 days showed we were still reeling from Vietnam and were not willing to rescue our own citizens.

Clinton's refusal to engage the terrorists after they blew up our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, the attack on the USS Cole, the first attack on the twin towers showed again we were weak and not willing to engage the terrorist.

It took President Bush and his misguided way of handling the war to step to the plate.