America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
We won once and can do it again
Published on January 2, 2007 By Moderateman In Politics

There was a religious angle to the ‘divine wind’ Kamikaze pilots of WW2 Japan. The Emperor was descended from the Gods. Shinto religion as practiced within the military of the time, was a motive to the warrior culture.

That is why unconditional surrender was demanded of the Japanese. You have to  undeify any man who is supposed to be a God. If not, the people following him, will believe in their right to perform any deed, that serves the holy cause. As we know the Japanese believed that their Emperor was a living embodiment of GOD.

Muhammad is dead, but his holy path has not been disproved. His suicidal followers are rewarded with praise, and honor to their families. The living see this, and see the west recoil, and so they believe in the holiness of suicide.

It may take a great horror to shock such a culture into defeat.

Suicide attacks are actually a sign that they are losing or a sign that they cannot succeed with anything less.

It is a desperate tactic, and one that is incredibly wasteful of the ranks of the attackers. Remember, a suicide attacker CANNOT BE USED AGAIN, unlike a conventional military unit. In order for the side utilizing suicide bombers to be stopped, it will require a shock to their collective system, an event that changes everything as far as the attacker is concerned’; an event that drives home that the eventual “end game” is total annihilation.

The use of 2 atomic bombs in Japan was one such event. The Japanese were faced with genocide if they didn’t surrender. Just 2 weapons killed outright 150,000 people. It was “the handwriting on the wall” that drove home to the Japanese government emotionally what they already knew logically — that they were going to Lose  many more people if they didn’t surrender. Yes, there is a question that had the Allies not demanded unconditional surrender, the Japanese might have been willing to surrender earlier. But this would be the wrong assumption because “surrender” was absolute anathema to the Japanese warrior culture. Better death (seppuku), by their own hand, than surrender to an enemy.

Their brutal, murderous treatment of POWs (the Bataan Death march, the many prison camp, etc.), was a reflection on their belief that people who surrender are lower than the lowest animal, and no longer worthy of being treated decently.

It is going to take a similar event comparable to the Atomic bomb blasts” to end the suicide bombers in Gaza and the West Bank. To end the Islamic Fascists total war against western countries, the horror of this continuing war in Iraq, to stop Iran's acquisition of Nuclear weapons

know that this is a harsh concept to grasp — and a harsh one to even state. But we Know that the Muslims have already “groomed” the next generation of Western culture and Jew Haters, and they certainly do not have much else to negotiate with (as if they were interested in negotiating, that is).

The relentless attacks on the west and Israel by the suicide bombers, bolstered by their religious fanaticism, leaves us little room to maneuver, except to do something so horrendous in return they no longer want to continue to fight, but live in peace.



Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 02, 2007

This is an outstanding Analysis and comparison.  The similarities are striking, and while perhaps 'back of the mind' type of awareness, I have not seen it before or thought of it.  But once stated, it does have a ring of truth to it.

The similarities of the enemy are very obvious once pointed out.  However, the WILL to win, the chutzpah to do what is necessary, between 1945 and today is the missing part.  You kind of glossed over that, and I do understand why. 

Some vilify Truman to this day, even though he saved, by conservative estimates, about a million allied lives, and 10 times that of enemy lives.  And the real end result is that the world is a much better place for his decisions.

Instead of dealing with the problem, the world would rather suffer a thousand cuts that bleed millions, and perhaps billions of lives.  So that the horror of war (note below) will never be seen again.

Note:  Someone, I do not recall who, said that the worst invention of war was the smart bomb.  Why?  because now it is expected that colateral damage will be kept to a minimum.  But war is not 2 warriors dueling in an arena.  It is death and destruction.  And the civilized world has lost the stomach for colateral damage.  As long as one side does not consider it, then the other side will always have the advantage.  One can easily argue that the pentagon was a military target.  Only fools and idiots would argue that the WTC towers were.  Yet the other side has shown that they not only dont mind colateral damage, they revel in it.

A weapon unused is a useless weapon.

on Jan 02, 2007

Reply By: Dr. GuyPosted: Tuesday, January 02, 2007
This is an outstanding Analysis and comparison. The similarities are striking, and while perhaps 'back of the mind' type of awareness, I have not seen it before or thought of it. But once stated, it does have a ring of truth to it.

thank you so much I have been working on this for around a week, reworking it over and over till it sounded sane and cohesive. We have done this dance with suicide bombers before, but I think we have for the most part forgotten it. We need to remember our resolve and do what is necessary to win, however that looks. If we just do the unspeakable one time we can end this madness, truly peace can only be had through fear, make the Islamic nuts fear us enough to leave us alone.

on Jan 02, 2007

A good article but it does leave out one thing : The leaders of the suicide bombers do not care that their followers cannot be used again. In fact it works for them because it serves to drain people who might be useful and vital to their culture. Prosperity is the enemy to the Imams and power-monger of the Islamist world. The way for these men to retain power is to have a miserable and poor population base to draw from. A highly motivated young mn is better spent on a cafe full fo civilians rather than starting his own business or contributing to their society. This is why Hamas and Hebollah always destroy any economic investment in their respective territories.

Affluent happy people won't give you total control of their lives.

on Jan 02, 2007
Affluent happy people won't give you total control of their lives.

Jim Jones, heaven's Gate. etc. etc. etc.   
on Jan 02, 2007
Jim Jones, heaven's Gate. etc. etc. etc.

Indeed but these were very small percentages of society. The rest of society barely tolerates these sorts of folks and certainly doesn't encourage them. Take the same movements into poor dicontented societies and the number of recruits grows huge and the level of control starts to include even those who are not mentally disturbed.
on Jan 02, 2007
(Citizen)greywarJanuary 2, 2007 15:14:49

good article but it does leave out one thing : The leaders of the suicide bombers do not care that their followers cannot be used again. In fact it works for them because it serves to drain people who might be useful and vital to their culture. Prosperity is the enemy to the Imams and power-monger of the Islamist world. The way for these men to retain power is to have a miserable and poor population base to draw from. A highly motivated young mn is better spent on a cafe full fo civilians rather than starting his own business or contributing to their society. This is why Hamas and Hebollah always destroy any economic investment in their respective territories.
Affluent happy people won't give you total control of their lives.

real good point. now if we destroy hamas and hezbollah holding they might sing another tune.
on Jan 02, 2007
Indeed but these were very small percentages of society. The rest of society barely tolerates these sorts of folks and certainly doesn't encourage them. Take the same movements into poor dicontented societies and the number of recruits grows huge and the level of control starts to include even those who are not mentally disturbed.

I just wanted to point out that psychos exist everywhere. But your qualification above is better. Remove the poor tho, except perhaps for the mental level. After all, India has a huge poor population, and other than some "well to do" nuts, they are not violent.

ANy part of a society can breed psychos. However, for a society to breed psychos as its main product is perverted. I think that is what you were trying to say, I was just trying to point the thread in thaT direction.
on Jan 02, 2007

Any part of a society can breed psychos. However, for a society to breed psychos as its main product is perverted. I think that is what you were trying to say, I was just trying to point the thread in that direction.
Reply By: Dr. GuyPosted: Tuesday, January 02, 2007

and by the way they teach Islam and the way they are being brought up to love mayrterdom that is just what is happening, a whole new generation with nothing on their mind but bringing death to themselves and to others.

on Jan 03, 2007
Muhummad is not deified by Muslims, He whom Muslims deify is exactly He whom Jews and Christians deify. Or so people say. If we doubt this, we start sliding down a slippery slope to the conclusion that no two human beings worship the same Deity. The question is how do we empoer the majority of Muslims, perhaps, to my view, the only genuine Muslims, who do have a problem with the suicide bombing of civilians.

In order for Christians and Jews to have any hope of fostering a political culture of peace in the Islamic world, they must first foster a political culture of peace in their own worlds. To paraphrase a Jew, who hapens to be well respected among Christians, bfore removeing the mote from our neighbors eye, we should try removing the beam from our own,
on Jan 03, 2007

The question is how do we empoer the majority of Muslims, perhaps, to my view, the only genuine Muslims, who do have a problem with the suicide bombing of civilians.

They need to empower themselves. They need to be out in the streets calling for fatwas on terrorists in the same way that the terror supporters take to the streets everytime something bad happens to a Western city or when their puppet masters tell them to protest something. They need to empower themselves to be a force within their own society. We can't do it for you.

on Jan 03, 2007
(Anonymous)Andrew BonifaceJanuary 3, 2007 00:42:09

In order for Christians and Jews to have any hope of fostering a political culture of peace in the Islamic world, they must first foster a political culture of peace in their own worlds. To paraphrase a Jew, who hapens to be well respected among Christians, bfore removeing the mote from our neighbors eye, we should try removing the beam from our own,

no offense, but you do not know what you are talking about. because your neighbor keeps his yard dirty does not mean it is ok for you to do the same thing.
on Jan 03, 2007
(Citizen)greywarJanuary 3, 2007 10:54:18

The question is how do we empoer the majority of Muslims, perhaps, to my view, the only genuine Muslims, who do have a problem with the suicide bombing of civilians.

They need to empower themselves. They need to be out in the streets calling for fatwas on terrorists in the same way that the terror supporters take to the streets everytime something bad happens to a Western city or when their puppet masters tell them to protest something. They need to empower themselves to be a force within their own society. We can't do it for you.

when the Muslims start respecting other religions the way they demand their religion be respected that would be a good start. The muslims have no problem with depicting Jews drinking blood from children, but heaven forbid you draw a picture of the Prophet doing anything at all, then holy hell breaks lose.
on Jan 03, 2007
excellent analysis...i'm not sure if i agree with everything, but the argument holds water. maybe not the only answer, but probably some of the best rationale by a "hawk."
on Jan 03, 2007
(Citizen)Sean Conners, a.k.a. SConn1January 3, 2007 13:48:52

excellent analysis...i'm not sure if i agree with everything, but the argument holds water. maybe not the only answer, but probably some of the best rationale by a "hawk."

thank you.. and yes no arguement from me about me being a hawk, although AMERICAN EAGLE fits me better. heh
on Jan 03, 2007
AMERICAN EAGLE fits me better

ModMan? You like to wear teen clothes? Or do you go into that store just to check out the honeys?

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