America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
We won once and can do it again
Published on January 2, 2007 By Moderateman In Politics

There was a religious angle to the ‘divine wind’ Kamikaze pilots of WW2 Japan. The Emperor was descended from the Gods. Shinto religion as practiced within the military of the time, was a motive to the warrior culture.

That is why unconditional surrender was demanded of the Japanese. You have to  undeify any man who is supposed to be a God. If not, the people following him, will believe in their right to perform any deed, that serves the holy cause. As we know the Japanese believed that their Emperor was a living embodiment of GOD.

Muhammad is dead, but his holy path has not been disproved. His suicidal followers are rewarded with praise, and honor to their families. The living see this, and see the west recoil, and so they believe in the holiness of suicide.

It may take a great horror to shock such a culture into defeat.

Suicide attacks are actually a sign that they are losing or a sign that they cannot succeed with anything less.

It is a desperate tactic, and one that is incredibly wasteful of the ranks of the attackers. Remember, a suicide attacker CANNOT BE USED AGAIN, unlike a conventional military unit. In order for the side utilizing suicide bombers to be stopped, it will require a shock to their collective system, an event that changes everything as far as the attacker is concerned’; an event that drives home that the eventual “end game” is total annihilation.

The use of 2 atomic bombs in Japan was one such event. The Japanese were faced with genocide if they didn’t surrender. Just 2 weapons killed outright 150,000 people. It was “the handwriting on the wall” that drove home to the Japanese government emotionally what they already knew logically — that they were going to Lose  many more people if they didn’t surrender. Yes, there is a question that had the Allies not demanded unconditional surrender, the Japanese might have been willing to surrender earlier. But this would be the wrong assumption because “surrender” was absolute anathema to the Japanese warrior culture. Better death (seppuku), by their own hand, than surrender to an enemy.

Their brutal, murderous treatment of POWs (the Bataan Death march, the many prison camp, etc.), was a reflection on their belief that people who surrender are lower than the lowest animal, and no longer worthy of being treated decently.

It is going to take a similar event comparable to the Atomic bomb blasts” to end the suicide bombers in Gaza and the West Bank. To end the Islamic Fascists total war against western countries, the horror of this continuing war in Iraq, to stop Iran's acquisition of Nuclear weapons

know that this is a harsh concept to grasp — and a harsh one to even state. But we Know that the Muslims have already “groomed” the next generation of Western culture and Jew Haters, and they certainly do not have much else to negotiate with (as if they were interested in negotiating, that is).

The relentless attacks on the west and Israel by the suicide bombers, bolstered by their religious fanaticism, leaves us little room to maneuver, except to do something so horrendous in return they no longer want to continue to fight, but live in peace.



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on Jan 04, 2007
(Citizen)drmilerJanuary 4, 2007 10:58:10

Sorry MM, but this time he's correct. And I quote "There is only one god (Allah) and Mohamed is his prophet". It's more like talking crap about one of the disciples. Although Jesus was considered by many to be a prophet as well. Either way it 'll probably get you a butt kicking. But Christianity does not "worship" any of the disciples.

doc stand by a church and scream Jesus sucks, and all you will get is shaking of heads and looks of pity, go to a synagogue and scream Moses and Abraham sucks and all you will get its looks of pity and shakes of heads. Now go to a mosque and scream Muhammad sucks and see what happens. That is my point.
on Jan 04, 2007
(Citizen)LeaukiJanuary 4, 2007 11:47:09

At least not in the same sense as many "Muslims" of today worship Muhammed.

I think MM's comment was solely about what he sees Muslims do, not about what Islam says.

exactly, they act like Muhammad is a diety, not just a prophet.
on Jan 04, 2007
Precisely, both the Koran and the Bible say many things, but it is the actions of their followers that matter in the course of human affairs. Whether the doctirnal religion says that Mohammed is a prophet or not he is treated as a de facto deity.
on Jan 05, 2007

"Succinct" means to the point, concise, terse, and in that context I felt the article was "succinct". Where are you coming from ?

As I said, I don't find "it's for oil" succinct, I find it simple.

The two look similar, but are not.

Was I not clear enough when I said that?
on Jan 05, 2007

they act like Muhammad is a diety, not just a prophet.

That's how I understood your point.

on Jan 05, 2007

Reply By: LeaukiPosted: Friday, January 05, 2007

they act like Muhammad is a diety, not just a prophet.

That's how I understood your point.

My point should be clear enough for anyone to understand, but some will not just to be contrary.


thank you.


on Jan 06, 2007
The relentless attacks on the west and Israel by the suicide bombers, bolstered by their religious fanaticism, leaves us little room to maneuver, except to do something so horrendous in return they no longer want to continue to fight, but live in peace.

Just out of curiousity, where would you drop the nuke?
on Jan 06, 2007
Please don't give Bush the decider any hint of Trumanite decision-making. Besides, Nuke's would disrupt the flow of energy to our guzzlers. It might also increase global warming considerably.
on Jan 06, 2007
Please don't give Bush the decider any hint of Trumanite decision-making. Besides, Nuke's would disrupt the flow of energy to our guzzlers. It might also increase global warming considerably.

Increase? Probably a lot. But then we would not have to debate sending troops to oppressed nations again, now would we. Sudan does not toe the line? Ok, where do you want the nuke.

it is a Liberals dream! No blood for oil! NO blood for anything. Just glass.
on Jan 07, 2007
Islam is religious of peace and want peace everywhere. Islam is complete religious which prove the previous religious.
Now i have an example in computer style but it is example.
Microsoft start making windows like 3.1 and so on. As the time pass they release many Windows.
Every updated are better then previous versions and everyone wants lastes one. XP over 98 now Vista over XP. If any one say no i will still use 3.1 and no other one.
People will call it as a fool or you are completely outdated. People including Micorosoft will suggest to that person use the latest vesrion of window. Even they stop supporting old version. Becuase it is ever best and most completed then previous.
Now Islam is completed and full and final version of religions. And islam is just want to show the right way to the people.
At the moment i don't want to go in politics because then will be very very long debate.
I hope you will be be understand. Thanks.
on Jan 08, 2007

Reply By: darth sillinessPosted: Saturday, January 06, 2007
The relentless attacks on the west and Israel by the suicide bombers, bolstered by their religious fanaticism, leaves us little room to maneuver, except to do something so horrendous in return they no longer want to continue to fight, but live in peace.

Just out of curiousity, where would you drop the nuke?

In the desert where no one could get hurt, but just to let them no "this could be you"

on Jan 08, 2007

Reply By: ThemerboyPosted: Sunday, January 07, 2007
Islam is religious of peace and want peace everywhere. Islam is complete religious which prove the previous religious.

yep peace, a piece of bullet in a nuns back, a piece of nick bergs head cut off, yup a piece of Daniel pearls head cut off.

on Jan 08, 2007
Now Islam is completed and full and final version of religions.

I think the Baha'is would disagree with you there . . . supposedly Baha'u'llah fulfilled all prophecy for all religion - the coming of the messiah for the Jews, the return of Jesus Christ, even the prophesied return of Mohammed.

So I guess it ain't over 'till it's over, eh?
on Jan 09, 2007
If anyone force war on others then oposition have right to fight agaist them. In the war there is no killing rule.
Muslim never go to attack others first. Other nation attack on them. So who want more peace? Muslims.
All nations has their own law. Who go agaist thier law it will be punish. He deserve punish according to what he did. Daniel case.
on Jan 09, 2007

Reply By: ThemerboyPosted: Tuesday, January 09, 2007
If anyone force war on others then oposition have right to fight agaist them. In the war there is no killing rule.
Muslim never go to attack others first. Other nation attack on them. So who want more peace? Muslims.
All nations has their own law. Who go agaist thier law it will be punish. He deserve punish according to what he did. Daniel case.

So the cause for the 19 men that hijacked american jets and flew them into @ civilian targets killing almost 3000 innocent people was in response to what?

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