I am writing again about the U.N. because it has such a dismal record of failure to accomplish its stated goals. I believe that the U.N. is a potentially dangerous organization and most Americans are totally unaware of the dangers posed by the U.N.
The U.N. was created in 1945 to preserve the peace world wide and at first there were 51 nations that signed on. Now there are 191 nations with a good part of them being under dictatorships or socialist in leadership.
Unfortunately most Americans that work at the U.N. Are slightly Left leaning, holdovers from the previous administration. Currently we have 138 people assigned to the U.N. 120 of them are holdovers.
These left of center liberals are currently pushing for a U.N. global tax on the American people, {bet you did not know that}| If they are successful, the U.N. could rake in billions of dollars from the American taxpayers. This looming bill at the U.N. has caused Senator James Inhofe {R-IN} to propose legislation calling for protection against the U.N. Taxation act. This act has been stalled in the Senate.
They also want American soldiers to be subjected to "war crimes" trials by the world court where they could be tried and convicted by blatant Anti_American foreign Judges.
They are also pushing for a one world army where in Somalia 19 American soldiers were killed and dragged through the streets, while calls for help fell on deaf ears of the U.N. commanders.
We need to protect ourselves and our military from the anti-American United Nations at all cost, Allowing them to intrude in Americas policies or to propose taxation of Americans must be stopped at all cost.