> While watching the horror in New Orleans unfold I was struck by several things. That our government DOES NOT have a handle on disasters, be it of the natural kind or man made {terrorist} They have been slow in responding and allowed lawlessness to run amok. I am dissappointed in the response time lag. Then watched as the poor blacks in New Orleans DEMANDED food, money, water. No they did not ask for help. They behaved like since we are being taken care of by the government, ...
As all liberals already know George Bush is all powerful, he can make the wind blow, the ground shake, cause floods and famine, bring disease down upon you. He is evil incarnate, capable with just a thought destroy cities. Causes war to make gas prices higher, keeps poor people down by crushing them through entitlements. With a wave of his mighty hand he can stop the hurricanes from hitting our shores. With a simple blink he starves millions. A nod of his head causes milli...
The list starts off with Bobby Kennedy, the son of the late and much admired Robert Kennedy, Bobby earns this top spot because of his last statement that President Bush is responsible for hurricane Katrina and the damage she did because President Bush did not sign the Kyoto agreement. 2. Drunken Ted { I murdered a woman and got away clean because my brothers were assassinated} Kennedy. 3. George Soros {He bought the entire democratic party at the bargain price of 30 million. 4.Babs...
For awhile the liberals here loved using three buzzwords until I totally took all the power out of them. No more "ad hominem" No more "vitriolic" No more" Hyperbole" Is it not grand to take these over used words away from the left? There is now a vacuum here because by taking away these three words the dummies on the left are now confused and disoriented and can no longer PRETEND to have a large vocabulary. At a loss for these three words the left here on joeuser has b...
Ok this might come as a shock but I totally support Cindy Sheehan. I just do not support anything she says. Sound familar? as in I support the troops, but do not support the war. Saying the troops are fighting an illegal war IS NOT SUPPORT. Standing in front of hospitals, with signs saying "enlist, be maimed for life" Is NOT SUPPORT. Anyone that claims to support the troops but does not support the war is fullashit. It's as ridiculous as me saying I support cindy sheeha...
6 by dabe Thursday, August 18, 2005 Oh, I don't fail, but that's relatively meaningless. However, dubya sure is failing miserably, as in plummeting. He's down to 41% approval rating and sinking fast. So, doesn't matter what you jingos think. Reality is reality. And, your decision to ignore it is patently juvenile. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- above t...
Well it seems that the subject of pre 9-11 intell has been brought up, as usual many democrats are viewing how they see it and what happened. When will the democrats realize, intelligence is not there strong suit, they should stick to what they do best, forge lies, mislead the public, obstruct, whine and complain about everything. NOW that is the democrats strongest suit, and they should stick doing what they do best and leave intelligence to someone who can understand.
Lets us see now, we have the elder statesman Ted I got away with murdering a woman Kennedy, A self described liar and traitor Hanoi john Kerry, A man that had a complete breakdown on national television, Howard the coward dean, A senator from Illinois that compares our troops to nazis, Durbin the destroyer, A senate MINORITY leader that was a moderate till he gained some power and is now a rabid ankle biting LIBERAL lunatic Harry the gambler Reid, A former first lady that has been investigate...
Well now that we have been stripped of property rights, religion is put on the same page porn used to occupy, the left is getting exactly what is wants most. A socialist country where rights are determined by the courts and government. Where a small minority of people run roughshod over the many, where the life of one has no meaning, where somehow sucking the brains out of a fetus is OK!! I hope one of the first homes to be "eminent domained" belongs to a supreme court justice, or a li...
With all the crap being spewed by the left about how the poor terrorist are being treated, it's only a matter of time before they get public enemy number 1 {george I bought the Democratic party soros} to erect a monument to those brave freedom fighters, that died a glorious death fighting Republican oppression. Maybe a statue with all 19 terrorist, surrounded by virgins would be right, with a saying under the monument reading. HERE lies the remains of these brave 19 freedom fighter ...
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The ability to take indefensible stances and see them through to complete disaster, example dimwit Durbin {IL D}. The ability to compare our country to regimes that are the complete worse in history, Stalin’s Russia, Pol Pot, and Adolph Hitler’s Germany and yet somehow think this is not disrespectful to Americans and her brave fighting people. The ability to tell HUGE LIES {Howard dean anytime he opens his foul mouth} and somehow in their heart believe them. The ability to take away ...
Where to start? We make THEM stand till it's uncomfortable, They cut heads off with rusty knives. We have females question them, they send children to blow themselves up. We "make them drink water, they use females as human shields. We wage war with rules, They have no rules. We send them to doctors to mend their wounds, they let our wounds rot. I hope this is not to deep for you dimwits, {you know in your heart if you are a dimwit} I would love a few more examples fro...
Listen up you freaks, America makes mistakes, so what? We sometimes rush to judgement, so what? We back the wrong people sometimes, so what? We put our heart and souls into things that turn out wrong, so what? We are good allies in time of need, so what? We give more of our time, money and food than any country on the face of the planet, so what? You want perfect? Find another country better than the united states. It's about time you america hating people stop and think...
While all this discussion about America’s inhumane treatment of the poor terrorists, we seem to have forgotten something. We were attacked, innocent men and woman and children, civilians, sneak attacked, MURDERED. While the left is busy wringing their hands over if we will be perceived better by closing GITMO, They seem to have once again dropped the ball. Not only was 3000 INNOCENT Americans MURDERED, but how about the families of these 3000 people? Who worries about them? When w...