America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Just a few
Published on July 6, 2005 By Moderateman In Politics
Lets us see now, we have the elder statesman Ted I got away with murdering a woman Kennedy, A self described liar and traitor Hanoi john Kerry, A man that had a complete breakdown on national television, Howard the coward dean, A senator from Illinois that compares our troops to nazis, Durbin the destroyer, A senate MINORITY leader that was a moderate till he gained some power and is now a rabid ankle biting LIBERAL lunatic Harry the gambler Reid, A former first lady that has been investigated so many times that the justice dept. named an entire cell block after her, the Hillary block for fast and loose women.

Yep you democrats have a lot to be proud of.
Just makes you want to vote democrat does it not?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 06, 2005
... _ _ _ ...
on Jul 06, 2005
And today ChappaQ Ted said, "If the President abuses his power by nominating..." (emphasis added) in a news conference (make that pre-emptive filibuster) with Chris The Weasel Dodd, announcing their intention to oppose with all their might any nominee they consider to be anything other than a so-called moderate or liberal, qualifications be damned.

The President nominating someone of his choosing, as the Constitution not simply permits but requires, is now an abuse of power? What unadulterated horsheshit. These dinosaurs have chosen to dismiss the Constitution completely as incompatible with their powerlust. I pity the decent folk of Massachussetts (both of them, apparently) - what an embarrassment and sad, pickled joke Kennedy is. I didn't think it possible for him to become any more vile and irrelevant, but I was wrong. He is the epitome of classless, unprincipled evil (as long as zink can get away with hurling insults at the Pres, figured I'd get a couple of jabs in of my own).

on Jul 06, 2005
2 by Daiwa
Wednesday, July 06, 2005

And today ChappaQ Ted said, "If the President abuses his power by nominating..." (emphasis added) in a news conference (make that pre-emptive filibuster) with Chris The Weasel Dodd, announcing their intention to oppose with all their might any nominee they consider to be anything other than a so-called moderate or liberal, qualifications be damned.

yeh I saw that today, all I did was laugh, I seem to be spending alot of time laughing at the democratic party these days, they ARE the funniest show on t.v.

ya gotta give zink credit for sticking to his guns, he does love slamming the president he must study at the feet of colklink.

cheers back at ya..
on Jul 07, 2005
YOu forgot Joe "May I steal your Speech" Biden, and Harry "Bigots R Us" byrd. And one of the queens in Drag, Barbara "Count every vote, except if it is Republican" Boxer.
on Jul 07, 2005
Reply By: Dr. GuyPosted: Thursday, July 07, 2005YOu forgot Joe "May I steal your Speech" Biden, and Harry "Bigots R Us" byrd. And one of the queens in Drag, Barbara "Count every vote, except if it is Republican" Boxer.

ya but if we keep naming useless democrats soon there will be only joe lieberman left.
on Jul 07, 2005

ya but if we keep naming useless democrats soon there will be only joe lieberman left.

And Zell.

on Jul 07, 2005
on Jul 07, 2005
6 by Dr. Guy
Thursday, July 07, 2005

ya but if we keep naming useless democrats soon there will be only joe lieberman left.

And Zell.

zell was smart and retired before the entire deomcratic party starts doing the red square march.
on Jul 07, 2005
Witches' Tales
on Jul 07, 2005
With the repub clowns in office today, you guys come of as a tad hypocritical when you crack on the dems.

George "My daddy got me this job" Bush
Dick "loot and pillage" Cheney
Karl "i need virgin blood" Rove
Tom "Cash only please" DeLay
Paul " Bomb them back to the stone age" Wolfowitz
Donnie "Oops" Rumsfield
Anthony "Quack Quack" Scalia
Orrin "I made how much off date rape drugs?" Hatch

You see fellas, it's a two way street. Corruption and abuse of power are a political traits that are not exclusive to one particular party.
on Jul 07, 2005
You see fellas, it's a two way street. Corruption and abuse of power are a political traits that are not exclusive to one particular party.

The difference is we can prove most of allegations, you can't.
on Jul 07, 2005
10 by thatoneguyinslc
Thursday, July 07, 2005

With the repub clowns in office today, you guys come of as a tad hypocritical when you crack on the dems.

George "My daddy got me this job" Bush
Dick "loot and pillage" Cheney
Karl "i need virgin blood" Rove
Tom "Cash only please" DeLay
Paul " Bomb them back to the stone age" Wolfowitz
Donnie "Oops" Rumsfield
Anthony "Quack Quack" Scalia
Orrin "I made how much off date rape drugs?" Hatch

You see fellas, it's a two way street. Corruption and abuse of power are a political traits that are not exclusive to one particular party.

GOOD ONES, and all true.
on Jul 07, 2005
#11 by Island Dog
Thursday, July 07, 2005

You see fellas, it's a two way street. Corruption and abuse of power are a political traits that are not exclusive to one particular party.

The difference is we can prove most of allegations, you can't.

aw let his dream dog, I like him on a person level even if politically he has head in ass disease... ahahahahaha
on Jul 07, 2005
9 by stevendedalus
Thursday, July 07, 2005

Witches' Tales

good witches or bad ones?
on Jul 07, 2005
Funny how things drift off-topic so quickly, but I guess I started it unintentionally.

TGISLC - I like your list, too. If we couldn't keep a sense of humor about all this, we'd go insane.

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