America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Moderateman's Articles In Politics » Page 12
March 8, 2005 by Moderateman
All righty now, so there is no misunderstanding about this.. this IS NOT AN ATTACK post. After listening to the DNC take the position that more jobs needed to be created by the Bush administration, first off jobs are not created by anyone. No one sows the word job in a field and lo and behold jobs are born. Employers make jobs and employers PAY taxes, Lots of taxes. To see any administration take credit for job creation is a joke, be it the heyday of my guy bill to the now of g.w. B...
March 5, 2005 by Moderateman
Ok lets just get to it, once charged in the American judicial system, the best you can hope for, is to be found not guilty. Period> There is NO innocent verdict brought back, ever. Once tainted by being arrested in America, and being plastered all over the media life, as you knew it is over! Done! Thru! If you are lucky enough to find a defense attorney that is slick enough to work the law books for your advantage, you might get off. But innocence? Hardly! After getting off w...
March 5, 2005 by Moderateman
The slow insidiousness of the Liberal wing of the Democratic Party is slowly but surely attempting to eliminate any real policies to help America, under the guise of “we know what’s best for the common man” With their attempts to remove all mention of God from all public forums this is the first step in the demoralization of America. If they succeed at this our demise will hasten ushering a time of immoral pagans praying to the almighty dollar. With liars like Mickey Moore, Hillary Cl...
March 4, 2005 by Moderateman
Here we go, while watching that bastion of RIGHTWING news cnn, there she was in liver errrr living color, the former first girly, HILLERY {that thing will never touch my lips bill} CLINTON. Starting off with” the Republicans has been trying to DESTROY social security for 60 years”, hmmmmmmm 60? Destroy? Hmmmmm Sandwiching more lies and talking liberal head rhetoric before ending with. “The republicans are out to get the middle class and destroy their retirement.” What a gal, a re...
March 3, 2005 by Moderateman
Me: So what do you think about Presidents Bush now that Democracy SEEMS to be spreading in the Arab sector of the world? Democrat: well, ummm I ummm think we should wait and see. Me: wait and see what? Already there has been democratic voting in Afghanistan, Iraq, the Palestinians have voted, the Lebanese are screaming for voting rights, their Syrian government has resigned and fled, Egypt has promised free elections, Libya has given up their wmd’s. Democrat: well there still is Ira...
February 25, 2005 by Moderateman
Last night after listening to David Dukes {yep KKK David Dukes} Trash Ward Churchill I came to a realization there is no difference between the two. David Dukes while claiming to be a conservative is nothing more than a hate filled racist pig. HE does NOT represent me
December 29, 2004 by Moderateman
Why oh why does most liberals whine that the united states is NOT doing enuff for the world? 2004 WE provided 40% of all the relief efforts in the entire world. Is that not enuff? The United morons {nations} cry foul if we give , but not enuff in there determination.... As usual the morons of the world are quick to CONDEMN america. for anything we do..... Where was world aid when florida had its disaster?? where was world aid when the 87 earthquake trashed oakland , california? Wh...
September 2, 2005 by Moderateman
> While watching the horror in New Orleans unfold I was struck by several things. That our government DOES NOT have a handle on disasters, be it of the natural kind or man made {terrorist} They have been slow in responding and allowed lawlessness to run amok. I am dissappointed in the response time lag. Then watched as the poor blacks in New Orleans DEMANDED food, money, water. No they did not ask for help. They behaved like since we are being taken care of by the government, ...
September 1, 2005 by Moderateman
As all liberals already know George Bush is all powerful, he can make the wind blow, the ground shake, cause floods and famine, bring disease down upon you. He is evil incarnate, capable with just a thought destroy cities. Causes war to make gas prices higher, keeps poor people down by crushing them through entitlements. With a wave of his mighty hand he can stop the hurricanes from hitting our shores. With a simple blink he starves millions. A nod of his head causes milli...
August 31, 2005 by Moderateman
The list starts off with Bobby Kennedy, the son of the late and much admired Robert Kennedy, Bobby earns this top spot because of his last statement that President Bush is responsible for hurricane Katrina and the damage she did because President Bush did not sign the Kyoto agreement. 2. Drunken Ted { I murdered a woman and got away clean because my brothers were assassinated} Kennedy. 3. George Soros {He bought the entire democratic party at the bargain price of 30 million. 4.Babs...
August 30, 2005 by Moderateman
For awhile the liberals here loved using three buzzwords until I totally took all the power out of them. No more "ad hominem" No more "vitriolic" No more" Hyperbole" Is it not grand to take these over used words away from the left? There is now a vacuum here because by taking away these three words the dummies on the left are now confused and disoriented and can no longer PRETEND to have a large vocabulary. At a loss for these three words the left here on joeuser has b...
August 27, 2005 by Moderateman
Ok this might come as a shock but I totally support Cindy Sheehan. I just do not support anything she says. Sound familar? as in I support the troops, but do not support the war. Saying the troops are fighting an illegal war IS NOT SUPPORT. Standing in front of hospitals, with signs saying "enlist, be maimed for life" Is NOT SUPPORT. Anyone that claims to support the troops but does not support the war is fullashit. It's as ridiculous as me saying I support cindy sheeha...
August 18, 2005 by Moderateman
6 by dabe Thursday, August 18, 2005 Oh, I don't fail, but that's relatively meaningless. However, dubya sure is failing miserably, as in plummeting. He's down to 41% approval rating and sinking fast. So, doesn't matter what you jingos think. Reality is reality. And, your decision to ignore it is patently juvenile. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- above t...
August 11, 2005 by Moderateman
Well it seems that the subject of pre 9-11 intell has been brought up, as usual many democrats are viewing how they see it and what happened. When will the democrats realize, intelligence is not there strong suit, they should stick to what they do best, forge lies, mislead the public, obstruct, whine and complain about everything. NOW that is the democrats strongest suit, and they should stick doing what they do best and leave intelligence to someone who can understand.
July 6, 2005 by Moderateman
Lets us see now, we have the elder statesman Ted I got away with murdering a woman Kennedy, A self described liar and traitor Hanoi john Kerry, A man that had a complete breakdown on national television, Howard the coward dean, A senator from Illinois that compares our troops to nazis, Durbin the destroyer, A senate MINORITY leader that was a moderate till he gained some power and is now a rabid ankle biting LIBERAL lunatic Harry the gambler Reid, A former first lady that has been investigate...