America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Moderateman's Articles In Politics » Page 12
March 22, 2006 by Moderateman As we can see another liberal icon of the MSM took her best shot at President Bush yesterday with a loaded question, then when President Bush answered in a way she did not like she tried interrupting the President as many times as possible to try and short stop and confuse his answer. President bush was in top for...
March 22, 2006 by Moderateman
Recently stevendadelus {sp?} has decided to take me head on, while I do not have the writing skills of Steven, I am no dummy either. The left as promoted by Steven has been directly responsible for the decline of America through there progressive secular movement. Total denial of responsibility shown by the use of ABORTION, the standard of the left, it is what the left hangs all their hopes on, rabble rousing to keep the murder of children alive and well. Sour grapes is all I hear and s...
March 15, 2006 by Moderateman
It's really very simple, George is the epitome of everything the far left hates. George is Pro-American the far left is NOT! George is for traditional values, the Far left hates traditional values and is looking to turn America into Europe. George keeps his word, the left has no word to keep. George believes marriage is between a man and women, the left believes it's between a man and child, two women or two men, soon to come, man and his horse. George is faithful to his friends, ...
March 15, 2006 by Moderateman
We are constantly being bombarded by all the problems in Iraq, the hatred, the differences, the many factions all fighting for power. Early America faced the same exact problems, the factions were different , rich, poor. Merchants, farmers. Small states, Large states. Most importantly "what kind of government to create?" The very first government tried by America was a "federal government" the rules were called articles of confederacy" {sound familiar?} Under these articles, there was no c...
February 24, 2006 by Moderateman
Watching the news and seeing how much hate these factions of the same religion have for each other. Its time for us to cut and leave them to there own devices. We are going to have to leave sometime and when we do they are going to kill each other anyways, so we must stop spending so much in human life and money to support a people that is headed for civil war. We had our own civil war and we recuperated from it, let them do the same. WITHDRAW OUR TROOPS NOW!
February 15, 2006 by Moderateman
While in Saudi Arabia Al {I won the damn election} Gore showed once again why Democrats are completely oblivious to how most Americans feel. "Gore said Arabs had been "indiscriminately rounded up" and held in "unforgivable" conditions. The former vice president said the Bush administration was playing into al-Qaeda's hands by routinely blocking Saudi visa applications." When did we do this> why is he rabble rousing in an Muslim country? What is he trying to prove?: Wtf is he thinking? t...
February 1, 2006 by Moderateman
Although I understand how disheartened and how badly the DEMOCRATS are in disarray one could only feel sorry for the idiots that not only continue to obstruct but stood in the middle of the State of the Union address to applaud themselves for doing what? Obstructing once again something that NEEDS to be addressed, IE: the repair of Social Security. Leading the pack of snarling Dogs with a big stupid grin on her face was of course the front runner for President in 2008 Shrillary Clinton. I...
December 15, 2005 by Moderateman
Once again President Bush proves he is on the right track and the people of the middle East WANT democracy! It must just pain the left to see the economy continue to grow, the deficit continue to shrink, the GNP up once more, the price of oil dropping and gas following. Now to add insult to injury the people of Iraq have spoken, they too want to share the American dream of freedom. We are winning the war on terror, more countries are enacting anti-terrorism laws. Nothing the lef...
October 29, 2005 by Moderateman
I am going to teach you the reader several lessons on how to be a dyed in the wool left wing liberal. Lesson 1. Never under any circumstances take a hard, fast stand on any issue, always leave yourself wiggle room to take a totally opposing view with equal fervor. A perfect example and role model of this is HANOIJOHN Kerry, sit at his feet and learn. Lesson 2. Remember looking good is much more important than having real substance, so smile, wear those designer clothes and be well spoke...
October 15, 2005 by Moderateman I was just thinking how much MOST liberals suck, No not you shades, not you tex {yer notta liberal} not you Dharma you think to clearly, not you {insert name}. Well to make a long story even longer I typed my thoughts about liberals into the search bar and lo and behold I am not the only one that thinks liberals suck. Nice to know other clear thinkers think liberals not only suck but are good at sucking too. HA!
October 13, 2005 by Moderateman
from Ben affleck:"It’s hard for me to have a respect for a guy who never held a job until he was 40." where as an actor is just such a difficult job right ben? from Alec Baldwin: I know that's a harsh thing to say, perhaps, but I believe that what happened in 2000 did as much damage to the pillars of democracy as terrorists did to the pillars of commerce in New York City." speaking about the 2000 election, in which the supreme court in its infinite wisdom AWARDED THE ELECTION TO THE W...
October 7, 2005 by Moderateman
Today Hillary Clinton Officially took office swearing on a copy of Roe v Wade to uphold the office of the President of the United States, at her side Vice-President Bill Clinton. Her official cabinet list contains the names of. Secretary of State: Barbara Streisand Secretary of Defense: Micheal Moore Secretary of the Treasury: John Kerry This is what we have to look forward to if we on the right do not elect another Republican President. A bunch of Sellout America Liber...
October 4, 2005 by Moderateman
I want to take a poll here on joeuser. Only Registered joeusers can take poll. Only conservative joeusers can take poll. Lets see what kind of results I get. The poll question is, How many of you think George Bush is a true conservative?
September 28, 2005 by Moderateman
Compliments of those jokers on the fair and balanced DEMONCRAP UNDERGROUND. Get ready to laugh. Meeting with Cindy Sheehan Posted by Howard Dean on September 27, 2005 at 06:06 PM I met with Cindy Sheehan and three activist supporters here in my office at the DNC (two of whom were involved in the Presidential race) on Saturday after the rally. Some of you have met her, but for those who have not, I thought I would share my impressions. She is a delightful person. She had not a...
September 25, 2005 by Moderateman Just a simple test yet very revealing about the person taking it. out of the 23 questions I agreed with 2.