America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Moderateman's Articles In Politics » Page 3
September 16, 2008 by Moderateman
While on the View, you know the show big mouth Rosie O'Donnell help make famous, John McCain made the following statement {paraphrased} about who he will appoint to SCOTUS when he is elected President "   he wanted to appoint Supreme Court justices who "strictly interpret" and "enforce" the Constitution" To which A bleeding heart liberal Whoopi Goldberg replied " Do I have to worry about being a slave again"? How dare she say that to anyone, truth be told if she were to beco...
September 10, 2008 by Moderateman
There was a time when unions were needed because the industrial revolution was treating its blue collar workers much like how the Illegal aliens are treated today, poor wages, poor conditions, unsafe workplaces on and on. Long hours, low wages were the lot of the majority of the workers. Child labor was also a terrible problem. However child labor laws and the 40 hours work week solve some of those problems. Do we wonder why we don't hear about big labor? Could it be that the hundreds of m...
August 21, 2008 by Moderateman
Are lawyers running our country? you be the judge in this case I lay out. Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton are lawyers. Bill Clinton and John Edwards are lawyers. Al Gore went to law school but failed to graduate {something that somehow never gets mentioned by the main stream media}. Gerald Ford, was a Lawyer who left office 31 years years ago was also a lawyer and the only Republican among the bunch. The natural consequences of viewing everything through the eyes of lawyers, is that phar...
August 19, 2008 by Moderateman
While the attention of some of the country will be focused on the Democratic Convention, they have already laid out what their main platform will be. Since we already know Hussein has NOTHING of any substance to offer the country besides a winning smile and the ability to read a teleprompter, the platform will be all about McCain, trying their best to say that Bush is running for a third term through McCain. Hussein has already shown when he does not have the answers printed out in fr...
August 7, 2008 by Moderateman
I received a letter {yes snail mail does exist} from a friend that live in Bristol England; A short while ago those "peaceful" had a Muslim and I quote " A Religious Peaceful Demonstration" {GAG} IN LONDON. THE DEMONSTRATORS STATED UNEQUVATVLY that their aim was to take over England. A  few of the "peaceful signs carried by them were as follows: "be prepared for the real Holocaust" Lets remember that British schools do not teach about the Holocaust in WW2 because it might offend the...
April 11, 2008 by Moderateman
This is why An Empty Suit Like Barak Hussein Obama appears to be such a powerful speaker! He has done his home work, or has more than likely had his lackeys do it for him and has copied the speaking patterns of four of the most powerful speakers of the last 65 years. The only Powerful speaker he left out was Adolph Hitler, but I am sure if he thought he could get away with it he would have used Adolf as a role model too!. Basically he is much like the dummy a ventriloquist holds on his l...
March 20, 2008 by Moderateman
If and this is still a question mark if, Mr. Obama gets the nod from the Democrats and runs for President, I believe some serious hidden racism will come pouring out from our so called Liberal white voters. While in PUBLIC they pick up the cause of Mr. Obama keeping in line with the SECULAR PROGRESSIVE MOVEMENT. Then when the curtain closes and it is time to vote, the FEAR of having a BLACK President and what he might do to the already downtrodden white population will override any publi...
November 29, 2007 by Moderateman
 While we are fighting what are in essence "faceless enemies" in the war on terror, right here at home we can put a face on the most dangerous enemies America has ever faced, they are called Democrats, or Liberals or left-wingers no matter what the name used they indeed are the true enemies of America. They have a face, Hillary Clinton, Barack Oboma, Harry Reid, Nambla Nancy Pelosi, Dick Durbin, John Murtha, Ted Kennedy, Charles Rangel, Diane Feinstein, Barbra Boxer and Robert Byrd, these p...
November 27, 2007 by Moderateman
George W. Bush who may go down as the worse President in history for his act of war against the poor Muslim freedom fighters is one of the biggest mistakes ever made. After the Destruction of the Twin towers which was a blight on the view of many of us upper echelon folk from having a clear view of the river, talks should have taken place instead of war. We should have simply asked Osama Bin Laden and the leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah to sit down with us and work out our problems. We should hav...
November 8, 2007 by Moderateman
On March 7th, 2000 the VOTERS of California decided by initiative "that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or will be recognized in California". This initiative passed by an overwhelming majority. The summary of Legislative Analyst's Estimate states that there would be "no Fiscal effect on state or local governments" Proposition 22 does not take away any one's right to inheritance or hospital visitations. However, California formally recognized marriages from other states, which...
October 24, 2007 by Moderateman
The hypocrisy of the religious right knows no boundaries. They insinuate themselves in the Republican party like a cancer invades the body of a healthy man, slowly they rot the body from within. They are the equal of the lunatic far left in every way, just as nuts, just as damaging to the American process. Hey Religious right, not everyone is a Christian, not everyone wants to be a Christian, you do more to push away conservative thinkers than any other part of the republican party with your rid...
October 2, 2007 by Moderateman
The Democratic candidates for the office of President of the United States simply cannot be trusted to protect America. How can I make such a blanket statement like this one might ask? Simply because of a few simple facts they have shown so far. 1. The are afraid to go on Fox news where they will not be tossed soft balls all night long, they might have to actually answer questions like, How are you going to finance all this universal health care you are pounding on? 2. You are all terrifie...
September 28, 2007 by Moderateman
 I have been over at the Smirking Chimp site for the past two days and have encountered for the MOST part open hostility. Why? Because I have a different view than they do. The tactic I have so far encountered have been typical for the far left, name calling, denigrating terms, lumping together of the entire Republican party into a single entity. "All republicans are greedy pigs" when I asked how many republicans do you know? My question went unanswered.  This site has some well educat...
June 10, 2007 by Moderateman
Don Adams   - USMC, Contracted malaria on Guadalcanal [Source: Internet Movie Database] John Agar - US Army Air Corps, Sergeant. Gene Autry - Flight Officer, Air Transport Command, 1942-1946 Eddie Albert   - US Navy. Drove Amtracks in several Pacific invasions. He served in the landings at Saipan in 1943, where he rescued wounded and stranded Marines from the beachhead. At Tarawa, he was wounded and lost most of his hearing and ea...
June 9, 2007 by Moderateman
I have nominated John {400$ haircut} Edwards as The LIBERAL IDIOT OF THE YEAR, why some of you may ask?   Reason one: "the war on terror is just a bumper-sticker" Reason two: "The real enemy is our own government" not some faceless terrorist. Reason three: "there is no war on terror" Yes John you who got rich on bleeding corporations to death. You who lives in a 42 million square mile home across the street from a mobile home park. You who does his very best to divide America...