America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
How soon people forget.
Published on December 27, 2008 By Moderateman In Current Events

In a new national poll from Russia, Dictator and Mass murderer Joseph Stalin is in the running for the number one slot.

Remember now this man by conservative estimates slaughtered 25 million people and sent countless millions to slave labor camps {called Gulags}

The poll claims Stalin acted in a "rational" MANNER while in charge of Russia from 1928 to 1953, the thing most remembered was that Stalin "saved" the Russian people from Hitler, another mass murderer whos atrocities pale in comparrison to Stalin.

How soon people forget the midnight raids on homes where people disappeared, never to be seen again, where any form of free speech was instantly and severely stopped and the speaker either executed or sentenced as a political prisoner and sent to Siberia to work in SLAVE labor camps till they died.

The only comparrison I can make in an American way would be to have the BTK OR THE GREEN RIVER KILLER being declared the single best role model for children in the United States.

How sick is this?

Stalin's secret police were so feared that just the mention of them could tear households apart, the ruthlessness of the KGB far outstripped our own CIA.

When Russia disbanded the KGB the members simply used their knowledge to go Gangster, the Russian Mafiya is one of the most feared criminal organizations on the planet due to their training while in the KGB, they used their connections they had as spies to get them going and have never looked back and we have Joseph Stalin to thank for this legacy too.

Religion was repressed, this was probably the only GOOD thing Stalin did.

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on Jan 06, 2009

Missed sarcasm there, Doc.

Sorry, haste makes waste.

on Jan 06, 2009

kingbee posts:

stalin may have been a lotta things but he wasn't jewish

I misspoke. You are correct, Stalin wasn't a  Jew. He did control the Bolshevick party and government after Lenin's death.   


Catholicism was repressed to propagate Orthodoxy under the Tsar.

Agree.....The State Orthodox church was definitely anti-Catholic. Persecution of the Church would continue even through the Bolshevick Revolution of 1917 dethroned the Czar and denounced the Orthodox Chruch. In 1920, the Catholic bishops who had been expelled by the Czar in 1907, were allowed to return and organize a movement for reuniting Russians with the CC. The USSR government at first encouraged it as an aid for the complete destruction of the old Orthodox Chruch. But this was short-lived and under the Communist dictatorship of Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin who introduced their official propaganda of atheism, all Catholic clergy were sentenced to death for treason. CC property was confiscated and religious instruction was banned. Under the atheistic system of education, the elimination of illiteracy and destruction of Christianity went hand in hand.

Meanwhile, the world was being flooded with Soviet descriptions of its devotion to democracy.     

The communists repressed it for pretty much the same reason (it was a foreign influence).

Actually Communists repressed all religion..under Communist morality, whatever promotes the cause of revolution is moral.

The Catholic Church has always declared the State exists primarily to safeguard and to further the exercise of natural rights. This is the opposite of Communism which is the arrogation of all human rights by a "politburo" under the domination of a Lenin or a Stalin.

History has confirmed that the Catholic Chruch is and has long been the one and only universal opponent of the Marxism anti-God philosophy which circumscribes the free exercise of natural rights. The CC has always condemned Communism and this has been evidenced by the fact that the Pope was condemned for opposition to Communism in the first paragraph of the Marxian credo, the Communist Manifesto issued in 1848.   




on Jan 06, 2009

The Catholic Church has always declared the State exists primarily to safeguard and to further the exercise of natural rights.

As do the communists. They just happen to believe in different "natural rights".


History has confirmed that the Catholic Chruch is and has long been the one and only universal opponent of the Marxism anti-God philosophy which circumscribes the free exercise of natural rights.

Which history is that? I seem to remember a history where Judaism, Islam, and non-Catholic Christian churches also opposed Marxist philosophy.

I know that the last Pope did a lot to achieve victory of communism. But he also did a lot to achieve victory over Creationism. Wouldn't be sure if you want to note him as an example.


on Jan 06, 2009

both Jews and Bolshevists are hostile to Christianity though not to the same degree or for the same reason. Stalin was both

Where did thid this bit of anti-semetic piece of information come from? and if Jews were hostile to Catholics they sure enough had reason to be.

on Jan 06, 2009

Where did thid this bit of anti-semitic piece of information come from?

Don't open that can of worms.

Asking Lula where her anti-Semitic information comes from leads to very dark places.

I have had that discussion with her over "Talmud quotes" she referred to.


on Jan 06, 2009

While WW2 war funding is not my area of expertise, if I recall my history lessons correctly, Great Britain was cash-strapped at the time, barely able to maintain their own military, and that's why they needed our help.

Nor mine, hence why I ask questions.

I agree that in the end the Gov't spent a crap load during this time which definitely makes me wonder more of the long term.

I can see how the 'spending our way out of a recession' worked (short term) during this time with the demands of war.  The problem I do see is the long term debt that was incurred.  Just because 'spending our way out' may have worked then I'm concerned that we are going to reach a point where we go belly up from those debts. 

Since I consider the Gov't should run and behave more like a business, it should succomb to the budgeting practice that successful business follow.  I do not agree with this.  Oh we have a problem, let's spend our way out of it.  Sure over a short term a business may take out a loan or similar type of financing to restructure make itself more stable.  There are other points where businesses also have to pay that money back. If they don't they eventually succumb to their debt and are sold or go belly up. 

Obama is promising 600K new gov't jobs making the Gov't business entity even LARGER.

I'm rather concened.


on Jan 06, 2009

I am waiting for the explaination of whefre the information that Stalin was a JEW and what source it came from.

on Jan 06, 2009

Obama is promising 600K new gov't jobs making the Gov't business entity even LARGER.

I heard Obama saying "hopefully, private sector jobs"....but just like FDR it will be public.  

on Jan 06, 2009

I am waiting for the explaination of whefre the information that Stalin was a JEW and what source it came from.

see that freshly painted wall over there mm?


oughta be dry one of these days.


on Jan 06, 2009


Religion was repressed, this was probably the only GOOD thing Stalin did.


Ah, no. Practicing religion is an inherent inalienable right from God that no man can ever take, what Stalin did against religion wasn't good at all. There is nothing but nothing good about Communism. ......

You're statement is indefensible MM.

From the point of view of religion both Jews and Bolshevists are hostile to Christianity though not to the same degree or for the same reason.


Where did thid this bit of anti-semetic piece of information come from? and if Jews were hostile to Catholics they sure enough had reason to be.

Really? What exactly did Catholics do to give reason for the hostility of Red Russia's Communist Jews?

What I said isn't anti-Semitic. It comes from my study of history, from talking to people who have empirical knowledge of Communism and from reading Scripture. The hostility of Jews to Christianity is due primarily to their refusal to accept Jesus as the Messias while the hostility of Bolshevists to Christianity is based upon denial of belief in God, of His eternal principles, and of man's inalienable right to practice religion.

Stalin was the head and leader of Red Russia, the USSR, the United Soviet Socialist Republic. I mistakenly thought Stalin was a Jew becasue a number of advocates of its pernicious doctrines were of Jewish parentage as were the leading persons who inaugarated Bolshevism. It's not easy to designate who and who are not Jews becasue in many instances in order to hide their natal origin, they changed their names. For example, Trotsky is Bronstein; Martoff is Zederbaum, Dan is Gurvitch, Parvu is Geldfand, Zinovyeff is Aplelbaum, Larin is Lurye, Ryazanoff is Goldenbach, and Ganezky is Furstenberg.






on Jan 06, 2009

lula posts:

History has confirmed that the Catholic Chruch is and has long been the one and only universal opponent of the Marxism anti-God philosophy which circumscribes the free exercise of natural rights.


Which history is that? I seem to remember a history where Judaism, Islam, and non-Catholic Christian churches also opposed Marxist philosophy.

Note I used the word "universal" and with good reason.

Now, would you cite times and places in history when Judaism and Islam were opposed and critical of Lenin/Stalin's Communism?


on Jan 06, 2009

It's not easy to designate who and who are not Jews becasue in many instances in order to hide their natal origin, they changed their names. For example, Trotsky is Bronstein; Martoff is Zederbaum, Dan is Gurvitch, Parvu is Geldfand, Zinovyeff is Aplelbaum, Larin is Lurye, Ryazanoff is Goldenbach, and Ganezky is Furstenberg.


yeah and douglas is demsky, curtis is schwarts, fine is feinberg and howard (both moe and curley) are horwitz.  as for stalin, it was the nazis who originally labeled stalin a jew and those who share their world view who've perpetuated the claim.

on Jan 06, 2009

as for stalin, it was the nazis who originally labeled stalin a jew and those who share their world view who've perpetuated the claim.

Interesting...I didn't know that.

on Jan 07, 2009

The Catholic Church has always declared the State exists primarily to safeguard and to further the exercise of natural rights. This is the opposite of Communism which is the arrogation of all human rights by a "politburo" under the domination of a Lenin or a Stalin


how could the two not be opposed?  not for the reason you've claimed as much as an inevitable clash between two competing totalitarian factions.  otherwise why or how could the church have thrown its support behind franco and mussilini, or helped key nazis escape justice?  for more or less 1000 years, the church had no problem with monarchies in which the only right exercized was that of kings to whom it claimed to delegate power. 

ironic you characterize stalin and lenin as dominators. even more ironic that when members of either group engage in erroneous thinking, they'll either be excommunicated or excommunicized.

on Jan 07, 2009

Now, would you cite times and places in history when Judaism and Islam were opposed and critical of Lenin/Stalin's Communism?

You are completely unaware of the history of Israel and Afghanistan, aren't you?

Even jokes about Judaism's relations to communism were legion in the Soviet Union and eastern Europe. And the war between the communists and the "mujahedeen" in Afghanistan has become relevant again in 2001.


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