America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
How soon people forget.
Published on December 27, 2008 By Moderateman In Current Events

In a new national poll from Russia, Dictator and Mass murderer Joseph Stalin is in the running for the number one slot.

Remember now this man by conservative estimates slaughtered 25 million people and sent countless millions to slave labor camps {called Gulags}

The poll claims Stalin acted in a "rational" MANNER while in charge of Russia from 1928 to 1953, the thing most remembered was that Stalin "saved" the Russian people from Hitler, another mass murderer whos atrocities pale in comparrison to Stalin.

How soon people forget the midnight raids on homes where people disappeared, never to be seen again, where any form of free speech was instantly and severely stopped and the speaker either executed or sentenced as a political prisoner and sent to Siberia to work in SLAVE labor camps till they died.

The only comparrison I can make in an American way would be to have the BTK OR THE GREEN RIVER KILLER being declared the single best role model for children in the United States.

How sick is this?

Stalin's secret police were so feared that just the mention of them could tear households apart, the ruthlessness of the KGB far outstripped our own CIA.

When Russia disbanded the KGB the members simply used their knowledge to go Gangster, the Russian Mafiya is one of the most feared criminal organizations on the planet due to their training while in the KGB, they used their connections they had as spies to get them going and have never looked back and we have Joseph Stalin to thank for this legacy too.

Religion was repressed, this was probably the only GOOD thing Stalin did.

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on Jan 07, 2009

Now, would you cite times and places in history when Judaism and Islam were opposed and critical of Lenin/Stalin's Communism?


Go spend a little time in Wikipedia (since you often source it).  You might start with "History of the Jews in Russia." LINK


There was even a major conspiracy tract known as "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" written by a Russian Journalist. 

You may not find anything that specifically opposes or criticizes Lenin/Stalin's Communism because if ANYONE was publically critical of these dictators they disappeared. 

This should help you get started!


on Jan 07, 2009

This should help you get started!

The most aggressive and convincing book about communism I have ever read was Ephraim Kishon's autobiography and sort story collection about his time in communist Hungary until he managed to flee. It's not available in English, unfortunately.

I find it ridiculous that anyone could claim in this week, where Israel is again fighting her enemies formerly supported by the Soviet Union during the entire Cold war, that Judaism was not opposed to and critical of Stalin's communism.

The Israeli army has faced Russian tanks and aircraft and armies instructed and trained by the Soviets for over 40 years. And it BEAT THEM.


on Jan 07, 2009

lulapilgrimon Jan 06, 2009



Religion was repressed, this was probably the only GOOD thing Stalin did.
Ah, no. Practicing religion is an inherent inalienable right from God that no man can ever take, what Stalin did against religion wasn't good at all. There is nothing but nothing good about Communism. ......
You're statement is indefensible MM.

No it is not, everyone here knows my attitude about religion, I think it's the pits and it firthers the division between men and women world wide.

on Jan 07, 2009

It's not easy to designate who and who are not Jews becasue in many instances in order to hide their natal origin, they changed their names. For example, Trotsky is Bronstein; Martoff is Zederbaum, Dan is Gurvitch, Parvu is Geldfand, Zinovyeff is Aplelbaum, Larin is Lurye, Ryazanoff is Goldenbach, and Ganezky is Furstenberg. yeah and douglas is demsky, curtis is schwarts, fine is feinberg and howard (both moe and curley) are horwitz.  as for stalin, it was the nazis who originally labeled stalin a jew and those who share their world view who've perpetuated the claim.

I knew abot the other name changes, but DID NOT KNOW it was the nazis that gave rumor to Stalin being a JEW. Good work kingbee

on Jan 07, 2009

I knew abot the other name changes, but DID NOT KNOW it was the nazis that gave rumor to Stalin being a JEW. Good work kingbee

This is why I love JU.  I learn something! 

on Jan 07, 2009

I knew abot the other name changes, but DID NOT KNOW it was the nazis that gave rumor to Stalin being a JEW. Good work kingbee.

 This is why I love JU.  I learn something! 

I always say "the day I stop learning something is the day I am officially dead"

on Jan 07, 2009

lula posts:

History has confirmed that the Catholic Chruch is and has long been the one and only universal opponent of the Marxism anti-God philosophy which circumscribes the free exercise of natural rights.


Which history is that? I seem to remember a history where Judaism, Islam, and non-Catholic Christian churches also opposed Marxist philosophy.

lula posts:

Note I used the word "universal" and with good reason.

Now, would you cite times and places in history when Judaism and Islam were opposed and critical of Lenin/Stalin's Communism?

Leauki, nothing from you on your assertion that Islam opposed Stalin's Communistic prohibition of practice of religion and subsequent persecution those who do.

I find it ridiculous that anyone could claim in this week, where Israel is again fighting her enemies formerly supported by the Soviet Union during the entire Cold war, that Judaism was not opposed to and critical of Stalin's communism.

The Israeli army has faced Russian tanks and aircraft and armies instructed and trained by the Soviets for over 40 years. And it BEAT THEM.

What does this have to do with your assertion that Judaism (not Isreal, the country) has a history of opposing and publically criticizing Communism in particular its onerous practice of not allowing freedom of religion. And since you mention Isreal, the country, how is it opposing Communist Cuba or North Korea, or North Vietnam?


My comments have been primarily in refutation of MM's statement that "Religion was repressed, this was probably the only GOOD thing Stalin did."

I understand that all religions were repressed and that Stalin was an equal opportunity persecuter when it came to religion. I know Stalin turned on Trotsky who was Jewish and he banished Molotov whose wife was Jewish.

During the Red Decade of the 1930s, through force, national atheistic Socialism was applied throughout the USSR and Communism spread its evils. The USSR was the first to make abortion legal. There was no free exercise of any of our natural rights,  and anyone who objected was a class enemy and done away with.

AD posts:

Go spend a little time in Wikipedia (since you often source it). You might start with "History of the Jews in Russia." LINK


There was even a major conspiracy tract known as "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" written by a Russian Journalist.

You may not find anything that specifically opposes or criticizes Lenin/Stalin's Communism because if ANYONE was publically critical of these dictators they disappeared.

This should help you get started!

 Thanks for providing the link...

You are correct, no where did I read about Jews or Judaism taking a stand against Communism or its banning the practice of religion.

As far as the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", I know that was an anti-Semitic hoax.







on Jan 07, 2009

I knew abot the other name changes, but DID NOT KNOW it was the nazis that gave rumor to Stalin being a JEW.

Makes sense tho.  Communist and Jews were 2 of the most hated by the Nazis.  Why not group them together?

on Jan 07, 2009


The Catholic Church has always declared the State exists primarily to safeguard and to further the exercise of natural rights. This is the opposite of Communism which is the arrogation of all human rights by a "politburo" under the domination of a Lenin or a Stalin


how could the two not be opposed? not for the reason you've claimed as much as an inevitable clash between two competing totalitarian factions.

As a Catholic, though the term "authoritative" is preferable, I might feel honored to have the Church singled out as "totalitarian" were the term not used in a derogatory sense.

The Catholic Chruch is the one and only Church in the world that has the creditentials to prove that she is Christ-established and therefore the only Chruch that speaks authoritatively in the name of Christ. The charge that the CC is totalitarian is becasue the Pope and bishops under his jurisdiction as well as the priests rule without the sayso of the laity is based upon the assumption that the Chruch is of human origins as are all the Protestant churches.

The Church Christ established that He commanded us to hear, was and is in modern terminology, an organic, self-perpetuating, spiritual corporation, that was to endure until the end of time. It was and is God made hierarchial, priestly Church, as was but one other Chruch during the whole human history, the Chruch of the children of Isreal, out of which the Catholic Church came. The Pope, Bishops, and Priests of the CC are as the Jewish Encyclopedia says, the "priests" in the Jewish Chruch were "emissaries not of the people, but of God."

The charge the Chruch is totalitarian as was the USSR was condemned by Pope Pius XII since a totalitarian government is based upon usurpation of power, such as Stalin exercised, depending upon force for obedience to its mandates. The power exercised by the CC which is limited to matters of faith and morals, comes from Christ, who is God. It is exercised among children of God through moral suasion and not by the use of force. Therefore the Catholic Chruch can say with her Founder, "My teachings are not My own, but His who sent Me."

Our Lord warned us that there would be many who would endeavor to prevail against His Chruch, but without success. Therefore, I'm not going to let any one, any religious prejudice or even persecution impair my tranquility.


on Jan 07, 2009

The Catholic Chruch is the one and only Church in the world that has the creditentials to prove that she is Christ-established and therefore the only Chruch that speaks authoritatively in the name of Christ.

there are credentials...and credentials.  just weeks ago, you disclaimed obama's birth certificate--cloned from an original civil record for which there exists not merely a bonafide original but THE bonafide original preserved and maintained by authorities of his birth state--as insufficiently provenanced.  on the other hand, you assert existence of credentials for which there is not a even a scintilla of tangible physical evidence as absolutely irrefutable proof your religious organization was and remains, unlike every other, the very voice of god.  

The charge the Chruch is totalitarian as was the USSR was condemned by Pope Pius XII since a totalitarian government is based upon usurpation of power, such as Stalin exercised, depending upon force for obedience to its mandates.

and yet he seemingly had no problem with totalitarian usurpers benito mussolini and francisco franco both of whom relentlessly crushed those who defied their mandates.

while it's unlikely they were original in this regard,  the first several generations of christians are most often characterized as proponents and participants in what could reasonably be described as a communist culture inspired by their desire to emulate christ  had marx, lenin, trotsky and their associates been better students of history they would have anticipated their utopian society's inevitable vulnerability to ambition, power and greed.   after all, no pope in history has discarded his elegant costumes or golden crown to don coarse cloth and a crown of thorns.

on Jan 08, 2009

What does this have to do with your assertion that Judaism (not Isreal, the country) has a history of opposing and publically criticizing Communism in particular its onerous practice of not allowing freedom of religion.

If you can dismiss the efforts of nearly half the Jews of the planet, I am sure you can dismiss anything I say.

I am sure that even if every Jew but one would speak out against communism and die for, say, Korea's freedom, you would still happily claim that Judaism doesn't have an anti-communist history and that you want evidence for "Judaism (not a huge number of Jews)" having such a history.

And I am also sure that if you find a single Catholic who, as an old man remembers to have been told by his grand mother's best friend, has been found to have been a possible protagonist of a story which, leaving out every second word, could have been said to have been about a subject not proven to be enthusiastically in favour of communism at a first glance, you would use him as absolute and total proof of Catholicism being the only religion consistently opposed to communism.


on Jan 08, 2009

You are correct, no where did I read about Jews or Judaism taking a stand against Communism or its banning the practice of religion.

I'm confused who are you saying "or its banning of the practice of religion," Judaism or Communism?

on Jan 08, 2009

I'm confused who are you saying "or its banning of the practice of religion," Judaism or Communism?

Communism bans or prepresses religion and persecutes the religious.  It's going on right now in Cuba, North Korea, North Vietnam and China.

Remember I said that Stalin was an equal opportunity persecuter when it came to religion and MM finished his otherwise good article by writing this may have been the one GOOD thing Stalin did!! 


on Jan 08, 2009

As far as the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", I know that was an anti-Semitic hoax.

It may be a hoax Lula, but one has to note that I don't see Stalin preventing this propaganda from being distributed.  I find it rather hard for one to NOT believe that Jews and Judaism condemned the communism under Stalin.

on Jan 08, 2009

lula posts:

History has confirmed that the Catholic Chruch is and has long been the one and only universal opponent of the Marxism anti-God philosophy which circumscribes the free exercise of natural rights.


Which history is that? I seem to remember a history where Judaism, Islam, and non-Catholic Christian churches also opposed Marxist philosophy.

If you can dismiss the efforts of nearly half the Jews of the planet, I am sure you can dismiss anything I say.

Actually your points about Isreal are well taken, it's just that I made a distinct claim about the CC, and you rebutted that by claiming Judaism and Islam have the same history. OK. I didn't know that and since this is news asked for proof that it may be true. This info about Isreal, however, does not sufficeintly furnish proof of your claim. And I'm still waiting to learn how Islam opposed Stalin's repression of the practice of religion in the USSR. 

You are so eager to bash the CC, that you just throw stuff out there hoping it will stick and go unchallenged.

My initial statement highlighted above still stands.   Could you ever imagine that God who provided our holy forebears in Isreal with an authoritative priesthood and sacrificial means of honoring Him, and obtaining forgiveness of sin, left man without such a guidance and means of atonement after the end came to those Torah recorded messages?  A new, universal priesthood of a higher order was instituted who offered Sacrifice on Altars all over the world, as foretold in the Jewish bible. That priesthood of God, that Sacrifice, those altars are found in the Catholic Chruch, the one and the only spiritual society that functions by the will of God.

The Old Testament faith fulfilled its glorious mission in and through the birth of the Son of David, Jesus Christ. He caused the Jewish Acorn to blossom forth into the glorious Oak, known as the Catholic Church.  The Catholic Chruch is the light in this dark world.




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