America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~

So Satan sitting in his home listening to the screams of the tormented with a smile on his face, decided the Jews were to close to G-d, and this really angered him, he had to find a way to divide the damned Jews, after all G-d decided they were his chosen people and what better target for his evil deeds than watering down the religion, Now Satan had great power, let us not forget that after all he was arch Angel, most high, one of the three named Angels that sat at G-ds side at one time.

So along comes this good man Jesus was his name, he had many good things to say and the people listened, so first Satan hardened the hearts of the Rabbis, made them jealous of Jesus and his huge following, then Satan allowed some minor so called miracles to happen, an easy task for one as powerful as Lucifer. Satan also knew of the prophecy of the Messiah, and he thought what a great idea if he could trick the Jews into believing that Jesus was the Messiah, he could one, break up the tribes of Israel, really anger G-d whom Lucifer hated beyond all things and of course lead people away from the one true faith of Judaism. Needless to say his plan worked the people of Israel {some} believed the Messiah had come, the Rabbis who Lucifer had tricked into believing this good man was a threat to their power played their part perfectly and had the Romans crucify Jesus {all part of the prophecy} Some years after the death of Jesus, Christianity was born, Jesus NEVER claimed to be a Christian, he was circumcised in the Jewish religion and took Bar mitzvah at 13 again following the Jewish religion. Never once did he or his disciples call what Jesus was preaching Christianity, what he was preaching was Judaism in it purest form, with stress on the 10 commandments as a way to live your life. Did this really happen? I have no Idea, but it is no more believable or unbelievable than Jesus being the Human Son of G-d. Meanwhile we Jews of the one true faith are still waiting for the Messiah to arrive and on that day there will be much celebrating, for we have waiting patiently a very long time for this to happen.

Comments (Page 7)
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on Oct 31, 2007

Reply By: lulapilgrimPosted: Tuesday, October 30, 2007
it's a groaner, kinda like a henny youngman joke.. "take my wife! Please."

Well, that depends on the wife, doesn't it?

Depends on if you are wearing depends!

on Oct 31, 2007

Yes, I figured that MM. I'm familiar with the biblical tribe of Levi as well. From what I understand the records had been lost for centuries just before the disbursement of the Jews, so nobody really knows exactly what tribe they come from, although I've heard sometimes the names (like Levi) give a clue as to what tribe they may have come from. So is there a way to know for sure or do you just go by your last name?

Other tribes are Simeon, Reuben, Judah, Gad, Joseph, Benjamin, etc and I don't see these names around as much as I do say...Levi.

I wonder also if tribes could be so intermarried over the years one may not know exactly what tribe they originally came from?
Reply By: KFC Kickin For ChristPosted: Tuesday, October 30, 2007

With the Jews being scattered for so many years and reconrds destroyed, and {for instance} Idiots that worked at Ellis Island in America many misspellings of names happened in their book of records for instance A family name from Goldstein became Goldsmith,. I cannot know for sure which tribe I am from obviously, but since my last name is such a close match to the original 12 I figured some aplomb was good hence the "tribe of Levi"

on Oct 31, 2007
Are you part of the Jews for Jesus as well or is that something completely different?


If not, what do you think of their organization?

Don't know a whole lot about them.

What I agree with:
- They support Israel and that G-D isn't finished with his Covenant People (Jews).

What I understand they promote/support that I disagree with:
- They promote/support 'Two House' theology. They neither uphold nor reject Torah observance upon acceptance of Messiah. This gives me the feeling that they are only out to make themselves feel better by them accepting ‘Christianity’ not Messianic Judaism.
- They use Jewish terminology to make Christianity look more like Judaism. Christianity by virtue is more like replacement theology to Torah observant Judaism.
- Their evangelical structure is geared to make the Greek/Roman Christian Jesus acceptable to Hebraic Jewish people.
- Their limiting G-D to a trinity.

These are my personal 'opinions' regarding JFJ based upon their website and other information venues.
on Oct 31, 2007
With the Jews being scattered for so many years and reconrds destroyed, and {for instance} Idiots that worked at Ellis Island in America many misspellings of names happened in their book of records for instance A family name from Goldstein became Goldsmith,.

Exactly. Alot of name changing went on at that time. My friend told me his father's name was changed from Finklestein to Finks.
on Oct 31, 2007
Bad Form Lula!

You asked:


Would you explain what you mean here by believing in Messiah of the NT as the servant Messiah?

Then knowing my stance/position you follow up your inquiry with:

The New Testament supports that Jesus the Christ as well as His followers did live, act and talk according to the ceremonies and rites of the Old Covenant but only up until His Death and Resurrection. Everything about the Old Covenant radically changed after that.

This really has me questioning your sincerity here.

You ask me a question and take the liberty to explain what your preconceived notion of the matter is thus condemning my response, based upon my already expressed position.

I still live very much like a Jew (abiding to Torah as you know). I mention Karaite as I put more emphasis on Torah (and closer to literally) than I do the Talmud or Mishna (or any other writings for that matter).

I have to ask:

Which are you more interested in?

What I have to say on the matter or you telling me what you have to say on the matter?

Your post clearly suggests the latter to which I will politely step aside and allow you to condemn my response before I'm even allowed to respond. I see no point in attempting to explain any position before a predetermined court.
on Oct 31, 2007
From what little I know {verbal accounts from Aunt and Uncles Father Mother The Jewishness comes from the Mother, you belong to your fathers tribe, that is why the wife use to move in with the husbands tribe.

Everyone is correct.

This again is where Rabbinical Law differentiates from Torah. Torah follows Paternal inheritance where as Rabbinical follows Maternal.

Here are the reasons I see for the difference. The Rabbis followed suite on what a man can see in this case birth through the mother. Torah is based on the passing of the 'seed' through the cutting (circumcision) in which the covenant was made. This is why Issac is the covenant baby and not Ishmael.

It was under the rulership of the tribe of Judah that all of Israel came to be known also as Jews (derived from Yehudim).

I hope that helps clear some of the cornfusion.
on Oct 31, 2007
A family name from Goldstein became Goldsmith,. I cannot know for sure which tribe I am from obviously, but since my last name is such a close match to the original 12 I figured some aplomb was good hence the "tribe of Levi"

Thanks for clearing that up MM because I was wondering if you "really" knew because if you did, I was wondering how....inquiring minds ya know?....and now I wonder where say "Goldstein" would come from? Which tribe could that be?

Probably is no way to really know this side of eternity but is interesting to think about anyhow.

on Oct 31, 2007

on Oct 31, 2007

Good one, LW.

on Oct 31, 2007
(Citizen)little-whipOctober 31, 2007 14:17:52

To which the jew scoffs: "Chinese, Japanese, you're all the same to me. Go to hell." He then turns back to his drink while the chinaman dusts himself off, and a few minutes he does the same, sitting back down at the bar.

Jew replies: "Ya joik! Jews had nothing to do wid dat! An iceburg sank the freakin' titanic! You some kinda loon?"

The chinaman smiles as says..."Iceburg, Goldberg, Steinburg, yuu all de same tuu meee!"

Ah Sabrina nothing beats having you as my friend to show exactly how much humor there is to this entire article.
on Oct 31, 2007
Love how ya pick one or two points to argue, list all sorts of prophesies he DID fulfill, while conveniently ignoring the ones he DIDN'T

Ah, but that's the christian way! it's a diversion tactic; they'll talk about all the things their book of faith believes, and hope that in the meantime you'll forget the original point. If cornered, they'll spout meaningless and irrelevant scripture from their book of faith at you, and if that doesn't work they'll scream that you're a minion sent from hell to torture you. I've seen it time after time after time.

There are two people here on JU who are the worst examples of christianity I have ever seen. They've gotten themselves so caught up in the mintutiae of scripture that they've lost sight of what christ taught. Of course, every time I point this out I'm accused of harrassment and get the 'what did I ever do to you? Show me where I said/did that!?!'. It's the same old schtick, time and again.

PHARISEES. It's sickening. Why don't people try to embody their christ instead of nit-picking and squawking about miniscule meaningless bullshit!?! I would have thought that would have been a better way to profess their faith than priding themselves on how much they know about NOTHING.

Sorry if I offended you, MM.

on Oct 31, 2007
(Citizen)dharmagrlOctober 31, 2007 17:17:44

Sorry if I offended you, MM.

none taken D, sometimes yer just gotta speak your own truth! yer did good on that account.
on Oct 31, 2007
Damn, Dharma...couldn't have said it better myself.

on Oct 31, 2007

I was just as surprised as the rest to learn that you are a Karaite Messianic Jew and your explanation in #87 brought the question to mind.

So, yes, I'm interested in your answer IF you care to reply...if not, that's OK too.

Then knowing my stance/position

I'm perplexed that you think I already know your stance/position and condemned it. What in my response made you come to this conclusion? How could I? I don't know you and your mention of Karaite Messianic Jews was the first time I ever heard of it.

We learn by asking questions.

My response wasn't one of condemnation, rather it was intended to point out the difference between the OLd and the New Covenant and refute your assertion that St.Paul continued practicing Old Covenant Judaism after his conversion to Christianity.

on Oct 31, 2007
My response wasn't one of condemnation, rather it was intended to point out the difference between the OLd and the New Covenant and refute your assertion that St.Paul continued practicing Old Covenant Judaism after his conversion to Christianity.

See?!!!! PERFECT example!!!!!!
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