While I adore women, women of all kinds and body types, big boobs,. little ones, small women amazon women {ok get the point?} In the last 20 or so years we have seen the emergence of women as warrior babes, while I love looking at a gorgeous women in tight slinky pelts and such, I DO NOT want one watching my back in times of war, It was hard enough for a man to handle a sword let alone some skinny babe with wrists as think as a small chicken bone, swinging to to and fro. While I do not dou...
I have noticed that the excuse here on joeuser and life in general is, He or she made me do it! there by negating any responsibility for your own actions. Only in very rare instances are we made to do anything against our will. A prime example of this would be if a police officer tells you to do something you better damn well do it even if you do not want to. No one can "MAKE ME" attack them, If I do it's because I used my free will to do it. Period. I can not make anyone attack me, if ...
I have finally figured out the Democratic parties platform, they make victims out of everyone instead of empowering them. Life sucks, it's the Republicans fault, not yours, you are just an innocent VICTIM! No money? Again not your fault, victim you are. You are lazy? nope just a victim of the power mad right. You are not responsible for anything that happens bad to you, it all happens because you are a victim! Pregnant? it's not because you did not use birth control, you are just ...
Wishing all a wonderful thanksgiving, remember we live in the greatest country on the planet {us Americans that is} so we have a lot to be grateful for. If no one told ya they loves ya today, consider yourself loved from a distance. elie and colleen
I woke-up this morning, sober and drug free. I know where my car was. I knew I had committed no crime {drunk driving, brawling} I knew the lady in bed with me was my wife, NOT YOURS! I pray that I bring no violence to anyone's life and pray no one brings violence to mine. I ask God for the strength to get through another day, clean and sober. I get out of bed, staring in wonder that this lady in bed with me is mine. I holler for the cats and rough them both up till...
Louis {I hate whitey} Farrakhan the leader of the BLACK MUSLIM NATION, He hates Jews and whites in that order, the best thing you can say about Farrakhan is he is up-front with his hatred, he does not hide it. Jesse Jackson, uses any excuse to drive the wedge deeper between whites and black, he is a vulture and a blackmailer. Al Sharpton hates whites simply because he is not white, he is a rabble rouser and equal opportunity bilker. What the most amazing part of all this is all THRE...
yeh yeh yeh I know "but mm you fight alla time" Well would be nice to see peace break out all over joeuser land for a while. I kinda sit back and catch myself thinking why am I fighting with the name in ether space? we do not know each other and to think we do is folly. So here is some real thoughts of peace, just for one week, one can I not fight? yes I think, can you not fight, hm time will tell. Just call me the Peacemaker....
Picture this. It's one or two days before payday, you are broke and I do mean broke, no money, maybe a 10 dollar bill to your name. Many of us live paycheck to paycheck, so it's not that hard to imagine. If you have a car, you have no gas to speak of. You are considered an outcast by societies rule of thumb,{BTW rule of thumb comes from the olden days when you could not beat your wife with a stick fatter than your thumb} you live on the edge of the law anyways, maybe not a real crim...
A quote from "Heretics of Dune" "Only liberals really think" "only liberals are intellectual" "only liberals understand the needs of their fellows" HOW MUCH VICIOUSNESS THESE WORDS CONTAIN. Funny how science fiction can be right on with present day thoughts. A book written in 1984 predicts how the liberal left would be. Frank Herbert, Prophet?
I am asking this for some insight into different personalities here on joeuser. I would pick that Idaho molester to kill, no remorse, no guilt. Now for the bloody part, if you choose to kill someone, it must be done by cutting their throat. Lets see.
The question is: what do I like about getting old, the answer is:\ Not a goddamned thing!
Sometime I get the sense that some people think that it’s ok to tear someone apart As long as they don’t swear, you know the typical “go f*88 yourself”. Well I am here to tell you that “would you please fornicate with a baboon” while all flowery and proper is still hurtful and a cuss as far as I am concerned. To say to a person that they are a complete idiot is bad but is it any less bad than tacking on you moron at the end of thought? To disagree is the path to knowledge, but I hav...
I see and hear "men" that claim to never abuse their partner, but have no problem with demeaning them privately and publicly. Am I just stupid to think that nasty words aimed at cutting your partner are somehow acceptable behavior? To think that somehow calling my mate a bitch or other not nice names is how you keep em in line is not abuse is the mind of a delusional person and a mean spirited ass. To crush a persons soul is much more horrid than physical abuse is what I think. Ho...
A person is the sum total of all there life experiences the good and bad, thoughts deeds and suffering, joy sex, food, on and on we get to experience the same stuff over and over. Now Death my friends is a one time thing {far as I know} Look not at death with dread gentle folk, Look at it as a long lost companion come back, open yourself to the experience enjoy dieing, cause once your dead your dead. Please no religious dogma here, I am contemplating my navel. Yikes is that lint?
Come old friend…. Let us grapple once more. I welcome you…I battle you.. We have fought before…. We shall fight again…Knowing in the end I must lose. From the corner of my eye…. I see you Watching me…. Waiting… Patient.. Time is nothing to you…. Everything to me… Time runs short….Yet still inside.. A warrior’s heart beats.. I welcome the final battle.. Bring allies you shall need them… I know not how to quit. Hear my howl, my challenge to you. Come meet me. I ...