America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Tip of the hat to stevendadalus for inspiration
Published on March 23, 2006 By Moderateman In Philosophy
I have noticed that the excuse here on joeuser and life in general is, He or she made me do it! there by negating any responsibility for your own actions.

Only in very rare instances are we made to do anything against our will. A prime example of this would be if a police officer tells you to do something you better damn well do it even if you do not want to.

No one can "MAKE ME" attack them, If I do it's because I used my free will to do it. Period.

I can not make anyone attack me, if you do it's because you wanted to. Period.

If someone steps on your sore foot and you turn around and punch them in the face, it was because you wanted to punch and YOU DID!

No one can make a female tell a male to "fuck off" no matter how rude the male is, again it';s free will in action.

I freely blast liberals every chance I get, why? it's surely not what they do that MAKES ME do it, it's because I want to. In other words accept responsibility for your own actions and stop blaming others for how you behave.

Anyone have a different slant on this subject?
Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 23, 2006
The devil made me do it!
on Mar 23, 2006
You can be made to do any number of things, for any number of reasons. But by saying that someone made you do something, instead of someone provided a situation under which you decided to do something, you are saying that that person controls you. Your not responsible for your actions because you belong to whoever. Doesn't seem like the sort of thing you'd expect the average person to claim. Yet we live in the land without responsibility, it's all someone elses fault, we aren't to blame, we're perfect.
on Mar 23, 2006
Reply By: Danny BassettePosted: Thursday, March 23, 2006You can be made to do any number of things, for any number of reasons. But by saying that someone made you do something, instead of someone provided a situation under which you decided to do something, you are saying that that person controls you. Your not responsible for your actions because you belong to whoever. Doesn't seem like the sort of thing you'd expect the average person to claim. Yet we live in the land without responsibility, it's all someone elses fault, we aren't to blame, we're perfect.

nice to se your name danny!!!! and you nailed my thoughts exactly..
on Mar 23, 2006
Reply By: Dr. GuyPosted: Thursday, March 23, 2006The devil made me do it!

oh noooooooooooo, not da debbil!!
on Mar 23, 2006

oh noooooooooooo, not da debbil!!

Actually, that is close as my older sister is Debbi. And yea, she made me do some very bad things!  Now of course she is a saint (BA Christian), and a loving sister.  But growing up.........That Debbil!

on Mar 23, 2006
Jodie Foster made me do it.

-- B
on Mar 23, 2006
ok we have had our fun with this, now lets get back to it!

do any of you fall into the catagory of blaming someone else for your own behavior?
on Mar 23, 2006
Good subject elie. As a recovering alcoholic I have heard the Phrase "made me do it" A lot, hell I used it for an excuse a lot before I finally surrendered.
"He made me drink", "I lost my job, it made me drink", "I stubbed my pinkie toe, it made me drink" We know darn well no one can make us drink, we decide on our own free will to pick up that bottle and put it to our lips. No stubbed toe, lost job or man can make us drink. We use that as an excuse as a way to not take responsibilities for our actions. I hope this is what you were going for, but it was good to get it down.

on Mar 23, 2006
#8 by Gimpyone
Thursday, March 23, 2006

Good subject Elie. As a recovering alcoholic I have heard the Phrase "made me do it" A lot, hell I used it for an excuse a lot before I finally surrendered.
"He made me drink", "I lost my job, it made me drink", "I stubbed my pinkie toe, it made me drink" We know darn well no one can make us drink, we decide on our own free will to pick up that bottle and put it to our lips. No stubbed toe, lost job or man can make us drink. We use that as an excuse as a way to not take responsibilities for our actions. I hope this is what you were going for, but it was good to get it down.

thanx Michele, I was going for any time anyone uses the excuse "someone or something" made me do it is avoiding taking responsibility for your own actions.
on Mar 23, 2006
The only person responsible for my actions is me. At the same time, I will question anyone who tells me what to do, even if it is a policeman. Hey, even they can be wrong sometimes. Misappropriating blame is a modern curse and should be stopped at every turn...
on Mar 23, 2006
#10 by dynamaso
Thursday, March 23, 2006

Misappropriating blame is a modern curse and should be stopped at every turn...

I so agree with that! time for people to start acting as if they have control over there mouths, or fingers as the case is here.
on Mar 25, 2006
Ok, step on my sore foot, You'll get hit, it's a reaction, yea, I shouldn't have hit ya, but I didn't know I was till it was to late.

Sorry, I have to buy into that one, has happened to me, I have also been the one that stepped on the foot, and I totally deserved the the hit I got.


I think some of this gets a lot into the way we are raised and what personal responsibility our parents forced us to accept. Somewhere it has turned from, Johnny! Why did you leave your homework on the floor for the dog to eat, to, Damn Dog! You ate Johnny's homework! Or "Why didn't you get your homework done" to "That teacher assigns to much homework". This is what children are learning now. In our overzealousness to overprotect our children from the real world, we are teaching them that it's not their fault that something happens, It HAS TO BE someone else's cause "my child would never do something like that".

"My daughter is knocked up and it's your son's fault" "No, it's YOUR daughters fault for getting knocked up! You take care of it!" It goes on and on, and the kids that learn this, teach their kids the same thing.

Society has gone so far as creating things to blame. Stress, peer pressure, etc. Yea those are real, but they are still not an excuse. Ask around a prison sometime, but they all are either innocent or someone/something else made them to it (ok, not all, there still are some that do accept responsibility)

Hope that helps you in your quest for knowledge.
on Mar 25, 2006
Reply By: msladydeathPosted: Saturday, March 25, 2006Ok, step on my sore foot, You'll get hit, it's a reaction, yea, I shouldn't have hit ya, but I didn't know I was till it was to late.

I am guilty of the same behaviors, but as I age I am less and less prone to lash out.. at least punch someone . I still lash out verbally time to time though.

And yes you quenched some thirst for knowledge, thank you
on Mar 25, 2006
Hey, it's never my fault.
on Mar 26, 2006

Reply By: msladydeathPosted: Saturday, March 25, 2006Ok, step on my sore foot, You'll get hit, it's a reaction, yea, I shouldn't have hit ya, but I didn't know I was till it was to late.

I am guilty of the same behaviors, but as I age I am less and less prone to lash out.. at least punch someone . I still lash out verbally time to time though.

And yes you quenched some thirst for knowledge, thank you

React in haste, repent in leisure.  I think we all have.  We all have buttons to push.  But once pushed, and once notified of said button, most of us then appologize for the reaction.

That being said, we still allowed the button to be pushed.  It was our decision.  If knee jerk, then an appology is not beyond us and explains it.  And that is the end of it, except for stamp collectors.

In a nut shell, I am responsible, both for the buttons, and for the non-reactive actions.

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