Tip of the hat to stevendadalus for inspiration
I have noticed that the excuse here on joeuser and life in general is, He or she made me do it! there by negating any responsibility for your own actions.
Only in very rare instances are we made to do anything against our will. A prime example of this would be if a police officer tells you to do something you better damn well do it even if you do not want to.
No one can "MAKE ME" attack them, If I do it's because I used my free will to do it. Period.
I can not make anyone attack me, if you do it's because you wanted to. Period.
If someone steps on your sore foot and you turn around and punch them in the face, it was because you wanted to punch and YOU DID!
No one can make a female tell a male to "fuck off" no matter how rude the male is, again it';s free will in action.
I freely blast liberals every chance I get, why? it's surely not what they do that MAKES ME do it, it's because I want to. In other words accept responsibility for your own actions and stop blaming others for how you behave.
Anyone have a different slant on this subject?