America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Moderateman's Articles In Philosophy » Page 2
April 13, 2005 by Moderateman
For those of us who have spouses in high positions, we get to hear about day-to-day events about “the workplace” Since our spouses are our most trusted advisors, does what the” none boss “{the spouse} have any impact on someone’s job? It’s my experience that if a spouse of a boss just detests a particular individual there job is in jeopardy. I know my wife seeks counsel from me time to time about someone at her job, sometimes I have counseled get rid of them, defend them, or no comme...
March 24, 2005 by Moderateman
Where do I start, ok at the beginning? First notice I said a few, not all, not most, and a few. Since January 1st this year, I have had liberals come into my house {blog} and call me, Sick bastard, mean, asshole, bigot, religious zealot, I have had DEATH wished on me, I have been told my soul should rot in hell for all eternity. I have been disrespected over and over in my HOUSE, had plagues called on my head, called a manwhore, man pig, male ho, evil, rotten, have had my manhood cal...
March 20, 2005 by Moderateman
Seems like some people here in Joe user land think they are perfect, Jesus like if I may venture a guess. This trait is not a moderate trait; it seems to run rampant AMONG SOME OF THE LIBERALS HERE THOUGH. I can see I am wrong sometimes {my flames with DABE} correct it and move on. I can see I was wrong about the spaying and neutering post and eliminated it. I hope to never be so perfect in my own eyes or heart that I think I never mis-step, say something bad or make mistakes. ...
February 22, 2005 by Moderateman
From my street days I offer this "nuttin personal iz jus bidness" said with my best East Harlem accent> I have no ill will nor do I think you are somehow less than me because you espouse liberal politics. There is just one person that blogs here that has raised my bile to the point of intense dislike. The Satan spawn knows who she is; it needs not be printed here. When I blast away at your stances on political points it’s really not personal, It’s just me expressing an opposing view. ...
February 21, 2005 by Moderateman
President Bush is going to Europe, to mend fences, well fellow American I would rather forge an alliance with Red China, at least you know where the red chinesse stand. France never has been an allie of America, france is now a third rate country, with the morals of an alley cat. Germany is just another third rate country with delusions of grandeur, longing for the days of Adolph, when the world paid attention to them. Russia is going back to its old ways, putin is slowly taking con...
February 18, 2005 by Moderateman
What arrogance, what utter conceit. To proclaim that you even begin to understand who I am or how my mind works is absurd. I am not even sure if I know the entire me, but a couple post and low and behold some morons say “I know exactly what and who you are” to say the least I am amazed by the insight and wisdom of these self proclaimed geniuses, to be able to “know” everything about me from a couple post. Wow! These AD HOMINIM, attacks filled with VITROLIC HYPERBOLE, just crack me u...
March 28, 2006 by Moderateman
While I adore women, women of all kinds and body types, big boobs,. little ones, small women amazon women {ok get the point?} In the last 20 or so years we have seen the emergence of women as warrior babes, while I love looking at a gorgeous women in tight slinky pelts and such, I DO NOT want one watching my back in times of war, It was hard enough for a man to handle a sword let alone some skinny babe with wrists as think as a small chicken bone, swinging to to and fro. While I do not dou...
March 23, 2006 by Moderateman
I have noticed that the excuse here on joeuser and life in general is, He or she made me do it! there by negating any responsibility for your own actions. Only in very rare instances are we made to do anything against our will. A prime example of this would be if a police officer tells you to do something you better damn well do it even if you do not want to. No one can "MAKE ME" attack them, If I do it's because I used my free will to do it. Period. I can not make anyone attack me, if ...
January 25, 2006 by Moderateman
I have finally figured out the Democratic parties platform, they make victims out of everyone instead of empowering them. Life sucks, it's the Republicans fault, not yours, you are just an innocent VICTIM! No money? Again not your fault, victim you are. You are lazy? nope just a victim of the power mad right. You are not responsible for anything that happens bad to you, it all happens because you are a victim! Pregnant? it's not because you did not use birth control, you are just ...
November 22, 2005 by Moderateman
Wishing all a wonderful thanksgiving, remember we live in the greatest country on the planet {us Americans that is} so we have a lot to be grateful for. If no one told ya they loves ya today, consider yourself loved from a distance. elie and colleen
October 11, 2005 by Moderateman
I woke-up this morning, sober and drug free. I know where my car was. I knew I had committed no crime {drunk driving, brawling} I knew the lady in bed with me was my wife, NOT YOURS! I pray that I bring no violence to anyone's life and pray no one brings violence to mine. I ask God for the strength to get through another day, clean and sober. I get out of bed, staring in wonder that this lady in bed with me is mine. I holler for the cats and rough them both up till...
September 28, 2005 by Moderateman
Louis {I hate whitey} Farrakhan the leader of the BLACK MUSLIM NATION, He hates Jews and whites in that order, the best thing you can say about Farrakhan is he is up-front with his hatred, he does not hide it. Jesse Jackson, uses any excuse to drive the wedge deeper between whites and black, he is a vulture and a blackmailer. Al Sharpton hates whites simply because he is not white, he is a rabble rouser and equal opportunity bilker. What the most amazing part of all this is all THRE...
September 26, 2005 by Moderateman
yeh yeh yeh I know "but mm you fight alla time" Well would be nice to see peace break out all over joeuser land for a while. I kinda sit back and catch myself thinking why am I fighting with the name in ether space? we do not know each other and to think we do is folly. So here is some real thoughts of peace, just for one week, one can I not fight? yes I think, can you not fight, hm time will tell. Just call me the Peacemaker....
September 1, 2005 by Moderateman
Picture this. It's one or two days before payday, you are broke and I do mean broke, no money, maybe a 10 dollar bill to your name. Many of us live paycheck to paycheck, so it's not that hard to imagine. If you have a car, you have no gas to speak of. You are considered an outcast by societies rule of thumb,{BTW rule of thumb comes from the olden days when you could not beat your wife with a stick fatter than your thumb} you live on the edge of the law anyways, maybe not a real crim...
July 27, 2005 by Moderateman
A quote from "Heretics of Dune" "Only liberals really think" "only liberals are intellectual" "only liberals understand the needs of their fellows" HOW MUCH VICIOUSNESS THESE WORDS CONTAIN. Funny how science fiction can be right on with present day thoughts. A book written in 1984 predicts how the liberal left would be. Frank Herbert, Prophet?