inspired by idiots, morons and complete jerks
What arrogance, what utter conceit.
To proclaim that you even begin to understand who I am or how my mind works is absurd.
I am not even sure if I know the entire me, but a couple post and low and behold some morons say “I know exactly what and who you are” to say the least I am amazed by the insight and wisdom of these self proclaimed geniuses, to be able to “know” everything about me from a couple post. Wow!
These AD HOMINIM, attacks filled with VITROLIC HYPERBOLE, just crack me up. {Notice I used all the lefts favorite words in one sentence?}
There is just one person that blogs here that can claim to know me. She is a good friend that I have shared life with.
So when you claim to “know” me and I tear your little pinheads off, try to understand why>