This one is just a taste... Matt Sanchez a marine veteran from Columbia U, in NYC was spat on and called baby killer. This comes from the same EVIL MOTHERFUCKING LIBERAL PEICES OF SHIT THAT CALLED ME THE SAME THING. LIBERALS YOU DISGUST me and do not deserve the people that lay down their lives for you. I was first called baby killer in 1966 by so called peaceful war protesters. 40 years later the same pukes still do...
While both these men have pledged to caucus with the Democrats, in theory they could force the Senate to learn how to get along. With these two men abstaining it would be a 49 to 49 split between the Republicans and the Democrats leaving no Majority nor a Minority party. There would have to be 2 leaders for every commitee, A republican and a democrat. If these two men truly have the best interest of the COUNTRY AT HEART, they can Force a coming together in the Senate. Imagine a ...
While I agree that the Foley incident is abhorrent! anyone that abuses power in such a way should be punished! While I see the left dancing with glee over this I have two names for ALL You LIBERAL LOSERS! Gary A Condit {D} California... Chandra Levy Ted {I left her behind to die} Kennedy. Mary Jo Kopechne While I understand that writing nasty emails is BAD! Murder that they get away with seems just a tad worse!
Spent the morning catching up on some blogs not mine, Have not left any comments due to lack of interest! heh! Did notice a few new members blogging, LIBERALS... blind hate filled liberals salivating at the thought of regaining power. Hey I have a great idea, lets Impeach President Bush while we are fighting for our existence. More good plans from a party long dead, bereft of ideas, concerned with only the destruction of America> Fortunately living in the Liberal loon capitol OF THE WORLD&...
There is some interesting stuff happening in the court systems today. The ADF which is short for the Alliance Defense Fund has taken up the cry of mainstream folks and is challenging the COMMUNIST organization the ACLU, the bane of all that is decent and fair. The ADF's most recent victory was at the University of Texas Where the Liberal administration and Professors got together and censored the rights of Pro-life students to display information and events to further the cause of Pr...
Since this article has engendered such passionate responces I have deleted the parts that were misinformation or misleading. Hopefully this corrected version will now open up more debate. For the last 40 or so years homosexual activists have been striving to achieve not just acceptance, but complete infiltration into every nook and cranny of American life. Their way of living, they claim is just another "healthy" variation of human sexuality. Lets look at their intrus...
These are some thoughts from Representative John Murtha, an EX-Marine. A guide for those that do not know. Former marine= proud to have been and keeps the best of the corps inside. EX-marine= Someone not proud to have been a marine and is a disgrace to everything the corps stands for. The current war in Iraq has lasted longer than the Korean War, World War I and World War II in Europe. This war is the first protracted conflict in modern times in which our nation has not utilized a...
DAMN IT JEWBOY!! We sold you down the river! DIE already! {Howard Dean} I voted for that damn JEWBOY before I voted against him {Hanoijohn Kerry} Looks like Joe Lieberman just is not going to go away, much to the chagrin of far left liberal anti-war weenies everywhere. The betrayal of Joe Lieberman by a party he has served faithfully for 36 years has galvanized Republicans and independents not just in Connecticut, but in many other races around the country. Some republica...
Just to make sure we do not forget how "PATRIOTIC" the Hollywood crowd is, in protest of the war in Iraq and in support of Cindy {you do not speak for me! } Shehan A number of so called "STARS" are going to forgo their lifestyle of flying their own jets to shop in Paris and eating nothing but the best foods America has to offer and Fast one whole day! WOW! Gee a whole 24 hours with no food, but I am sure lots of EVIAN WATER to make sure these pampered morons do not get dehydrated. Hollywoo...
Once again the Senate and the House show their true color... GREEN for money. President Bush has been asking for Line Item veto power and once again he was turned away. The reasons given were "it gives the President to much power!" What a huge whopper. A presidential veto can be over come by a 2/3rds vote in the Senate. What is at stake here is the Senates and the Houses precious PORK~! as LONG AS ANYONE MIGHT THREATEN THEIR PET PROJECTS ...Read swine fe...
Every so ofter I like to watch shows featuring LIBERALS, It's a good way for me to get my morning laughter. Today's choice was watching Maury Povich and his even more liberals wife Connie Chung. The discussion was about Al Zarqawi, As guest they had A Professor from Berkeley I believe< you know Berkeley, one of the most insane liberal schools of HIGHER {In both senses of the word higher} As I watched and Listened in amazement I was treated to their unbiased opinion {sic} How Al Zarqawi ...
Happy the hypocrite got busted taking BRIBES in the guise of Three sets of boxing match tickets, while doing an investigation into, what else? corruption in Boxing! Of course Senator Reid sees nothing wrong with what he did and excuses it with " I got these tickets" so I could further investigate corruption in what is his home states second largest revenue, Gambling being the first. I am amazed that Reid who has been so outspoken and sanctimonious while decrying the Bribed taken by Republ...
Why is it when the United States makes a mistake in policy, a good part of the world seems to become unglued. Another nation could even be directly involved with the American mistakes yet the other country is given a pass, while America gets the blame, It seems that the rest of the world just loves bashing America for not attaining the goal of perfection in all things. We spend billion\s helping other countries get back on their collective feet, yet when America needs help, as shown with t...
We the people that are citizens of the United States have declared that we have the following rights. 1. The right to not spend our tax dollars supporting people that have broken the law to come to America ILLEGALLY. 2. The right to have English as our national language. 3. The right to Protect ourselves from criminals with no legal reprisal. 4.The right to vote in new amendments without some liberal judge over turning the will of the people. 5. The right to defend out borders wit...
Four out of five regents investigating Ward Churchill's behavior and his past works have decided that Mr. Churchill besides being an anti-American MAGGOT, has plagiarized several of his "written works" and falsified other documents. They have recommended his dismissal. yay! Of course this piece of anti-American garbage, most renowned for his "little eichmanns " remarks after the horror of September 11th, gloating, happy about all the death of his fellow Americans, is screaming, "i will sue...