There is some interesting stuff happening in the court systems today.
The ADF which is short for the Alliance Defense Fund has taken up the cry of mainstream folks and is challenging the COMMUNIST organization the ACLU, the bane of all that is decent and fair.
The ADF's most recent victory was at the University of Texas Where the Liberal administration and Professors got together and censored the rights of Pro-life students to display information and events to further the cause of Pro-life. We know that as long as it is the Pro-choice crowd {read baby killers} doing the same it is fine, but when Pro-life wants the same time, space and respect the liberal left goes completely insane and does there best to stop freedom of speech. Liberals are only liberal when you completely agree with them. The courts overruled the Administration and allowed the Pro-life people to have there say along with the pro-choice {read baby killers}.
The ADF also argued Rumsfeld vrs Forum and academic and institution rights, where as the Federal Government has the right to stop all federal funds to schools that do not allow military recruiters on campus. The court upheld the Federal rights to deny monies! YAY!!!!
The ADF is now pursuing action AGAINST THE ACLU, IN THE CASE of The Boy Scouts of America vrs the ACLU that the ACLU and other leftist groups are harassing and assaulting the BOY scouts through needless court actions. I hope the ADF wins this one.
Also in the courts is the Philadelphia eleven vrs Philly "pride" a violent Homosexual group with a combat wing called the pink Angels. This suit is in action that the Philadelphia police conspired with Philly Pride to deny the Philadelphia eleven the right to protest, hand out literature at a GAY RALLY. it turned violent and no Gays were arrested but the Christian group was and charged with many felonies. The courts threw out the charges after public outcry and is now entertaining the new action against the homosexuals and the police for conspiracy.
Looks like the underdogs {that would be us law abiding peaceful folks } have a new Champion in the ADF. Finally a group of lawyers tired of the ACLU running roughshod over our rights.