America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Moderateman's Articles In Surgery
July 28, 2005 by Moderateman
I have been following lifehappens blog on child abortion without or with parents permission, and since my question went unanswered there I will pose it here with statements and questions. Why stop at parental permission for abortion? Just let the kids decide what is right or wrong for themselves? WRONG! How about other surgeries? Nose jobs. Breast implants. Lipo suction. Stomach stapling. Sure let them all have anykind of surgeries they want, after all they know whats b...
August 31, 2006 by Moderateman
 Western Medicine sucks! I have a growth on the outside of my pinko toe{named after the far left} about the size of 1/2 a golf ball Hurts like hell too. Went to my G.P. Doctor he said "wow that's interesting" "I have no idea what it is", He called a foot Dr. while I was in room, the foot Dr. says give him massive shot of antibiotic's, ever have a massive shot of antibiotics? It is this thick stuff they shoot in your "hip" {read ass}hurts like hell, makes leg numb and puts a knot on ...
July 26, 2007 by Moderateman
 WELL my friends my surgery date has been set for Sept 12th this year, now I get to worry a whole 6 weeks before the cutting begins, LET THE FEAR BEGIN!!   This morning I finally had my 'reading' of my MRI about my right shoulder problems, well the good news is, no torn rotator cuff, the bad news is I have frozen shoulder syndrome. meaning some ligaments and tendons have attached themselves to part of the bone itself. So when I get a surgery date I will be out of writing commi...