While watching the news I am once again shocked to see how out of touch the left is with REALITY.
They demand we play fair with a group of people bent on the total destruction of America.
This is total bull dookey!!!!
Keeping a room hot is not torture..... remember these nut jobs live and fight in the freaking DESERT.
Keeping a room cold is not torture,.. these same nutjobs live in caves.. to hide so they can keep killing innocent people..
Playing music loud while very annoying {90 decibels} is not torture {unless its babs striesand singing}
Making a person stand in an uncomfortable position is NOT torture.
Putting a hood over someones head is scarey but is not torture.
We do worse to our own american peoples. the prisons of america...
I once again find myself asking what is it with the left that they cry for our enemies so loud.... for making them uncomfortable.
They {the enemy} has no compunction letting american wounds rot while holding them prisoners, beheading people publically. even tho these people are NOT combatants.
Killing a female aid worker, that so shocked the arab world that even aljazera a terroist news org would not show the tape of her killing.
NOw let me defang some of the leftwing bleeding hearts here before I catch some kinda disease from there bleeding all over my monitor.
I do not condone hooking someone genitals to a battery... Cutting there ears off..ramming sharp objects up there fingernails.. or any form of what really qualifies as torture.. Unlike what the germans and japaneese did to us military people in ww2 and the vietnameese did in viet nam war.
We are in a fight with a people that DO NOT GIVE A FLYING frell about playing by any rules .. why does the left insist we do??
please dont bleed all over by taking some kinda american supiority stance.....The we must show the world how good we are crap....
This is A WAR for survival... get it right and get it now before its too late...