America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Let there be booze!
Published on May 14, 2007 By Moderateman In Philosophy

 An Eighteen year old can, Marry, have children, go to work, Raise children. look out for their welfare.

 An eighteen year old can operate heavy machinery, Drive a car, Climb tall buildings walk on a thin piece of iron to weld it together.

An eighteen year old can go to war, die for his country, carry deadly weapons in war and in peace.

Operate helicopters, repair them too.

Vote for the President, their Senator, their representative in the house, the Mayor of the city they live in, the Governor of the state they reside in.

In other words they have every right and responsibility a 21 year old, a 30 year old, a 50 year old , a 90 year old person has except for one thing.

SIMPLY THEY CANNOT BELLY up to a bar and have a beer if they want one. I find this insane, demeaning to them and downright silly to deny a returning hero from a war, the right to have a beer with his father in a bar to celebrate his safe return, all because he is 17, 18, 19 or 20 years of age!

Comments (Page 4)
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on May 19, 2007

Reply By: little-whipPosted: Saturday, May 19, 2007
Reply By: Sean Conners aka SConn1Posted: Friday, May 18, 2007


I have read and "heard" both your responses, and will abide by them. I will not chose sides because frankly if forced to chose sides I will side with whip every time, right or wrong, she is indeed my friend , with all the privileges the word "friend" implies to me.


Both of you have a nice day.

Sabrina? I will call sometimes today or tomorrow.


on May 25, 2007

Reply By: little-whipPosted: Saturday, May 19, 2007
I will not chose sides because frankly if forced to chose sides

Sweets, I'd never make ya do that, and you know it. I don't begrudge you your willingness to 'get along' with Sean or trudy or anybody else who carries the 'We hate LW flag.'

I know this ,I was simply stating my truth.

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